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The Latest on Russia’s Social Media Bans



Instagram Launches Initial Test of Algorithm-Free, Reverse Chronological Feed Options In-Stream

Instagram is now officially banned in Russia, following the demands of the Russian government. After blocking access to Facebook and heavily restricting the use of Twitter, the Russian government has shown that they have no issue cutting off tens millions of people from access to these large platforms of communication.

The 80 million Russian Instagram users were warned about the upcoming ban, so influencers and businesses owners took to the platform to say their goodbyes this past Sunday.

One fashion blogger tearfully shared her perspective: “This is my life, this is my soul. This is what I have been waking up to and falling asleep with for the last five years…I’m in a state of resentment and nowhere near a state of acceptance.”

A recent article exploring the ongoing issue of social media censorship stated, “Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has marked a new inflection point for social media, and the role that it plays in the modern information ecosystem.” Once again, we see social media acting as catalysis for extreme power struggles around the world. 

We’ll continue covering the latest updates on how social media platforms are responding to Russia and the crisis in Ukraine. Follow along here.


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