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How Many & Which Ones



How Many & Which Ones

Typical advice says that there are five to 10 content marketing goals and that you can hit them separately with different types of content. I think there are two mistakes in this approach.

First, it mistakes goals for outcomes of content marketing. 

Second, you shouldn’t design to hit only one of those “goals” because it can hurt content quality. 

In this article, I’ll share a perspective on what’s wrong with the typical model and offer a solution —a slightly more streamlined (and hopefully realistic) approach to content goals.

The problem with traditional content marketing goals

For years, we’ve been getting used to the same set of content marketing goals. It goes something like this:

  • Brand awareness 
  • Lead generation
  • Thought leadership 
  • Lead nurturing
  • Creating interest in the product 
  • Conversion (sales/sign-ups)
  • Brand loyalty 
  • Customer retention 

Sounds familiar? These are the traditional marketing goals repeated by countless publications over the years. 

Surprisingly, these goals were built upon two simple fallacies.

1. Mistaking outcomes for goals 

In reality, those are not marketing goals; those are outcomes of good content marketing. In other words, this is how businesses benefit from creating helpful and enjoyable content. 

If you’re wondering what the difference is:

Goals vs. objectives

So the reason to do content marketing is to achieve the outcomes. But to achieve them, you need something else. You need goals that lead to those outcomes. 

2. Implying that you can/should focus on one goal 

Imagine that your “goal” is to make content that will generate more leads. 

Does that mean you can forget about building trust, creating brand awareness, and educating the audience on that same piece of content? 

And why would someone sign up for your product or newsletter if they thought the content was of poor quality?

The point that I’m trying to make is that you can’t just pick one of those traditional goals and forget the rest. 

If you insist on keeping your content about only one of those traditional goals, you risk deteriorating its quality and, as a result, limiting the outcomes. 

Conversely, good content brings multiple outcomes at the same time. It’s just like working out—it affects the whole body and your mind too. But only if you do it right. 

The root of the problem

The above two fallacies have the same root: thinking about content in a business-centric way and not a user-centric one. 

Good content is user-centric. 

At the end of the day, all businesses expect marketing to increase sales. But consumers weigh in many aspects before making a choice. Not all of them can be influenced by marketing, especially content marketing. 

In reality, all content marketing can influence is more or less these three things: 

  • Education
  • Inspiration
  • Entertainment

I propose to use them as content marketing goals. 

Think of the traditional marketing goals as outcomes of user-centric content and consider the following as your new goals. 

Goal 1. Education 

This is where you create helpful content about: 

  • Problems your product or service can solve.
  • Things that your product/service can make better. 
  • Other challenges your audience experiences (relevant to your business).

Educational content works out for businesses because people need information to thrive in this world. But what’s even better than information is a tool that helps you use that information and solve your problems. With content marketing, companies can deliver those two things simultaneously: information and the means to use it. 

Let’s look at three examples. 

Our article called “How to Rank Higher on Google” is an example of the first category—content about a challenge an SEO suite like ours can help to solve. 

Article title

It’s also the kind of topic we’ll prioritize because of the high Traffic Potential.

Keyword data via Ahrefs' Keywords Explorer
Data via Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer.

The next example is from Zapier. Although its app doesn’t directly solve the problem of “the best to-do list app,” it can make any app experience better via automated integrations. 

Calls to action in Zapier's article

The third example shows that you can be helpful to your audience even if the solution doesn’t lie within your product. The first page of Google for “how to say no to customers” is dominated by companies whose products can’t solve the problem. 

SERP overview in Ahrefs

Goal 2. Inspiration 

This is content that gives people “the spark” to act and achieve their goals. 

Inspiration is different from education in a way that it doesn’t serve complete solutions. It acts on imagination and emotion to show the possible or states an important question. Plus, it’s typically more influential than educational content. 

Inspiration works for businesses because it: 

  • Allows you to reach people before they experience a problem your product solves and when they’re not looking to solve a problem. This allows you to beat the competition to the punch.
  • Makes an emotional connection with your audience through excitement and enthusiasm. Emotions make brands unforgettable. 
  • Lets inspirational brands really stand out. 
  • Has the power to influence. 
  • May make people want to come back spontaneously. And that’s important because then the content makes its way to the reader without any competition. 

