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11 Great Ways in 2023



11 Great Ways in 2023

Are you educated in machine learning technologies and want to know the best way to make money?

Or maybe you want to learn more about ML because you see its potential as an entrepreneur.

Then you’ll love this post.

We’re looking at 11 ways to make money with machine learning.

But this list isn’t a bunch of arbitrary ideas like “become a machine learning engineer”.

That’s not helpful.

Instead, you’ll get tangible examples you can use to get involved in the machine learning industry.

Let’s dive in.

What’s the Difference Between Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence?

Machine Learning (ML) is a subset of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and both play a big role in today’s digital economy.

Even though they’re related to each other, they differ in many ways.

To put it simply, AI is like a computerized brain that can do similar things that humans can do.

Like make decisions, solve problems, follow a set of rules, and understanding human language.

ML, on the other hand, learns patterns and makes predictions based on the data it’s given. This enables computers to learn and improve from data without being explicitly programmed.

How to Make Money with Machine Learning

According to Fortune Business Insights, the machine learning industry is expected to grow from $21.17 billion in 2022 to $209.91 billion by 2029.

This opens up new opportunities and a promising future for businesses and professionals who embrace its capabilities.

Here are 11 ways to capitalize on machine learning in your business or career.

1. Teach Machine Learning on YouTube and Monetize the Channel

YouTube is home to tons of creative people who share their skills in every topic imaginable.

And machine learning is no different.

Look at Siraj Raval for instance. His channel now sits at 745,000 subscribers and receives up to 50,000 views per day.

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The channel is centered around machine learning, artificial Intelligence, science, and mathematics.

Some of Siraj’s popular videos include:

  • I Built a Trading Bot with ChatGPT
  • Learn Machine Learning in 3 Months
  • How to Make a Prediction – Intro to Deep Learning #1

If you have an interest in machine learning or already know more than the average person, then a YouTube channel could be your preferred monetization method.

Start by finding other channels like Siraj’s and make a list of all their top-performing videos.

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Upload similar videos but with your own twist. Post consistently until your channel reaches the monetization threshold (4,000 hours of watch time and 1000 subscribers).

Then you can apply for the YouTube Partner Program and make money with ads.

2. Develop an ML-Powered Mobile App

11 Great Ways in 2023

Machine learning has become a standard in today’s most popular mobile apps, from social networking and dating algorithms to health and fitness recommendations.

Social media and dating apps will use machine learning to analyze user profiles for personalized ads or suggest potential dates.

Other apps may use chatbots and AI assistants to gather data to provide better experiences.

If you like the idea of developing a mobile app powered by machine learning, here are a couple of suggestions:

A personalized fitness trainer could create tailored workout plans based on the user’s diet, activity, and mood.

The built-in algorithm would offer real-time feedback by tracking the user’s progress.

Another idea that ties in nicely with this one is a smart meal planner. The app could analyze the user’s contents of their fridge and recommend healthy meals based on their preferences.

This type of app could learn eating habits and offer healthier alternatives to get the user on track to reach their goals.

3. Self Publish a Book on Machine Learning

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This machine learning book on Amazon has thousands of 5-star reviews and is now in its third edition.

And there are dozens of other ML books available.

If you have extensive knowledge of machine learning, why not self-publish a book on Amazon? This article breaks down 23 steps to success with self-publishing, but here’s a quick rundown.

First, do some research on the current books available on Amazon. You’ll need to know of a specific topic within machine learning you want to focus on.

Think of niching down a bit and choose a topic that would be valuable to the market.

What you don’t want is to create something too generic or regurgitate what’s already available.

Next, create a compelling book title that will wow potential buyers. Make it stand out so much they can’t say no.

The third step is to outline your book. Check other books’ table of contents and other popular articles online. You can even check Udemy courses to see what they include.

Then, you can start writing. This will take some time, but stick with it and try to write every day. Check Amazon reviews to see what readers like and don’t like in other books.

The final steps are to get a proofreader to edit your book and get it published through Amazon KDP.

You can read our post on how to self-publish on Amazon KDP for more details.

