Listen to Amazon to start charging delivery fees on Fresh grocery orders under $150

Scheduled New Hampshire and South Carolina. Starting soon, Amazon will begin charging grocery delivery fees for its Amazon fresh customers. Beginning February 28th, Amazon Prime members who want their groceries delivered will be charged 9 95 for orders under $50, orders between 50 and 100 will include a 6 95 delivery fee and orders between 101 150 will include a three 95 delivery fee, deliveries over $150 or free, but to be honest, it was never really free since Amazon Prime members were already paying $139 a year to get the prime benefits. Linda kenyon, CBS News. Minnesota lawmakers, meanwhile, have taken a key step in an effort to protect abortion rights. Hundreds of people packed the hallways outside the Minnesota Senate chamber as lawmakers a long party lines passed a bill that gives broad protections for abortion rights. It’s called the pro act, which is short for protect reproductive actions. The language of the bill reads in part, every individual has a fundamental right to make autonomous decisions about the individual’s own reproductive health. The Minnesota House passed the bill last week. Democratic governor Tim Walsh is expected to sign the bill before the end of this month. Linda canyon, CBS News. Coming up on WTO after traffic and whether it’s a first
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