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Google About This Result With Remove Result Button



Google About This Result With Remove Result Button

Google announced at the Search On event that it would be adding a remove result feature in the about this result overlay in Google Search. Well, now it is there for all to click on and use, if they want…

If you go to Google Search, conduct a search, click on the three dots on a search result snippet and then look towards the bottom of the “about this result” box, you will see the “remove result” button.

Here is a screenshot you can click on to enlarge of this:

click for full size

This is part of the expanded remove search results feature from earlier this year and a way to make this more accessible.

Here is a screenshot of the next screen you will see after you click on “remove result.”

1665853503 330 Google About This Result With Remove Result Button

I spotted this the other day via Punit on Twitter – so while it is newish, we knew it was coming.


Forum discussion at Twitter.


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