John Mueller States Organic Web Traffic Is Not a Ranking Factor

This video recording of the Google SEO office-hours hangout from May 7, 2021 Googles John Muller states that organic web traffic is not a search engine ranking factor. SEO Professionals shocked!
This comment was first poinited by editors from a tech news website based in Australia
Watching this video from the 18:53 minute will revile that Google themsevles say organic search traffic is not a search engine ranking factor.
Organic web traffic is simply the way to optimize your blog on internet reach without resorting to the paid ways of advertising. In Google’s eyes, high quality and relevant content are more valuable to Google than paid advertisements. But only great, relevant content can generate significant organic traffic not only without promotion but also with little or no effort. Only after many efforts were we able to get ourselves in the big league of these super blogging gurus. Let us now look at some of the most effective ways of creating high quality, relevant and organic web traffic that will not only boost your ranking but will also help your website to convert better.
The first and the foremost important strategy that must be used for optimal optimization is Link Building. There are different ways of doing this, and for optimum results you must make sure that you are focusing on optimizing each aspect of your link building strategy. You need to optimize your external linking strategies like adding your website URL to other sites as well as social media networking profiles. If you want to make sure that your link building strategy is delivering results, it is important that you also make sure that you are performing proper and honest link building techniques. This ensures that Google and other search engines do not penalize your site by pointing out any fraudulent links.
One of the simplest yet most effective ways to start optimizing your web pages for the search engines today is by utilizing the On-Page Optimization. This technique involves making sure that your website is as search engine friendly as possible and that the keywords and the phrases that you use in the title tags, Meta tags and content of your website are those that Google spiders find most frequently. You can learn more about this on-page optimization strategy by following Google’s on-page optimization tutorials. One of the reasons why On-Page Optimization has been considered so effective is because it is 100% free!
Another technique that you can do in order to increase the relevance of your keywords and the relevance of your content to a target audience is by making sure that your meta tags and title tags are optimized properly. It does not matter whether or not you are using Google AdWords to pay for the relevant keywords that you need to have on your site. The important thing here is that you get good search engine rankings for them. This is where on-page optimization steps come into play.
If you also want to improve the quality and relevancy of the information that you deliver to your visitors as well as ensure that you get good search engine rankings for it, then it is time that you move on to off page optimization. One of the ways that you can do this is by improving the user experience that your visitors have when they visit your web pages. If your website is not pleasant to look at or to navigate through, then you will not get much user experience from your visitors. As such, you need to make sure that the links that you use in your web pages are optimized and there are no spelling or grammatical errors in them as well.
In a nutshell, there are two important things that you need to focus on if you are looking to promote your site using either paid methods or the more popular and less expensive SEO methods. First is backlinks and second is user experience optimization. If you want to optimize your keyword density in order to increase your backlinks, then you should know about how to use Google Keyword Tool. And you should know how to optimize your content to make sure that it is entertaining, educative, and provides relevant information to your potential buyers. Hopefully after reading this article, you will have a better idea of how you can go about optimizing your web pages and your keywords in order to get the best results from both paid advertising and the free method of promoting your business online.