Highly Cited Stories & Come Back Later For Evolving Results

Google is rolling out to features to give searchers more ammunition when looking at the search results on news related topics or evolving topics. One is a highly cited label for top stories and the other is more information about search results that are changing quickly.
Highly Cited Label
The highly cited label will roll out soon for mobile US English results on top stories that are cited a lot by other sources. Google said this label will help searchers “identify stories that have been frequently cited by other news organizations, giving you a simple way to find the most helpful or relevant information for a news story.”
Google added that this works for all sorts of stories including “investigative article, to an interview, an announcement, a press release or a local news story.”
The only criteria to get this badge is if a lot of other publishers link to that story. How many? I don’t know and don’t ask John Mueller.
I do not yet have a screenshot of this but Google said this is rolling out in the “coming weeks.”
Update, here is a screenshot of this:
Come Back Later & More Details For Evolving Results
Remember the notice Google shows searchers for topics that are evolving quickly? The it looks like these results are changing quickly” notice? Well, Google is adding to that some information from the about this result and also tips on how you can know if you can trust the result and then a tip that maybe the searcher should come back later, maybe in a few hours, as the search results get better and settle down.
Here is a screenshot of what this might look like:
This is launching today for English search results in the U.S. Google said “these notices will also include tips to help you evaluate information online – reminding you that you can check whether a source is trusted on a topic, or come back later when there’s more information available.”
More About This Result In Google Search
Also, Google improved the about this result feature to show more details with a way to see even more about the source/site, here is a GIF of that:
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