4. Start a Machine Learning Blog and Monetize with Ads

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A lot of people think that blogging is dying out, but with the right blog content strategy, it can be extremely lucrative.

They’re also great for beginner entrepreneurs because you only need a domain name and web hosting.

However, you’ll need to know your stuff about machine learning if you want to create content on the subject.

Or at least be interested in it and teach people as you learn.

It could also be a great venture to pair with a YouTube channel.

You can either write an article and then turn it into a YouTube video or create a YouTube video and transcribe it into a blog post.

That way you’re killing two birds with one stone.

How will you monetize?

Initially, you could offer consulting or services in the field of machine learning.

Then, you could earn money from display ads.

Eventually, you would be able to sell online courses and market them to your blogs traffic and email list.

A blog is an excellent way to make money, but you’ve gotta be in it for the long haul.

To get started with this method, read our post on how to start a blog.

Or if you’d like to follow along with a video course, be sure to check out The Affiliate Lab by Matt Diggity.

5. Create a Web App

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Web applications are a great way to make money online. If you’ve got the programming skills, this can be a lucrative business model.

Better still if you incorporate machine learning into the mix.

Plenty of sites use machine learning at their core to learn user behavior and provide personalized suggestions.

Think of Netflix and Spotify.

The algorithms built into these applications analyze users’ consumption, then recommend other related content.

You might not create the next Spotify or Netflix. But it’s very possible to develop something on a smaller scale.

For example, you could create an app where users add their favorite musicians, songs, and albums and get a list of similar music.

The same idea would work for movies.

Even a WordPress plugin like Link Whisper would fall into this category.

Link Whisper uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) to suggest better internal links between web pages.

With machine learning, the possibilities are endless.

6. Create a Chatbot

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Chatbots have blown up in the last few years, and now that ChatGPT is here, it’s easier than ever to create your own.

In January this year, Shawn Hill created a simple chatbot and sold it within 48 hours to for $10,000 (and a bologna sandwich). Here’s the full story:

Other chatbots are used for customer service, sales, marketing, or collecting leads.

Whatever chatbot you create, you could drive traffic to it and monetize with display ads. Package it up as a WordPress plugin and sell it on CodeCanyon.

Here are some ideas to get you thinking.

  1. Personal fitness coach chatbot: You answer questions about your fitness goals, and the chatbot recommends a workout and diet plan.
  2. Travel planner chatbot: This chatbot could plan your entire trip, from where to go, which airport to travel from, where you’ll stay, what you need to pack, and where to buy everything and book the flights.
  3. Foreign language teacher chatbot: Helps you learn a new language by getting you to pair words with images and guides you to more advanced levels as you progress.

7. Start a Machine Learning Podcast

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Launching a podcast on all things machine learning could be an excellent way to make money.

You could have guests on the show who work in the field of AI and ML and see where the conversation takes you.

Wildly successful podcast host Lex Fridman often talks about AI and its implications for humanity. His YouTube channel alone has amassed close to 3 million subscribers and over 422 million views.

Once the podcast starts to pick up traction, you’ll be able to get paid through sponsorships.

Some of the sponsors of Lex Fridman’s podcast include home security, VPNs, MOOC platforms, and even project management tools.

If you want to learn more on this topic, be sure to read our podcasting for business article.

8. Apply for Machine Learning Jobs on Upwork

The average hourly rate for ML jobs is between $25-$50 on Upwork.

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And there are currently 1,430 machine-learning jobs available.

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Take a look at this job, for example:

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This company is looking for a Natural Language Processing (NLP) Specialist for an AI-driven writing tool, similar to Quillbot.

If you have the skills and qualifications, then a job like this will be perfect for making money with machine learning.

You’ll get hands-on experience and be able to showcase the jobs you’ve worked on in your Upwork profile.

The best way to build up your reputation on Upwork is to start with smaller jobs and charge lower rates.

You’ll get positive feedback and reviews, which will also increase your visibility on the platform.

You can gradually increase your prices as you build a reliable name for yourself.

9. Create and Sell a Machine Learning Course

Selling a course is another great way to make money with machine learning.

