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10 Social MediaTrends That Every Marketer Should Know in 2021 [Infographic]




The last twelve months have been transformative in many ways, with one of the key changes being the increased reliance on digital connectivity for work, play, socializing, connection, etc.

Indeed, the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the various mitigation efforts, have underlined the critical role that the internet now plays in our everyday lives. And within that, they’ve also exacerbated our reliance on social media apps, which are increasingly serving a range of different purposes in our day-to-day routines.

That could be a bad thing – as we’ve seen just recently, the impacts of misinformation and division via social media can have significant consequences. But it also provides more ways to share and connect. And also, to shop, to research, and much more.

That’s what makes this listing from the team at Oberlo particularly relevant. The below infographic outlines some of the key social media trends of notes for 2021, which puts a spotlight on the importance of social media for business.

And while you likely know many of these trends, it is worth considering their impacts on your marketing approach.

Social media trends

Author: Andrew Hutchinson – @Twitter


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