Here’s an example from InVision. It has an entire podcast section where it interviews popular and influential people on topics that generate unforgettable inspiration. 

Podcast interview with John Cleese

InVision’s podcasts don’t talk about the product but:

  • The branding is there.
  • Inspiration is the creative fuel for its target audience. 

Goal 3. Entertainment

Make “lighter” content with the goal of entertaining your audience. But only if you see signals that your audience appreciates that. 

Entertaining content may work for your business in similar ways to inspirational content. It creates an emotional connection and gives the audience a compelling reason to come back. But while inspirational content needs something profound (food for thought), entertaining content will mainly aim to catch the attention and evoke an experience.

On top of that, entertaining content has arguably the broadest reach potential from all three types because: 

  • People rarely miss an occasion to be entertained. 
  • In a market where everyone has already published “The Ultimate Guide to X,” you get to jump over that with content no one else has seen before. 
  • It can reach people very early on in their customer journey. Possibly even earlier than inspirational content. 
  • It has high potential to go viral. 

Again, this kind of content may work, but it’s a bit tricky to handle. Businesses are not the usual entertainers (especially B2B ones). However, entertainment doesn’t need to be about posting memes on social media; after all, there are many movie genres, and they are all entertaining. 

In the same sense, entertainment can come from serious topics too. Here’s an example from Mailchimp. It’s a documentary about the owner of a historical candy store.  

Entertaining content example from Mailchimp

This is not an obvious way to do marketing, I get it. But pair that image with a quote (provided to Variety) from Mailchimp VP Mark DiCristina, and you’ll get the idea: 

We see this content being a great vehicle for attracting people to Mailchimp who have never heard of us and maybe don’t need us yet.

The three goals and their outcomes 

As already mentioned, achieving multiple outcomes is a general characteristic of good content marketing. However, with these three goals, you are able to direct your focus on a particular outcome. It’s analogical to training muscle parts—every training will help you burn energy, but you can focus on some parts more than others. 

Here’s a rough breakdown. 

Education Inspiration Entertainment
Primary outcome Interest in the product Interest in the brand Attention and awareness

How to achieve your new content goals

Here are a few tips that will help you work with setting and achieving content marketing goals. 

Express your goals 

So we’ve got three general content marketing goals so far. The problem is they’re too general. We need to make them practical using a goal-setting method. 

One method you have probably heard of is the SMART method. But since not everyone agrees with it, here are some others: CLEAR, PACT, etc.

I think they all have something to offer and are a matter of personal preference because all are open to interpretation. So use whatever goal-setting method that suits you best to educate, inspire, or entertain your audience. Just consider this: 

  • Focus on the outputs you can control – What you can’t control, you can’t control. 
  • Don’t use time frames that are too strict – Good content takes time to produce, and it takes time to show effects too. 
  • Use simple, practical KPIs – This will help you stay on track (more on this in a bit).
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment – If you’re not sure what will happen, make it your goal to find out. 

So here are a few examples:

Good Bad
Publish nine educational articles and two inspirational in Q3 Generate 400 leads with the new ebook
Test the impact on engagement by publishing 20% more entertaining content pieces in the next six weeks Become a thought leader in our industry by the end of this year
See if focusing the content on features X, Y, Z will increase their usage this quarter Decrease churn rate by 2%

Use simple, practical KPIs

Content marketing is a long-term game. It’s important to make sure you’re going in the right direction right off the gate and stay on track. This is where KPIs come into play.

The problem is content analytics can become complicated really fast, and there are only imperfect solutions in this area. My advice is to start with simple, actionable KPIs. Once you get more confident, see if adding more metrics helps you create better content. 

Here are some ideas for practical content marketing KPIs:

  • Publication rate
  • Social media engagement 
  • Share of voice 
  • NPS
  • Impact on product usage 

Let’s take a quick look at each of those. 

Publication rate 

Publication rate is about taking chances. Think of your content topics as chances you need to take to hit your outcomes. The more good chances you take (i.e., topics), the more probable the outcome. New content will help you get more traffic which, in turn, can attract new customers and keep your audience in touch with your brand. 

