Understanding convergence B2B and B2C ecommerce are two distinct models of online selling. B2B ecommerce is between businesses, such as wholesalers, distributors, and manufacturers. B2C...
Nine years ago, Rachel Tipograph founded MikMak, a global software platform to some of the largest multichannel brands in the world. Now she is leading the...
“Knock, knock!” “Who’s there?” “Happy Birthday Jonas! Here’s your gift of cakes & flowers xoxo.” Now imagine if an email with a similar subject line landed...
Your readers are judging your email subject lines. In fact, 47% of marketers in 2022 say they test different email subject lines to optimize their emails’...
Google now shows vertical lines between the featured snippet text and the featured snippet images. This is on the full-width featured snippet, which has a horizontal...
Most people involved in email marketing know the importance of a brilliant email subject line. Seeing that you only get a few seconds to nail your...
Email click through rates dropped significantly last year, while personalized content in the body of the email was seen to get better results than personalized subject...
The time to act is now; this is the year to replace your older POTS lines. The History of POTS Plain old telephone services (POTS), have...
We’ve created these 8 fundamental points to make writing effective email marketing subject lines quick and easy. The Self-Interest Email Subject Line These are your bread...