Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s daily video addresses have become viral sensations – Copyright AFP Vano SHLAMOV Joris FIORITI Ukraine has succeeded in dominating social media in...
With eCommerce activity reaching new levels over the past two years, social media platforms have logically sought to tap into this trend, by adding in new...
When you’re considering a new job with a new company, do you look up that company’s social media profiles? What about the profiles of its current...
Are you just getting started with a social media campaign for your business? Need help planning and formulating your strategy for success? The team from MavSocial share...
I’m willing to bet that today, the typical campaign at any brand uses a media mix.
Facebook — whose parent company has been renamed Meta — has been battling regulatory issues, negative headlines around bullying and disinformation – Copyright AFP/File Chris DELMAS...
Facebook has moved to prevent Russian state media from monetizing content on the social media giant – Copyright AFP/File Kirill KUDRYAVTSEV Facebook on Friday restricted Russian...
This could give you some helpful notes and inspiration for your social media strategy. Last year, Facebook launched a new brand tips series called ‘Social Skills’...
TikTok has announced a new partnership with the National Hockey League (NHL) and the National Hockey League Players’ Association (NHLPA), which will see the NHL share...
Images of flying shrapnel and bursting flames occupy the minds of those familiar with Ford’s Pinto. This tragic public hazard of the ’70s sparked one of...