And if you’re already teaching machine learning through a blog or on YouTube, then why stop there?

A quick look at Udemy reveals that people are already successful in selling courses in the ML space.

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But how can you make your course stand out from others that are already available?

The first step would be to do some research. You’ll need to know what problems people face when trying to learn about ML and how you might be able to help them.

Instead of creating a course that covers everything, you could teach people how to develop specific projects.

Maybe start getting involved on social media and share free content to build an audience.

Once you know what your course will cover, create a list of all the lessons and start recording them through slides and screencasting software.

You can then sell your course on Udemy or your own website. Market your course through blogs, YouTube, or social media.

10. Join a Startup or Start Your Own

Joining a startup can be a great way to make money in the machine learning industry.

Or, if you prefer the entrepreneur route, you could start your own startup.

Either way, you’ll gain a lot of experience and increase your chances of more income in the future.

To start your own startup, you could choose any one of the ideas in this list and turn them into a thriving ML business.

But to join a startup that’s already established, you can follow these simple guidelines:

  1. Build your portfolio to showcase your work and level of expertise
  2. Network with other professionals at conferences and workshops. You can also connect with people on LinkedIn to find potential job opportunities
  3. Research startups you’re interested in that align with your skills
  4. Spruce up your resume to highlight your experience and expertise

11. Become a Freelance Writer for AI Blogs

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Writing about machine learning for ML companies or AI blogs can be a super quick way to make money in this field.

You could start publishing ML content on Medium or your own WordPress blog.

This will build up your portfolio for companies to see your ML knowledge level and writing style.

Also, follow popular AI companies that have blogs and read their content. Get a feel for the type of articles they are publishing.

Then, to find freelancing jobs, you have a few options.

First, look on the Pro Blogger Jobs board to see if there’s anything available. These tend to be more permanent and ongoing jobs.

For more temporary work, you can sign up to Upwork and bid on writing jobs you’re interested in, build up your portfolio, and increase your fees.

Another great site to find writing jobs is Facebook. There are plenty of groups you can join to see if any ML positions are available.

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Here are some answers to frequently asked questions regarding making money with machine learning!

Is Machine Learning High Paying?

Yes. A machine learning engineer’s average salary is $153,151, with a minimum of $87K and up to $278K.

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How Hard are Machine Learning Jobs?

Machine learning is no walk in the park. You have to be dedicated and committed to learning and evolving as the technology progresses.

That said, those who find this topic interesting will likely find it easier than most people, as it requires a certain type of person.

How do I Start an AI Business?

First, find a problem that can be solved with AI and machine learning. Then start building an audience to see if your idea can be validated.

You can bootstrap the idea yourself or secure venture capital if you have experience with this.

Then start building something simple or an MVP (Minimum Viable Product). Launch it to your audience, test it, get feedback, and make improvements.


There you have it. Now you know how to make money with machine learning, which will you go for?

If you’re a beginner, you might want to try something like freelance writing or starting your own blog.

For intermediate-level learners, why not teach machine learning concepts on YouTube or even create a course.

And for the advanced players, you could develop your own product or join a startup.

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12 Proven Methods to Make Money Blogging in 2024



Make money blogging


Make money bloggingThis is a contributed article.

The world of blogging continues to thrive in 2024, offering a compelling avenue for creative minds to share their knowledge, build an audience, and even turn their passion into profit. Whether you’re a seasoned blogger or just starting, there are numerous effective strategies to monetize your blog and achieve financial success. Here, we delve into 12 proven methods to make money blogging in 2024:

1. Embrace Niche Expertise:

Standing out in the vast blogosphere requires focus. Carving a niche allows you to cater to a specific audience with targeted content. This not only builds a loyal following but also positions you as an authority in your chosen field. Whether it’s gardening techniques, travel hacking tips, or the intricacies of cryptocurrency, delve deep into a subject you’re passionate and knowledgeable about. Targeted audiences are more receptive to monetization efforts, making them ideal for success.