To illustrate, the more SEO content you create, the more organic traffic you can generate. 

Organic traffic linear relationship with organic pages
Organic traffic to our blog (orange line) increases as we create more content about topics people search for (yellow line).

Keep in mind to put quality over quantity. It sounds cliche, but it’s going to be important for your brand’s reputation. 

Social media engagement 

If you use social media for publishing content (and you probably will), then you can use social media metrics to see what resonates with your audience. 

Social media metrics are often regarded as vanity metrics. But it all depends on how you use them.

Something worth considering is using social media metrics only relative to your social media profile. If you see some content getting more likes, shares, and comments, that’s a sign you should probably do more of that type of content. 

Keep in mind these two specific things about social media:

  • There are multiple possible reasons why any social media post could be performing well or badly, e.g., time of day, more shares, content more suitable for the platform, etc. 
  • Sometimes content is engaging because of the messenger and not the message. That’s how Elon Musk gets viral-like numbers by tweeting three digits. 
Elon Musk's tweet

Share of voice in organic search

Share of voice (SOV) in organic search is an SEO metric used to show how visible your brand is compared to competitors for the keywords you target. 

It’s expressed by the percentage of all possible organic clicks (from SERPs) for the tracked keywords landing on your website. 

To track it, you need a tool like Ahrefs’ Rank Tracker. All you need to do is enter your target keywords, and the tool will automatically calculate and keep track of your SOV (among other things). 

SOV metric in Ahrefs' Rank Tracker


Organic search is an effective channel for content marketing. Optimizing your content for SEO allows you to get free, passive traffic. If you’re new to SEO, make sure to check out our guide.


NPS stands for Net Promoter Score. It’s a measure of how likely your audience is to recommend your brand, product, or even content to others. 

NPS is one of the most useful metrics in marketing and can be used for many aspects of the business, including content. The reason it’s so effective is that people won’t recommend things that make them look bad. It’s a matter of social image and responsibility. 

Here’s how it works: Ask your audience (through email or on-site) this question, “How likely are you to recommend to a friend or colleague?”

The answer is given on a 10-point scale. Generally, an NPS score of 30 to 70 is considered great and a score above 70 is excellent. 

How to calculate NPS

Impact on product usage 

Impact on product usage can help you measure your educational goals. 

The idea is simple: promoting product features through content should increase the usage of those features. 

To track feature usage, you will need product analytics tools such as Heap, Mixpanel, or PostHog.

Find good topics 

One of the best ways to find topics for content is to discover what people look for in Google—this is called keyword research. 

Here’s how you’ll do it in Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer

  1. Type in some things that your audience may be interested in, for instance, “car seat”
  2. Go to the Matching terms report 
  3. See keyword ideas 
How to look for topics with search potential

For example, here are some keywords that will probably make good topics for educational content:

Example keywords related to "car seats"

Other topic generation ideas: 

Find the right proportions

Focusing on only one goal can minimize the outcomes. 

But doing everything in equal proportion may not be optimal for your business. 

So what you need is to find the right proportions that will help you prioritize your goals. 

Unfortunately, there is no silver bullet. You’ll need to experiment and find out what works in your niche with your brand. 

Two quick tips to get you started:

  • You can “guesstimate” a reasonable number and see what happens – For example, 70% education, 20% inspiration, 10% entertainment. 
  • You can use our prioritization matrix – At Ahrefs, we practice product-led content, which means we prioritize articles that allow us to feature the product naturally. As a result, usually, our goal is to educate. 
Table showing how business potential scores are determined

Think like a farmer, be resourceful

A resourceful farmer doesn’t let things go to waste. They will fix what’s broken and find ways to get the most out of the fruits of their farm.

A resourceful content marketing team will use a similar strategy. Its members won’t just publish something and forget. There are a few options to “squeeze” the most out of content:

If you’re worried that you’ll be repeating the same message or focusing too much on existing content instead of going full forward, consider this: 

  • Each of your content produces bits of information.
  • That information can be packed and repacked multiple times. 
  • Your audience is fragmented among different channels with different reach capabilities. 
  • Messages are more effective when repeated (of course, there’s a limit to this too).

