Marvel Fan Creates Custom Iron Man-Themed PlayStation 5

While the PlayStation 5 officially only comes in the standard white with a black middle bit, that hasn’t stopped folks from modifying their new next-gen consoles after the fact. While there have been many attempts to provide third-party faceplates with varying degrees of legality, the most common customizations seem to be simply modifying the base model white faceplates. Case in point, one Marvel fan has gone so far as to create a lovely custom model featuring Iron Man‘s repulsor on the side.
More specifically, Reddit user DGR8EST-1987 recently shared their handiwork over on the platform, posting photos of the progress from simply painting the thing to adding the repulsor itself. Broadly speaking, it looks as if the faceplates were removed, painted red, and then an off-the-shelf Iron Man repulsor night light was added to the side with some additional details added to make it appear like it’s bursting out from the side of the thing. You can check out the finished result below:

For what it’s worth, modifying the PlayStation 5’s faceplates seems relatively straightforward, but be warned that tampering with these sorts of things usually invalidates the warranty. Also, there’s always the possibility that you irreversibly break something in the process. The PlayStation 5 itself is now available with the version containing a disc drive running $499 while the all-digital console costs $399 — if you can find either of them in stock. You can check out all of our previous coverage of the PlayStation 5 right here.
Have you been able to pick up a PlayStation 5 as of yet? Have you tried modifying the faceplates yourself? Let us know in the comments, or feel free to reach out and hit me up directly over on Twitter at @rollinbishop to talk about all things gaming!