2. Content is King (and Queen):

High-quality content remains the cornerstone of any successful blog. In 2024, readers crave informative, engaging, and well-written content that solves their problems, answers their questions, or entertains them. Invest time in crafting valuable blog posts, articles, or videos that resonate with your target audience.

  • Focus on evergreen content: Create content that remains relevant for a long time, attracting consistent traffic and boosting your earning potential.
  • Incorporate multimedia: Spice up your content with captivating images, infographics, or even videos to enhance reader engagement and improve SEO.
  • Maintain consistency: Develop a regular publishing schedule to build anticipation and keep your audience coming back for more.

3. The Power of SEO:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ensures your blog ranks high in search engine results for relevant keywords. This increases organic traffic, the lifeblood of any monetization strategy.

  • Keyword research: Use keyword research tools to identify terms your target audience searches for. Strategically incorporate these keywords into your content naturally.
  • Technical SEO: Optimize your blog’s loading speed, mobile responsiveness, and overall technical aspects to improve search engine ranking.
  • Backlink building: Encourage other websites to link back to your content, boosting your blog’s authority in the eyes of search engines.

4. Monetization Magic: Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing allows you to earn commissions by promoting other companies’ products or services. When a reader clicks on your affiliate link and makes a purchase, you get a commission.

  • Choose relevant affiliates: Promote products or services that align with your niche and resonate with your audience.
  • Transparency is key: Disclose your affiliate relationships clearly to your readers and build trust.
  • Integrate strategically: Don’t just bombard readers with links. Weave affiliate promotions naturally into your content, highlighting the value proposition.

5. Display Advertising: A Classic Approach

Display advertising involves placing banner ads, text ads, or other visual elements on your blog. When a reader clicks on an ad, you earn revenue.

  • Choose reputable ad networks: Partner with established ad networks that offer competitive rates and relevant ads for your audience.
  • Strategic ad placement: Place ads thoughtfully, avoiding an overwhelming experience for readers.
  • Track your performance: Monitor ad clicks and conversions to measure the effectiveness of your ad placements and optimize for better results.

6. Offer Premium Content:

Providing exclusive, in-depth content behind a paywall can generate additional income. This could be premium blog posts, ebooks, online courses, or webinars.

  • Deliver exceptional value: Ensure your premium content offers significant value that justifies the price tag.
  • Multiple pricing options: Consider offering tiered subscription plans to cater to different audience needs and budgets.
  • Promote effectively: Highlight the benefits of your premium content and encourage readers to subscribe.

7. Coaching and Consulting:

Leverage your expertise by offering coaching or consulting services related to your niche. Readers who find your content valuable may be interested in personalized guidance.

  • Position yourself as an expert: Showcase your qualifications, experience, and client testimonials to build trust and establish your credibility.
  • Offer free consultations: Provide a limited free consultation to potential clients, allowing them to experience your expertise firsthand.
  • Develop clear packages: Outline different coaching or consulting packages with varying time commitments and pricing structures.

8. The Power of Community: Online Events and Webinars

Host online events or webinars related to your niche. These events offer valuable content while also providing an opportunity to promote other monetization avenues.

  • Interactive and engaging: Structure your online events to be interactive with polls, Q&A sessions, or live chats. Click here to learn more about image marketing with Q&A sessions and live chats.

9. Embrace the Power of Email Marketing:

Building an email list allows you to foster stronger relationships with your audience and promote your content and offerings directly.

  • Offer valuable incentives: Encourage readers to subscribe by offering exclusive content, discounts, or early access to new products.
  • Segmentation is key: Segment your email list based on reader interests to send targeted campaigns that resonate more effectively.
  • Regular communication: Maintain consistent communication with your subscribers through engaging newsletters or updates.

10. Sell Your Own Products:

Take your expertise to the next level by creating and selling your own products. This could be physical merchandise, digital downloads, or even printables related to your niche.

  • Identify audience needs: Develop products that address the specific needs and desires of your target audience.
  • High-quality offerings: Invest in creating high-quality products that offer exceptional value and user experience.
  • Utilize multiple platforms: Sell your products through your blog, online marketplaces, or even social media platforms.