This idea is nothing new. Walt Disney’s success is built upon the idea of diversification and recycling. It’s all laid out in this amazingly complex drawing from 1957. 

Walt Disney's strategy

Final thoughts 

OK, so is it that simple to stop worrying about business outcomes and just focus on one of these three goals? Not necessarily: 

  • Success rarely comes overnight. You will still need to try different things to find what resonates with your audience.
  • While you’re out there on a mission to create epic content, your boss could expect that every piece of content brings in customers. 
  • This approach to content marketing goals is a generalization. And just like any generalization, it simplifies things and makes compromises. Treat it rather like a compass than a map.

Got questions or comments? Let me know on Twitter or Mastodon.

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Google Ads To Phase Out Enhanced CPC Bidding Strategy




Google Ads To Phase Out Enhanced CPC Bidding Strategy

Google has announced plans to discontinue its Enhanced Cost-Per-Click (eCPC) bidding strategy for search and display ad campaigns.

This change, set to roll out in stages over the coming months, marks the end of an era for one of Google’s earliest smart bidding options.

Dates & Changes

Starting October 2024, new search and display ad campaigns will no longer be able to select Enhanced CPC as a bidding strategy.

However, existing eCPC campaigns will continue to function normally until March 2025.

From March 2025, all remaining search and display ad campaigns using Enhanced CPC will be automatically migrated to manual CPC bidding.

Advertisers who prefer not to change their campaigns before this date will see their bidding strategy default to manual CPC.

Impact On Display Campaigns

No immediate action is required for advertisers running display campaigns with the Maximize Clicks strategy and Enhanced CPC enabled.

These campaigns will automatically transition to the Maximize Clicks bidding strategy in March 2025.

Rationale Behind The Change

Google introduced Enhanced CPC over a decade ago as its first Smart Bidding strategy. The company has since developed more advanced machine learning-driven bidding options, such as Maximize Conversions with an optional target CPA and Maximize Conversion Value with an optional target ROAS.

In an email to affected advertisers, Google stated:

“These strategies have the potential to deliver comparable or superior outcomes. As we transition to these improved strategies, search and display ads campaigns will phase out Enhanced CPC.”

What This Means for Advertisers

This update signals Google’s continued push towards more sophisticated, AI-driven bidding strategies.

In the coming months, advertisers currently relying on Enhanced CPC will need to evaluate their options and potentially adapt their campaign management approaches.

While the change may require some initial adjustments, it also allows advertisers to explore and leverage Google’s more advanced bidding strategies, potentially improving campaign performance and efficiency.


What change is Google implementing for Enhanced CPC bidding?

Google will discontinue the Enhanced Cost-Per-Click (eCPC) bidding strategy for search and display ad campaigns.

  • New search and display ad campaigns can’t select eCPC starting October 2024.
  • Existing campaigns will function with eCPC until March 2025.
  • From March 2025, remaining eCPC campaigns will switch to manual CPC bidding.

How will this update impact existing campaigns using Enhanced CPC?

Campaigns using Enhanced CPC will continue as usual until March 2025. After that:

  • Search and display ad campaigns employing eCPC will automatically migrate to manual CPC bidding.
  • Display campaigns with Maximize Clicks and eCPC enabled will transition to the Maximize Clicks strategy in March 2025.

What are the recommended alternatives to Enhanced CPC?

Google suggests using its more advanced, AI-driven bidding strategies:

  • Maximize Conversions – Can include an optional target CPA (Cost Per Acquisition).
  • Maximize Conversion Value – Can include an optional target ROAS (Return on Ad Spend).

These strategies are expected to deliver comparable or superior outcomes compared to Enhanced CPC.

What should advertisers do in preparation for this change?

Advertisers need to evaluate their current reliance on Enhanced CPC and explore alternatives:

  • Assess how newer AI-driven bidding strategies can be integrated into their campaigns.
  • Consider transitioning some campaigns earlier to adapt to the new strategies gradually.
  • Leverage tools and resources provided by Google to maximize performance and efficiency.

This proactive approach will help manage changes smoothly and explore potential performance improvements.

