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Google Shopping Adds Filter By Smaller Stores



Google Shopping Adds Filter By Smaller Stores

Google Shopping has a filter to show you products sold in “smaller stores.” I believe Google announced this back during the Google Marketing Live event last year but now it seems to be live where you can filter products in Google Shopping by stores that are classified as smaller.

This is a good way to help small businesses by giving them the business over buying the product from a larger competitor.

I spotted this via @FindingAmanda on Twitter (hat tip to @MarketingOClock.

Here is a screenshot of the desktop version (click to enlarge):

click for full size

Here is Amanda’s screenshot, which I can replicate:


1646676830 364 Google Shopping Adds Filter By Smaller Stores

Again, I am not sure how new this is, but I think it was announced in May 2021 by Google.

Forum discussion at Twitter.

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