11. Sponsorships and Brand Collaborations:

Partner with brands or businesses relevant to your niche for sponsored content or collaborations. This can be a lucrative way to leverage your audience and generate income.

  • Maintain editorial control: While working with sponsors, ensure you retain editorial control to maintain your blog’s authenticity and audience trust.
  • Disclosures are essential: Clearly disclose sponsored content to readers, upholding transparency and ethical practices.
  • Align with your niche: Partner with brands that complement your content and resonate with your audience.

12. Freelancing and Paid Writing Opportunities:

Your blog can serve as a springboard for freelance writing opportunities. Showcase your writing skills and expertise through your blog content, attracting potential clients.

  • Target relevant publications: Identify online publications, websites, or magazines related to your niche and pitch your writing services.
  • High-quality samples: Include high-quality blog posts from your site as writing samples when pitching to potential clients.
  • Develop strong writing skills: Continuously hone your writing skills and stay updated on current trends in your niche to deliver exceptional work.


Building a successful blog that generates income requires dedication, strategic planning, and high-quality content. In today’s digital age, there are numerous opportunities to make money online through blogging. By utilizing a combination of methods such as affiliate marketing, sponsored content, and selling digital products or services, you can leverage your blog’s potential and achieve financial success.

Remember, consistency in posting, engaging with your audience, and staying adaptable to trends are key to thriving in the ever-evolving blogosphere. Embrace new strategies, refine your approaches, and always keep your readers at the forefront of your content creation journey. With dedication and the right approach, your blog has the potential to become a valuable source of income and a platform for sharing your knowledge and passion with the world, making money online while doing what you love.

Image Credit: DepositPhotos

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This Toxic Money Habit Could Derail Your Financial Planning



This Toxic Money Habit Could Derail Your Financial Planning

Many Americans believe social media offers an inaccurate picture of wealth and success; 57% of social media users say that people post to appear more successful, and 51% of users say that social media depicts “unrealistic lifestyles,” according to a 2023 Bankrate survey.

Even so, many of them can’t help but get caught up in the cycle of comparison. Between 2022 and 2023, U.S. adults spent $71 billion on “impulse buys” they were influenced to make by social media, per Bankrate’s data — a fact that backs up an increase in “money dysmorphia.”

Related: These 5 Money Secrets Can Turn Healthy Relationships Toxic, Financial Therapist Warns

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How to Get Beat Out Your Competition by Making a Lasting Impression



How to Get Beat Out Your Competition by Making a Lasting Impression

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

I’m in the public relations space, and as of last count, there are more than 48,000 other PR firms in the United States. A large fraction of these compete with my agency in the five hub cities where I operate. Yet mine consistently ranks among the highest in those cities — Nashville, for example.

Is it because I know my industry better than my competitors? Because I land more placements for my clients? Because my team is more talented or my network of connections more expansive? As much as I’d like to think that I’m running with the front of the pack based solely on the quality of my services and the effectiveness of my methodologies, it’s far more likely that I earn rave reviews and generate referrals from my clients due to two words: personalized attention.

More specifically, my team and I go well above and beyond to create an exceptional customer experience at my firm because I’ve learned over the years of running my own business that it’s the client’s impression of you that matters most — that’s what informs all other aspects of customer relations, drives all other client decisions and determines if they’ll stay with you or not (even more so than short-term results).

Even in the digital age we all inhabit, with so many automated tasks and productivity tools that populate our workplaces, personalizing the professional is a surefire means to client retention and satisfaction. Here are five practices I regularly follow to make the most positive impression on my clients I possibly can.

1. Get a copy of your client’s org chart

When you understand the structure of your client’s business, you understand who does what, who reports to whom, and, in turn, you know who to go to for what. Not only is this an immense time-saver — as in not filling people’s inboxes unnecessarily with work that doesn’t pertain to them — but your clients will also appreciate that you did your homework on their staffing.

It’s so much more impressive to send a note that says, “Would your team like to see this before we send it up to Jeremy?” or “I believe Bettina has the final sign-off here” than “Are you the right person to contact about this?” And note the use of actual names here — learning the first names of everyone you’ll be working with moves you into first place faster than you’d think!