Featured Image: Vladimka production/Shutterstock

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The 25 Biggest Traffic Losers in SaaS



The 25 Biggest Traffic Losers in SaaS

We analyzed the organic traffic growth of 1,600 SaaS companies to discover the SEO strategies that work best in 2024…

…and those that work the worst.

In this article, we’re looking at the companies that lost the greatest amount of estimated organic traffic, year over year.

  • We analyzed 1,600 SaaS companies and used the Ahrefs API to pull estimated monthly organic traffic data for August 2023 and August 2024.
  • Companies were ranked by estimated monthly organic traffic loss as a percentage of their starting traffic.
  • We’ve filtered out traffic loss caused by website migrations and URL redirects and set a minimum starting traffic threshold of 10,000 monthly organic pageviews.

This is a list of the SaaS companies that had the greatest estimated monthly organic traffic loss from August 2023 to August 2024.


Our organic traffic metrics are estimates, and not necessarily reflective of the company’s actual traffic (only they know that). Traffic loss is not always bad, and there are plenty of reasons why companies may choose to delete pages and sacrifice keyword rankings.

Rank Company Change Monthly Organic Traffic 2023 Monthly Organic Traffic 2024 Traffic Loss
1 Causal -99.52% 307,158 1,485 -305,673
2 Contently -97.16% 276,885 7,866 -269,019
3 Datanyze -95.46% 486,626 22,077 -464,549
4 BetterCloud -94.14% 42,468 2,489 -39,979
5 Ricotta Trivia -91.46% 193,713 16,551 -177,162
6 Colourbox -85.43% 67,883 9,888 -57,995
7 Tabnine -84.32% 160,328 25,142 -135,186
8 AppFollow -83.72% 35,329 5,753 -29,576
9 Serverless -80.61% 37,896 7,348 -30,548
10 UserGuiding -80.50% 115,067 22,435 -92,632
11 Hopin -79.25% 19,581 4,064 -15,517
12 Writer -78.32% 2,460,359 533,288 -1,927,071
13 NeverBounce by ZoomInfo -77.91% 552,780 122,082 -430,698
14 ZoomInfo -76.11% 5,192,624 1,240,481 -3,952,143
15 Sakari -73.76% 27,084 7,106 -19,978
16 Frase -71.39% 83,569 23,907 -59,662
17 LiveAgent -70.03% 322,613 96,700 -225,913
18 Scoro -70.01% 51,701 15,505 -36,196
19 accessiBe -69.45% 111,877 34,177 -77,700
20 Olist -67.51% 204,298 66,386 -137,912
21 Hevo Data -66.96% 235,427 77,781 -157,646
22 TextGears -66.68% 19,679 6,558 -13,121
23 Unbabel -66.40% 45,987 15,450 -30,537
24 Courier -66.03% 35,300 11,992 -23,308
25 G2 -65.74% 4,397,226 1,506,545 -2,890,681

For each of the top five companies, I ran a five-minute analysis using Ahrefs Site Explorer to understand what may have caused their traffic decline. 

Possible explanations include Google penalties, programmatic SEO, and AI content.

Causal 2023 2024 Absolute change Percent change
Organic traffic 307,158 1,485 -305,673 -99.52%
Organic pages 5,868 547 -5,321 -90.68%
Organic keywords 222,777 4,023 -218,754 -98.19%
Keywords in top 3 8,969 26 -8943 -99.71%

Causal is a finance platform for startups. They lost an estimated 99.52% of their organic traffic as a result of a Google manual penalty:

This story might sound familiar. Causal became internet-famous for an “SEO heist” that saw them clone a competitor’s sitemap and use generative AI to publish 1,800 low-quality articles like this:

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Google caught wind and promptly issued a manual penalty. Causal lost hundreds of rankings and hundreds of thousands of pageviews, virtually overnight:

The 25 Biggest Traffic Losers in SaaSThe 25 Biggest Traffic Losers in SaaS

As the Ahrefs SEO Toolbar shows, the offending blog posts are now 301 redirected to the company’s (now much better, much more human-looking) blog homepage:

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Contently 2023 2024 Absolute change Percent change
Organic traffic 276,885 7,866 -269,019 -97.16%
Organic pages 32,752 1,121 -31,631 -96.58%
Organic keywords 94,706 12,000 -82,706 -87.33%
Keywords in top 3 1,874 68 -1,806 -96.37%

Contently is a content marketing platform. They lost 97% of their estimated organic traffic by removing thousands of user-generated pages.

