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Bing Chat Rolling Out Unauthenticated Access With Limited Chat Sessions



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Microsoft is rolling out allowing “unauthenticated” access to Bing Chat. This means, if you are using Microsoft Edge and you are not signed into your Microsoft account, you may be able to try out Bing, in a limited way.

Michael Schechter, Vice President, Growth and Distribution at Microsoft and Bing, wrote on Twitter, “As some of you have noticed, we’ve started rolling out unauthenticated chat access on Bing. Seeing only 5 chat turns per session? Sign in to have longer conversations.”

I personally tried this but I was not able to replicate this. But for some of you, Bing Chat might work without you signing into your Microsoft account.

Michael Schechter did say that you are limited to 5 chats per chat session, and to get access to more chats per sessions, you will need to login.

Here is his tweet:


Have you been able to replicate this? Again, this is something Microsoft is rolling out slowly, so you might not be able to see this yourself.

Forum discussion at Twitter.

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