Silicon Valley Social Media Companies Work With FBI to Squash Global Cyber Threats

A major global cyber threat to election security was squashed by the FBI with the help of Silicon Valley social media companies.
Working with Google, Facebook and Twitter, the FBI seized 27 domain names they say were used by Iran to spread disinformation as America prepared to vote in the presidential election.
There is definitely an escalation of this kind of activity,” said Vecta CEO Hitesh Sheth.
Shades of 2016, now with even faster technology and better reach, in some cases, posing as legitimate news sites.
But Silicon Valley cyber security professionals say between the government and social media companies, most efforts to hurt our electoral process were beaten back.
“We are better prepared, the government agencies, I think these companies are doing a better job,” said Sheth.
Twitter, flagged multiple tweets spreading disinformation, including some from our president. Facebook, shutting down a group called “Stop the Steal,” aimed at delegitimizing the election process.
“Right now we’re not talking about recounts,” said Irina Raicu, director of internet ethics, at Markkula Center. “We’re talking about the legally cast votes being counted, and the effort to stop that.”
Votes that were counted. But a warning, that fraud didn’t end with the election.
“Whatever side you’re on, there are people out there trying to manipulate you,” said Raicu.