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Almost all of the website’s traffic loss seems to stem from deindexing the subdomains used to host their members’ writing portfolios:

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A quick Google search for “contently writer portfolios” suggests that the company made the deliberate decision to deindex all writer portfolios by default, and only relist them once they’ve been manually vetted and approved:

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We can see that these portfolio subdomains are now 302 redirected back to Contently’s homepage:

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And looking at the keyword rankings Contently lost in the process, it’s easy to guess why this change was necessary. It looks like the free portfolio subdomains were being abused to promote CBD gummies and pirated movies:

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Datanyze 2023 2024 Absolute change Percent change
Organic traffic 486,626 22,077 -464,549 -95.46%
Organic pages 1,168,889 377,142 -791,747 -67.74%
Organic keywords 2,565,527 712,270 -1,853,257 -72.24%
Keywords in top 3 7,475 177 -7,298 -97.63%

Datanyze provides contact data for sales prospecting. They lost 96% of their estimated organic traffic, possibly as a result of programmatic content that Google has since deemed too low quality to rank.

1725893767 1 The 25 Biggest Traffic Losers in SaaS1725893767 1 The 25 Biggest Traffic Losers in SaaS

Looking at the Site Structure report in Ahrefs, we can see over 80% of the website’s organic traffic loss is isolated to the /companies and /people subfolders:

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Looking at some of the pages in these subfolders, it looks like Datanyze built thousands of programmatic landing pages to help promote the people and companies the company offers data for:

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As a result, the majority of Datanyze’s dropped keyword rankings are names of people and companies:

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Many of these pages still return 200 HTTP status codes, and a Google site search still shows hundreds of indexed pages:

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In this case, not all of the programmatic pages have been deleted—instead, it’s possible that Google has decided to rerank these pages into much lower positions and drop them from most SERPs.

BetterCloud 2023 2024 Absolute change Percent change
Organic traffic 42,468 2,489 -39,979 -94.14%
Organic pages 1,643 504 -1,139 -69.32%
Organic keywords 107,817 5,806 -102,011 -94.61%
Keywords in top 3 1,550 32 -1,518 -97.94%

Bettercloud is a SaaS spend management platform. They lost 94% of their estimated organic traffic around the time of Google’s November Core Update:

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Looking at the Top Pages report for BetterCloud, most of the traffic loss can be traced back to a now-deleted /academy subfolder:

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The pages in the subfolder are now deleted, but by using Ahrefs’ Page Inspect feature, it’s possible to look at a snapshot of some of the pages’ HTML content.

This short, extremely generic article on “How to Delete an Unwanted Page in Google Docs” looks a lot like basic AI-generated content:

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This is the type of content that Google has been keen to demote from the SERPs.

Given the timing of the website’s traffic drop (a small decline after the October core update, and a precipitous decline after the November core update), it’s possible that Google demoted the site after an AI content generation experiment.

Ricotta Trivia 2023 2024 Absolute change Percent change
Organic traffic 193,713 16,551 -177,162 -91.46%
Organic pages 218 231 13 5.96%
Organic keywords 83,988 37,640 -46,348 -55.18%
Keywords in top 3 3,124 275 -2,849 -91.20%

Ricotta Trivia is a Slack add-on that offers icebreakers and team-building games. They lost an estimated 91% of their monthly organic traffic, possibly because of thin content and poor on-page experience on their blog.

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Looking at the Site Structure report, 99.7% of the company’s traffic loss is isolated to the /blog subfolder:

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Digging into the Organic keywords report, we can see that the website has lost hundreds of first-page rankings for high-volume keywords like get to know you questions, funny team names, and question of the day:

1725893767 323 The 25 Biggest Traffic Losers in SaaS1725893767 323 The 25 Biggest Traffic Losers in SaaS

While these keywords seem strongly related to the company’s core business, the article content itself seems very thin—and the page is covered with intrusive advertising banners and pop-ups (a common hypothesis for why some sites were negatively impacted by recent Google updates):

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The site seems to show a small recovery on the back of the August 2024 core update—so there may be hope yet.

