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Twitter Shares New Insights into How Users are Planning for the Post-Pandemic Future [Infographic]



twitter shares new insights into how users are planning for the post pandemic future infographic

The challenges of 2020 put many things on hold, with all of us pausing long-term plans, including holidays, promotions, major purchases, etc., in order to get through the worst of the pandemic, in the hopes that things will improve, and we can return to a level of normalcy.

Of course, we don’t know when that return will be, with many things elements up in the air. The vaccine roll-out is now in full swing, but it could take years to be fully implemented. Offices are now re-opening, but many are still hesitant to come back full-time. Sporting events and in-real-life functions are now allowing some fans and patrons.

It remains a difficult and transitional time in many respects, but according to a new study conducted by Twitter, optimism, at least among Twitter users, is on the rise.

Twitter surveyed more than 1000 people to get their insights into how they’re planning for the future, and found that Twitter users are increasingly now looking forward to ‘milestone moments’, like buying a new car or starting a family.

As per Twitter:

“People on Twitter are feeling better about their future and are ready to start thinking about big life moments again. And that means they’re reappraising which financial services providers will help them tackle these new challenges, making now the perfect time for brands to join the finance conversation on Twitter.”


The data also shows that Twitter users are more likely to reevaluate their financial services providers more than people not on the platform, some valuable insight for those in the sector.

You can check out the results overview in the infographic summary below. 

Twitter planning insights

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