Google Search Released Language Matching Systems Update Two Weeks Ago

Google has confirmed they released a language matching systems update about two weeks ago to improve how Google matches languages in Google Search. Google said, “these should better match results to the language someone searches in, while still allowing for the flexibility multilingual searchers need to access results in multiple languages.”
Earlier this year, I reported on issues related to how Google had issues matching the preferred language in its search results. Google since then has made a number of improvements and tweaks but the results were still not good enough, especially for Catalan speakers. You can review that post to see those issues.
Danny Sullivan, the Search Liaison, posted on X this morning, “These updates are not specific to a particular language or region but instead will help anyone searching in multiple languages all around the world. Thanks to all who gave us examples in different languages to test our improvements with, including Catalan speakers…”
But this update should not only improve things for Catalan speakers but also for all languages.
Danny added, “It helps for all languages around the world.”
Oh, that Google blog post also talks about how Google Search handles multilingual searches.
Did you notice changes with how Google matches languages in Google Search?
Forum discussion at X and WebmasterWorld.