Google has once again said that its enforcement of the site reputation abuse policy is still only being done through manual actions and not algorithmically. Danny...
Google’s Search Liaison, Danny Sullivan, has confirmed that the search engine hasn’t launched algorithmic actions targeting site reputation abuse. This clarification addresses speculation within the SEO...
I am seeing a much bigger spike in chatter within the SEO community this morning around another Google search ranking algorithm update. It might be related...
In a recent Google SEO office-hours Google answered the question as to how long it takes to recover from an algorithmic penalty that arose from content...
Algorithm bias may develop when AI is used to tackle global problems, resulting in unanticipated, wrong, and damaging outcomes. AI bias is a problem that...
Algorithm bias may develop when AI is used to tackle global problems, resulting in unanticipated, wrong, and damaging outcomes. Artificial intelligence (AI) bias is a...