Related: 4 Ways to Make the Best First Impression With Your Customers

2. Use proper grammar and punctuation

Make sure that all your communications to your client — and, far more importantly, all the communications you prepare on their behalf — are written properly. Yes, it takes some extra work to eliminate errors. Still, it’s absolutely worth the effort when you consider how much just one typo can mar an entire project (ever seen “pubic” instead of “public”?) and how poorly faulty grammar can reflect on quality output, education level and attracting the intended audience.

Though it may be true that language standards are slipping in America, that doesn’t mean nobody’s noticing the shoddy quality of copy. Some people still notice and care. If your client is one of them, you’ll earn bonus points by knowing the difference between “compliment” and “complement” by not allowing both “San Antonio Riverwalk” and “San Antonio River Walk” in the same publication. Use your grammar checker. Always do a spell-check. Re-read everything you produce. And if you don’t have a language maven on staff to serve as your in-house proofreader, hire an affordable freelancer who can provide quick turnaround times.

3. Choose video over audio

Whenever possible, schedule video calls and videoconference meetings over phone calls and phone meetings. The day and age of in-person meetings is quickly becoming obsolete. Still, there will never be a replacement for face-to-face interaction, eye contact, observing facial expressions and showing your client with every head nod and eyebrow raise that you’re following what they’re saying and closely attending to your conversation.

During the pandemic, cultivating one-on-one relationships over Zoom and Teams became the new norm, and most people are entirely fine leaving it that way! Interacting over a screen instead of a conference table is just more convenient, time-effective and environmentally friendly. Nevertheless, we can’t afford to lose the “one-on-one interaction” part of business relationships. Remember the old Bell advertising slogan? Well, video is the modern-day equivalent of “the next best thing to being there,” so leverage your camera as often as possible to “see” your clients, not just talk to them.

4. Mark your calendar!

Notate birthdays, business anniversaries, baby due dates. Keep a record of your client’s big meetings and conference attendance. On those days, send a person-to-person text or email. And the more specific, the better, such as “Hope your coffee product presentation in Jersey went well and the traffic wasn’t too bad on the Parkway!” Or “Congrats on baby Elliot. That was my grandfather’s name, and I hope it serves your brand-new son as well as it did him.”

By incorporating the personal into the professional, which is a pillar of my own approach at my company, clients value your role more because you’ve actively endeavored to become part of their lives, not just an appendage of their business. In other words, when you add personal touches to your communications and conversations, your clients can’t help but think of you on a more human level rather than just a professional contact with whom they can easily cut ties.

Related: 6 Strategies for Making a Good First Impression During Business Meetings

5. Observe the line between personal and professional, but use both — often

On a related but separate note: As much as I’m saying to weave personal connections into your daily dealings with your clients, you never, ever want to go too far. You can use humor, but not off-color humor. You can show vulnerability, but you don’t want to appear weak or indecisive. You can ask questions and admit what you don’t know, but be strategic (not lazy) about trying to resolve issues yourself before coming to your clients with them. And be yourself, absolutely always be genuinely yourself, but don’t expose so much that you cross the line into overintimacy or inappropriate divulgence.

By speckling your client interactions with individual touches as you simultaneously maintain proper decorum, you will put a personal face on your business name. And that name will leave more of a mark on your customers precisely because of your adept balancing act between the personal and the professional.

Part of making a meaningful impression on your clients is consciously putting your best face forward every day, in every way. Don’t let them see a messy office behind you on Zoom, but let them vent about their kid’s tonsillitis for 10 minutes if needed. Don’t bad-mouth other clients or finger-point when things go wrong, but get to know them well enough that you’d love to grab a drink next time you’re in town.

Take every opportunity you can to show your clients — and then remind them often — that “business as usual” to you means being prepared (as in learning an org chart), producing quality output (that’s been proofed), scheduling face-to-face encounters, observing special occasions in their lives and sharing your authentic self, who happens to be a multifaceted, wonderful human being with flaws who’s also an utter professional and a real pro at what you do!

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