Google Local Reviews Show Bar Representing Positive Vs. Unfavorable Mentions

Google lets you dive into some of the reviews on a business listing, so if you say show me the reviews of the bar in a hotel, Google will let you do that. Now, when you do that, Google will add a bar that shows you the positive versus unfavorable mentions of that bar in that venue.
Christina LeVasseur (Brodzky) I believe was the first to spot this and she posted this screenshot on Twitter. I have to be honest, my gut is telling me this is not new but I cannot find any mention of this feature in my archives (maybe I forgot how to search) – so I decided to cover it.
Here is the screenshot:
Now, I can replicate it, and so can almost everyone else, which tells me this is fully live and has been live for a while.
Here are more screenshots:
@rustybrick In the People of the mansion section displaying the percentage of unfavorable vs positive reviews. Business Profile is displaying the percentage of unfavorable vs positive reviews.
— Anuj thaker (@Anuj_Thaker03) November 20, 2022
— Mike Blumenthal (@mblumenthal) November 19, 2022
Again, this is a super nice way to see reviews.
Forum discussion at Twitter.
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