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Hulu and PC Game Pass: Friends with Benefits



To all our new friends from Hulu, welcome! Get your SSDs ready, warm up that mouse, because we’ve got a ton of games for you to dive into. We’re super excited to announce that we’re partnering with Hulu to offer eligible subscribers three free months of PC Game Pass as part of the Hulu Friends with Benefits initiative.

My recommendations:

  • If you don’t already have it, download the Xbox app on your PC. This is going to be your go-to program to launch your soon to be full list of “games to play next”!
  • Check out all the games in our library (I’d set the sort to see 200 games per page!)
  • Download the Xbox Game Pass mobile app – once you’ve figured out what games you want to play, you can use the app to remotely download games to your PC!
  • Download the EA Play app on your PC, because your membership also includes EA Play games!

So, buckle up, we’ve got even more games coming out in the next three months, so stay tuned to @XboxGamepassPC for what comes out next!

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