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Daily Search Forum Recap: July 24, 2024



Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web.

We spotted another Google search ranking volatility again around July 23rd. An SEO poll says 54% of SEOs saw positive effects from Google updates. Google Local Service Ads adds new budget options. Google Search is outlining videos in the search results. Google announced earnings and their ad revenue is up again, this time 11%.

Search Engine Roundtable Stories:

  • Google Search Ranking Algorithm Volatility – July 23rd

    I probably should have covered this yesterday but I have been seeing more ranking volatility starting late on Monday, July 22nd, through yesterday, July 23rd and into today July 24th. This may be a continuation from what we saw last week or maybe something new – it is hard to tell.

  • Google Ad Revenue Up 11% – $64.62 Billion In Ad Revenue

    Google / Alphabet reported its Q2 2024 earnings last night, where its ad revenue hit $64.62 billion, up 11% from last year’s quarter of $58.14 billion. Clearly, Google’s advertising business continues to grow despite any economic downturn we may have seen.

  • SEO Poll: 54% Of SEOs Saw Positive Effects From Google Updates

    Aleyda Solis posted the results of a poll she ran, which showed 54% say their sites have seen mostly a positive effect from Google Updates in the last couple of years. John Mueller from Google replied to that poll saying, “While there are exceptions, life as an SEO or when working on the web is not about doom & gloom.”

  • New Google Local Service Ads Budget Options

    Google has added new ad budget options and features to Local Service Ads. You can now set a maximum monthly ad spend limit for the month for some accounts.

  • Google Outlines Videos In Search Results

    Google seems to have changed how it shows large videos in the search results. I am now seeing them show these gray lines, outlining the video box, in the Google Search results.

  • Google Receptionist – The Seattle Seahawks Blitz Mascot

    Here is an old photo I recently found at the Google Kirkland, Seattle office. You can see the Seattle Seahawks mascot, aka the Blitz, sitting at the front desk at the Google office there.

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Have feedback on this daily recap; let me know on Twitter @rustybrick or @seroundtable, on Threads, Mastodon and Bluesky and you can follow us on Facebook and on Google News and make sure to subscribe to the YouTube channel, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts or just contact us the old fashion way.

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Daily Search Forum Recap: July 23, 2024



Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web.

Google will not deprecate third-party cookies in Chrome, after delaying this process numerous times. Google Ads Editor version 2.7 is now out. Google Ads has a new Sitelinks interface. Google is testing larger sitenames and favicons. Google Search is showing video descriptions generated using A Overviews.

Search Engine Roundtable Stories:

  • Google Won’t Deprecate Third-Party Cookies In Chrome

    Google has decided not to deprecate, do away with, third-party cookies in Chrome. This is something Google has been planning and testing for a while, delaying the efforts numerous times, and now ultimately deciding to scrap those efforts.

  • Google Ads Editor Version 2.7 Is Now Out

    Google has released version 2.7 of the Google Ads Editor. This new update brings a number of new features and also deprecates a number of features. New features include AI-generated assets, account level content label exclusions, account-level negative keywords and more.

  • Google Search AI Overviews Video Descriptions

    Google Search is testing using AI Overviews to provide video descriptions in the Google Search results. When you click to expand some videos, Google may overlay the video and its description directly in the search results. And that description may read, “AI overviews are experimental,” which means the description was adapted by Google Gemini.

  • Google Tests Larger Sitename & Favicons

    Google is testing larger sitenames and favicons again. You can see a considerably larger font used for the sitename (the link in the Google search result snippets) and a larger favicon being tested in the search results.

  • New Google Ads Sitelinks Interface

    Google Ads has a new sitelinks interface, and functionality, for Performance Max campaigns. The new recommended sitelinks features are rolling out, plus there is a new numbered layout for the sitelinks.

  • Google Soda

    Here is a photo of two cans of drinks, maybe soda or some other energy drink, that is branded with the Google Innovator logo and name. I found this on Instagram and thought it was unusual enough to share here.

