Google Says There Is No Percentage Of Traffic You Should Expect From Googlebot Activity

John Mueller of Google said there is no healthy percentage of traffic you should expect from your Googlebot activity compared to other bot and traffic activity on your site. Meaning you don’t need to worry if Googlebot is taking up 2% of your server resources and not 20% of your server resources.
This question was asked by Keith Goode who wrote, “in the scope of overall traffic, what do you think is an acceptable percentage range for Googlebot? 1% of your traffic? 10%?” “Does Google have a percentage they consider indicative of a healthy interaction,” he added.
John Mueller replied, “There is no percentage.”
There is no percentage.
— giovannimu (official) — #StaplerLife (@JohnMu) May 4, 2023
This is a question that I don’t think I’ve heard before so I figured I’d share it.
Forum discussion at Twitter.