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5 Habits and Behaviors of the Best Social Media Managers [Infographic]



5 Habits and Behaviors of the Best Social Media Managers [Infographic]

What makes a great social media manager? What skills and traits do you think makes someone best suited to a social media marketing and/or community-building role?

The team from Emplifi recently put this to social media expert Matt Navarra, who’s one of the best-known commentators and influencers in the space. As such, Matt’s got a pretty good perspective on what works, and what it takes to maximize your social media opportunities.

According to Matt, the best social media managers are:

  • Multi-taskers
  • Web culture aficionados
  • Storytellers
  • Risk takers
  • Amateur psychologists

Do these ring true for you?

Check out Matt’s top social media manager traits in the infographic below, while you can also check out Emplifi’s full interview with Matt here.

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