Pinterest Now Facilitates More Than 5 Billion Searches per Month

Pinterest has shared some new insights into user search activity as part of an overview of how its search system works, and how it has evolved over time to provide more accurate matches.

As explained by Pinterest:
“There are now more than 5 billion searches on Pinterest every month. As people prepare for a post-pandemic life, searches for outfits, vacations, and home renovations are at all-time highs, and searches for weddings have presumed pre-pandemic levels.”
That’s a lot of search activity – for context, Pinterest last, officially reported its total search volume in 2016, when it was facilitating 2 billion searches every month. That means Pinterest has increased its search volume by 150% over the last five years – which, given the pandemic, and the subsequent boost for eCommerce and online product discovery, is not overly surprising. But it does provide some additional context on Pinterest’s user traffic, with the majority of these searches (if not all) for products that people are looking to buy.
That’s still, of course, a long way off Google, at (reportedly) 3.5 billion searches every day. But again, Pinterest’s focus is on product listings specifically, and helping users find the right items to buy, be that via clothing Pins, recipes, travel notes, etc.
And as Pinterest notes, Pin search activity is also shifting as a result of the vaccine roll-out. Pinterest provided additional insight on this last month, noting that searches for “dream vacation destinations”, for example, are up 13x, while “luxury vacation” searches are up 6x. Now, Pinterest is seeing expanded travel-related trends emerge, which could provide more food for thought for your Pin strategy.
In addition to this, Pinterest says that the number of searches by Gen Z Pinners has increased 31% over the last year, while product searches, specifically, have grown more than 20x YoY.
Now with more than 478 million users, opportunity is rising in the Pins, and it’s worth noting these trend shifts within your strategic planning.
You can read more about the evolution of Pinterest search here.