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Google Maps New Sponsored Listing Box, Business Profile Pending Label & Reviews Aren’t Verified Location



Google Local Review Stars

Google has been rolling out or testing a few new Google Maps, Google Business Profile and local features that I wanted to share. They include a new sponsored listing box, Business Profile pending pin label and a new location for the reviews aren’t verified. Let’s go through each one quickly.

Maps Listing Sponsored Box

Google is testing show a new box in the Google Maps results for sponsored listings. Punit spotted this and posted a screenshot on Twitter, here is that screenshot:

click for full size

I currently cannot replicate this test.

Google Business Profile Pending Pin Label

Google Business Profiles now can show a “pending” pin label after you update your listing in the new Google Business Profile editor in web search. This was spotted by Khushal Bherwani who shared both the before and after on Twitter:

Here is the new “pending” pin label:


click for full size

Here is what it looked like before:

click for full size

Reviews Aren’t Verified Location

We’ve covered the disclaimer Google has been adding to reviews section saying reviews aren’t verified a couple times now, and a while go. But Shameem Adhikarath noticed that they are now showing it in the local maps pack.

He posted this screenshot on Twitter:

click for full size

There are some local changes with Google Search I wanted to share with you all.

Forum discussion at Twitter.


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