My easy side hustle makes me $400 in 90 minutes – you can do it from home on your computer or phone

TAKING on a side hustle has been one way millions of Americans are trying to make ends meet during to the soaring cost of living.
One TikTok user recently posted a video showing how relatively easy she thinks it could be to make up to $400 in just a short amount of time. The best part is you can do it from home.
Affiliate marketing and coaching videos have exploded across social media as an easy way to make money. Another way to do so, is through taking surveys.
That’s what TikTok user @brimyersofficial highlighted in one of her recent video posts.
She describes herself as someone who teaches others to “use affiliate marketing as a side hustle to quit your nine to five job.”
Bri says taking surveys can land up to $400 in your bank account and it takes just about 1.5 hours of work to make some bank.

Her how-to instructional provides steps on how to get going if you’re interested in pursuing the side gig.
She starts off by saying “if you’re broke – and I mean dead broke – then this one’s for you.”
She leads you through the steps you need to take, which are as follows:
The steps are straightforward and she scrolls through some of the various surveys you can take part in. Next to the description of the survey there’s a price indicating the compensation for taking part.
She came across one and said “look at this guys..$300 in just 30 definitely don’t want to miss that.”
Her post got more than 26,000 likes and more than a hundred comments.
Some people were thankful for the insight. However, some others thought it sounded to good to be true.
One comment from an astute poster read: “PLEASE LET people knowTHERE is A CHARGE to GET THESE JOBS TY.”
Bri responded saying: “there are endless online options I share if this one doesn’t work for you.”
Another said: “definitely don’t see tons. And most pay in gift cards.“
Others asked about the taxes involved in doing this type of work, to which the affiliate marketer said taxes are filed on a 1099.
If you do decide to pursue a side hustle like this, or any other, it is important to read the fine print and make sure you know if you will have to pay any upfront fees, and how you will be compensated.

Here’s more on a woman who started a side hustle after a break up – and now makes millions in her business.
Plus, a side hustle promising to generate up to $4,000 a week.