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Have feedback on this daily recap; let me know on Twitter @rustybrick or @seroundtable, on Threads, Mastodon and Bluesky and you can follow us on Facebook and on Google News and make sure to subscribe to the YouTube channel, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts or just contact us the old fashion way.

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Daily Search Forum Recap: July 22, 2024



Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web.

Google is testing new link citations in the AI Overviews. Google is also testing saving AI Overviews for later. Google is showing some AI-generated images in some knowledge panels. Microsoft Advertising is rolling out new brand lists in Performance Max. Bing is testing related searches at the top.

Search Engine Roundtable Stories:

  • Google Tests Link Icon Citations For AI Overviews

    Google is also testing link icons in the AI Overviews to show citations for statements generated in the AI Answer. These links, when clicked, will take you to an overlay window that shows those links in a search result format page. No, clicking the link icon will not take you directly to the source but you will see the search result snippet.

  • Google Testing Save Button For AI Overviews

    Google is testing the ability to save your AI Overviews to your Google Interests section. If you are opted-in to labs in Google, and you see AI Overviews, at the bottom of the AI Overview, you may see a new “Save” button.

  • New Microsoft Advertising Brand Lists For Performance Max Campaigns

    Microsoft Advertising is rolling out brand lists for Performance Max campaigns. “Brand lists allow greater control over brand image and ad visibility, including the brands you don’t want your ads to be associated with,” Microsoft wrote in its help documentation.

  • Google Knowledge Panels Using AI-Generated Images

    Google is showing AI-generated images in some of the knowledge panels they show in Google Search. Google is not creating these images; they come from images on third-party sites. And honestly, I kind of like it, at least in some cases.

  • Bing Tests Related Searches At Top – Below Search Bar

    Bing is testing placing the related searches at the top of the search results page, directly under the search bar. The searches are exactly what you would see in the bottom but in a different format at the top.

  • Google Wooden Hive Tree

    I don’t know what this is, but I spotted this photo at the Google office in Kirkland, Seattle. It looks like some sort of wooden art, maybe of a tree, maybe of some hive, I am not sure.

Other Great Search Threads:

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Have feedback on this daily recap; let me know on Twitter @rustybrick or @seroundtable, on Threads, Mastodon and Bluesky and you can follow us on Facebook and on Google News and make sure to subscribe to the YouTube channel, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts or just contact us the old fashion way.

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Billions Of Google URLs To 404 In The Future



Google Lazer Bounce

Google announced that it will stop serving the Google URL Shortener, so any URL that was set up to redirect using, which Google stopped supporting adding new ones back in 2019, will also stop serving.

Starting August 23, 2024, links will start displaying an interstitial page for a percentage of existing links to notify users that the link will no longer be supported after August 25, 2025 prior to navigating to the original target page. Then after August 25, 2025, the link will then 404 and not redirect to the right destination URL.

So any redirects you have pointing to your site using Google’s service, will die and not be counted.

As Glenn Gabe noted on X, that means billions of URLs on the web will simply vanish and begin to 404. Glenn shared how Majestic knows of 3.6 billion links 36 billion historical links in its database.

This is the Interstitial page shown for some links starting on August 23, 2024:

Goog Gl Links No Longer Work

Here is the Majestic report from Glenn Gabe:

Majestic Goog Gl

Google wrote:

Over time the percentage of links that will show the interstitial page will increase until the shutdown date. This interstitial page should help you track and adjust any affected links that you will need to transition as part of this change. We will continue to display this interstitial page until the shutdown date after which all links served will return a 404 response.

Note that the interstitial page may cause disruptions in the current flow of your links. For example, if you are using other 302 redirects, the interstitial page may prevent the redirect flow from completing correctly. If you’ve embedded social metadata in your destination page, the interstitial page will likely cause these to no longer show up where the initial link is displayed. For this reason, we advise transitioning these links as soon as possible.

Note: In the event the interstitial page is disrupting your use cases, you can suppress it by adding the query param “si=1” to existing links.

Is this a pain for any of you? I personally won’t be asking anyone with links to update them for me.

Forum discussion at X and WebmasterWorld.

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