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Editing with Style: Tips on Giving Actionable Writing Feedback



Editing with Style: Tips on Giving Actionable Writing Feedback

Feedback can be such a delicate process. We are all human, and writers can be sensitive about their work. This is especially true in cases involving manuscript editing where how you provide feedback can be directly related to whether or not your customers return.

The fine art of feedback is being able to provide feedback that is not only useful but also demonstrates a sense of compassion and empathy:

  • It can help build strong, supportive relationships.

  • It can clearly demonstrate what is working well, as well as what is not.

  • It can stir a desire within the writer to continuously improve.

It is important to keep in mind that the writer/editor relationship is strongest when it is built on mutual respect. When feedback is requested, it is a way of saying, “I respect your opinion, and I need your help.”

The following rules apply when giving feedback:

  • Exchanges should be polite but also direct.

  • Even the finest writing will require changes.

  • Communication should be frequent, but not so frequent that it is annoying.

  • Writer/editor relationships aren’t always a party. Be mutually respectful because the relationship should be mutually beneficial.

Communication Is Critical

No one can argue that the “track changes” feature and the use of “comments” within a document are wonderful technical enhancements when it comes to feedback, but just as often, they are also very prone to misinterpretation. The beauty of such tools is their ease of use in sharing suggestions, asking questions, and tracking revisions.

However, communication outside the document is perhaps even more important than the revisions within the document. How we offer feedback, whether verbally or technically, can have a direct impact on the writer/editor relationship as well as having a less-than-favorable impact on the reader’s experience.


We all have feelings, and we can all be especially sensitive when we receive feedback, so your feedback should be provided carefully and with empathy.

Understand the Writer’s Expectations

Be proactive in trying to understand what the writer expects of your feedback. Engage the writer in a conversation before the feedback process in order to:

  • Assure the writer that you have their interests in mind.

  • Clarify that your role is to represent “the reader.”

  • State clearly that your intentions are not to simply critique the content.


It can also be useful to provide feedback in stages. For example, “First, I’ll review the structure. Then, I’ll suggest revisions to the wording.”

Have a Clear Process

Remember, having a strong writer/editor relationship, and a clear process can eliminate the need to track formatting, style errors, and large structural modifications that have been discussed in prior projects. This eliminates having to send the writer a document that is loaded with edits, comments, and red text.

It should be emphasized that when you include a reason or explanation for your changes, it can contribute tremendously towards building that desired trust and rapport with your clients. Adding the “why” to your feedback can demonstrate that “you have your client’s back” and can be a huge factor in future business.

You don’t want your client to think you are making revisions just for the sake of making revisions


Keep the Lines Open

One key benefit of being able to provide feedback is how it affords you the opportunity to keep talking with your writer. This is where the “human touch” applies. Remember to point out to your writer what they have done exceptionally well and use this as an opportunity to remind them of earlier discussions.

Most importantly, the feedback process should always be focused on the experience of the reader. Never lose focus on your target audience.

Feedback delivered right can be a great tool for editors looking to build stronger relationships with their clients. Like with anything else, kindness goes a long way, and it might just be the defining factor that differentiates you from other competitors in the market.

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