LinkedIn Adds New Profile Links and Newsletter Promotion Options

LinkedIn has added a new option to showcase a link on your profile, along with new analytics tools for group posts, a video trimming feature on mobile, and new newsletter display options.
First off, on the showcase link, which is likely the most useful element for most users. As you can see in this example (shared by social media expert Matt Navarra), you can now add in a website link that will be displayed below your user name and description.
As you can see here, you’re able to add custom link text to help entice clicks, while the prominent display placement will also help to generate more attention for your chosen URL in the app.
It could be a handy way to spark more click-throughs from LinkedIn, while also offering new potential for promotion – for free – via the app’s organic display options.
There’s a range of ways the option could be used, and it’ll be worth considering what you want that link to be, and how you can use it to enhance your LinkedIn presence, and ideally, drive more referral traffic.
In addition to this, LinkedIn has also added new analytics for group posts, which will enable users to view engagement data for their group shares from their post.
“Going forward, you can access group post analytics like you would for any other post – by clicking on ‘view analytics’ under your group content.”
Groups, in general, remain a questionable element on LinkedIn, though some groups are highly engaged, and offer a lot of value to their members. The capacity to glean more insight into your contributions could be a handy addition in this respect.
LinkedIn’s also added a new video trimming option in the mobile app, providing another way to customize and improve your video content. Similar tools are already available in other apps, so the functionality will be similar, but it’ll be handy to have the same in LinkedIn specifically.
And finally, LinkedIn users will also now be able to share their newsletter links in the ‘Featured’ section of their profile, which will include a ‘Subscribe’ button, providing another way to attract sign-ups.
LinkedIn also recently added a newsletter option in Creator Mode for individuals, and for company Pages, providing more ways to enhance direct connection with your audience via LinkedIn’s tools.
These small tweaks all have specific value and purpose, and while they may not be game-changers, as such, they could all be highly valuable, when used in the right way.
At the least, it’s worth considering how you can utilize these new link options to drive more referral traffic, while in group analytics could help to provide more insight into group engagement, and the value of your efforts.
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