Pinterest is Now TAG Brand Safety Certified

Pinterest has been awarded the brand safety certification from the Trustworthy Accountability Group (TAG), an organization that works to increase trust and transparency in digital advertising by fighting against criminal activity online. This is a great achievement for Pinterest as well as a positive sign for brands advertising on the platform or for those considering it as part of their marketing strategy in the near future.
Mike Zaneis, the CEO of TAG marks:
“By achieving TAG Brand Safety Certified status, Pinterest has demonstrated its commitment to protecting its partners and users by adopting industry best practices against inappropriate ad placement and other brand safety threats,”
To earn the “TAG Brand Safety Certified” status that extends across APAC, Europe, Latin America and North America, Pinterest had to meet rigorous standards:
All of their digital advertising agreements have to adhere to TAG’s Brand Safety Principles.
100% of monetizable transactions on the platform are reviewed through “inclusion and exclusion lists,” as defined in their digital advertising agreements.
Clear documentation of policies and procedures to minimize the risk of ad misplacement. This could include anything from staff, tools and technology used to review and flag content to the processes and procedures used to identifying inclusion and exclusion lists to verify content as brand safe.
The brand has a TAG compliance officer and attends TAG annual training.
Near the end of 2020, Pinterest joined the Global Alliance for Responsible Media and has been advocating more for brand and consumer safety. Pinterest has also launched a dedicated Brand Safety Hub that outlines the platform’s multi-year efforts to keep making Pinterest a safe place for brands. No wonder 91% of people say they see Pinterest as a positive place. In Pinterest’s words, they believe you “can’t feel inspired without feeling safe first.”
For brands, this means they can approach the platform with confidence as they look for a reliable space to market their business. Even without this certificate, Pinterest remains a powerful social media network for brands as 2 out of 3 people say they go to Pinterest to find new products and services they trust.
It will be interesting to see what the next steps for Pinterest will be in their transparency and safety efforts, but for now this certification gives Pinterest the crown over other platforms.