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Most SEOs Believe Google’s November Core & Reviews Updates Will Complete In December



Google Robot Waiting By Computer

The Google November 2023 core update and Google November 2023 reviews update are still both rolling out, and we have no estimated time of when they will finish rolling out. Both are well past their estimated two-week rollout period. I ran a poll yesterday asking SEOs when they think it will be done, and most said in December and not in the next few days left of November.

The poll had just under 600 votes in 24-hours and 79% said the update will be completed in December and 21% said in the last days remaining in November. I posted the poll on X – here it is:

Personally, I thought it would be done by now and I still think it will be done in the next day or so – but I am wrong a lot. 🙂

I do hope it is done today so they can roll out the Christmas holiday update (kidding…).


Forum discussion at X.

Update: I’ll have a story tomorrow but at least one of the updates is done in November:

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