Over the course of four seasons, and soon a fifth installment, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel has managed to one-up themselves and make the scale bigger, the...
Amazon, Apple, Facebook rejected builds startup, shares his story (representative image) Photo : iStock A startup founder and CEO, Roshan Patel has shared his story which...
Content practitioners create a spectrum of creative content. Some, like thought leadership e-books, entertaining videos, or customer stories, are seemingly filled with storytelling opportunities. Then, there...
Neverwinter: Northdark Reaches, developed in collaboration with New York Times bestselling author R.A. Salvatore and his son, Geno Salvatore, is now live. This new module explores...
You know that feeling when you’re watching a movie, and a character suddenly starts explaining things in so much detail you find yourself pulled entirely out...
Even if you’re not a professional storyteller, you can use storytelling frameworks to share more engaging narratives in your content marketing copy. You’ll not only be...
Instagram stories drive a ton of engagement. People see them at the top of the feed as soon as they log in, and users want to...
We recently introduced you to Agile Marketing Navigator, a flexible framework for navigating agile marketing for marketers, by marketers in the article A new way to...
Instagram is a powerful channel for businesses to reach a larger audience — in fact, approximately 80% of the platform’s one billion users follow at least...
In 2009, anthropological researchers made $8,000 on trinkets for which they paid just $1.25 each. What made these items feel valuable to buyers? Each trinket was...