How social media accounts like Millionaire Motivator are shaping a new generation of entrepreneurs

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With the rise of social media, a new generation of entrepreneurs and professionals have emerged. Gone are the days of young, up-and-coming generations opting for traditional routes of obtaining a formal education followed by a traditional nine to five profession. These days, Millennials and Gen Z are motivated by opportunities that are unconventional and often have potential for their income to increase exponentially. Many are now refusing the idea of accepting careers that have a limit to how much they can earn and instead, embracing the entrepreneurial concept of focus, drive, and determination.
And while a formal education is certainly valid for particular professions, what many young and motivated professionals have learned is that the best kind of education is often self-taught and learned by experience. Today, many emerging entrepreneurs have turned to online resources like podcasts, video and even social media to strengthen their acumen for business and strategy. Even Instagram now plays a part as there are accounts solely intended for motivating and inspiring professionals to be independent and successful. For instance, Millionaire Motivator, an account just shy of a million followers, shares content on a daily basis that encourages success, positivity and inspiration.
With the podcast and digital generation rising up, the theme among this generation of entrepreneurs is, “How can I get better?” Sharing multiple posts a day that enlist positivity, motivation, and inspiring content that is often pulled from the stories of other highly successful, well-known individuals, Millionaire Motivator is a glimpse into the mindset of the types of entrepreneurs that this day and age is producing.
While social media was once purposed for interacting socially online and even sharing funny, relatable content via memes, the platforms’ potential remains endless as today’s generations continue to find ways to create new, innovative success inspired by what they choose to surround themselves with.
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