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Ian Stewart to Lead – News



Ian Stewart to Lead – News

Ian Stewart will lead customer experience at, utilizing his 14 years of experience on the team and a passion for themes.

We are pleased to announce that Ian Stewart (blog, LinkedInGitHub, X) has been chosen to lead end-to-end customer experience for as its Artistic Director and product lead.

In a nod to LVMH’s organizational structure, Ian will lead in the style of a maison head, ensuring that every part of remains the best managed WordPress experience available. He has been a part of the team for over 14 years, and we’re excited to see what changes he will implement on in this new role.

“I got involved with WordPress after growing tired of using Blogger for my personal blog,” Ian says. “This quickly led to the demise of my regular blogging habits as I spent most of my time messing around with my theme…My fooling around with WordPress themes quickly became a delightful obsession as I tried to publicly figure out what I thought about them.”

We’re grateful for your obsession with WordPress, Ian, and we certainly know the feeling.

Please join us in welcoming Ian in his new role.


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