Here is a photo of a Google street view car that was in a car crash somewhere. This was shared on Facebook and shared by Bill...
Here is an aerial view of part of the Google Kirkland, Seattle office. You can see that they have a tennis court and the net said...
I’m not sure what it is about the minor tweet details that Elon Musk believes will change the way that people perceive tweets, but he seems...
Google now can show you a Merchant Center with Google Business Profile status dashboard in the search results. This is similar to how Google shows your...
Here is a photo of some guy walking around Israel with an Apple Maps street view backpack. It was captured by Hillel Fuld the other day...
It has been two years since Facebook hit the snooze button on what to do about Donald Trump. After much dithering, Facebook said in 2021 that it suspend...
Google Maps can now show 360 views of the outside of some famous buildings and places. This gives some sort of aerial 360 view of the...
Okay, everyone hates the new tweet view counts – or not so much hates them, as a concept, but hates the way that they’re displayed, which...
Elon Musk announced today that Twitter will now display view counts on tweets, giving users more insight into the reach of other users’ content. Twitter’s tweet...
It’s Friday, so it’s time to check in on what’s happening at Elon’s ‘Twitter 2.0’ this week. Musk has slowed his declarations of late, with Twitter’s...