Final thoughts

All of the data for this article comes from Ahrefs. Want to research your competitors in the same way? Check out Site Explorer.

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Mediavine Bans Publisher For Overuse Of AI-Generated Content




Single continuous line drawing robot sitting near piles of work files.

According to details surfacing online, ad management firm Mediavine is terminating publishers’ accounts for overusing AI.

Mediavine is a leading ad management company providing products and services to help website publishers monetize their content.

The company holds elite status as a Google Certified Publishing Partner, which indicates that it meets Google’s highest standards and requirements for ad networks and exchanges.

AI Content Triggers Account Terminations

The terminations came to light in a post on the Reddit forum r/Blogging, where a user shared an email they received from Mediavine citing “overuse of artificially created content.”

Trista Jensen, Mediavine’s Director of Ad Operations & Market Quality, states in the email:

“Our third party content quality tools have flagged your sites for overuse of artificially created content. Further internal investigation has confirmed those findings.”

Jensen stated that due to the overuse of AI content, “our top partners will stop spending on your sites, which will negatively affect future monetization efforts.”

Consequently, Mediavine terminated the publisher’s account “effective immediately.”

The Risks Of Low-Quality AI Content

This strict enforcement aligns with Mediavine’s publicly stated policy prohibiting websites from using “low-quality, mass-produced, unedited or undisclosed AI content that is scraped from other websites.”

In a March 7 blog post titled “AI and Our Commitment to a Creator-First Future,” the company declared opposition to low-value AI content that could “devalue the contributions of legitimate content creators.”

Mediavine warned in the post:

“Without publishers, there is no open web. There is no content to train the models that power AI. There is no internet.”

The company says it’s using its platform to “advocate for publishers” and uphold quality standards in the face of AI’s disruptive potential.

Mediavine states:

“We’re also developing faster, automated tools to help us identify low-quality, mass-produced AI content across the web.”

Targeting ‘AI Clickbait Kingpin’ Tactics

While the Reddit user’s identity wasn’t disclosed, the incident has drawn connections to the tactics of Nebojša Vujinović Vujo, who was dubbed an “AI Clickbait Kingpin” in a recent Wired exposé.

According to Wired, Vujo acquired over 2,000 dormant domains and populated them with AI-generated, search-optimized content designed purely to capture ad revenue.

His strategies represent the low-quality, artificial content Mediavine has vowed to prohibit.

Potential Implications

Lost Revenue

Mediavine’s terminations highlight potential implications for publishers that rely on artificial intelligence to generate website content at scale.

Perhaps the most immediate and tangible implication is the risk of losing ad revenue.

For publishers that depend heavily on programmatic advertising or sponsored content deals as key revenue drivers, being blocked from major ad networks could devastate their business models.

Devalued Domains

Another potential impact is the devaluation of domains and websites built primarily on AI-generated content.

If this pattern of AI content overuse triggers account terminations from companies like Mediavine, it could drastically diminish the value proposition of scooping up these domains.

Damaged Reputations & Brands

Beyond the lost monetization opportunities, publishers leaning too heavily into automated AI content also risk permanent reputational damage to their brands.

Once a determining authority flags a website for AI overuse, it could impact how that site is perceived by readers, other industry partners, and search engines.

In Summary

AI has value as an assistive tool for publishers, but relying heavily on automated content creation poses significant risks.

These include monetization challenges, potential reputation damage, and increasing regulatory scrutiny. Mediavine’s strict policy illustrates the possible consequences for publishers.

It’s important to note that Mediavine’s move to terminate publisher accounts over AI content overuse represents an independent policy stance taken by the ad management firm itself.

The action doesn’t directly reflect the content policies or enforcement positions of Google, whose publishing partner program Mediavine is certified under.

We have reached out to Mediavine requesting a comment on this story. We’ll update this article with more information when it’s provided.

Featured Image: Simple Line/Shutterstock

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