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What Is It & How To Write It



What Is It & How To Write It

In this guide, you will learn about alternative text (known as alt text): what it is, why it is important for on-page SEO, how to use it correctly, and more.

It’s often overlooked, but every image on your website should have alt text. More information is better, and translating visual information into text is important for search engine bots attempting to understand your website and users with screen readers.

Alt text is one more source of information that relates ideas and content together on your website.

This practical and to-the-point guide contains tips and advice you can immediately use to improve your website’s image SEO and accessibility.

What Is Alt Text?

Alternative text (or alt text) – also known as the alt attribute or the alt tag (which is not technically correct because it is not a tag) – is simply a piece of text that describes the image in the HTML code.

What Are The Uses Of Alt Text?

The original function of alt text was simply to describe an image that could not be loaded.

Many years ago, when the internet was much slower, alt text would help you know the content of an image that was too heavy to be loaded in your browser.

Today, images rarely fail to load – but if they do, then it is the alt text you will see in place of an image.

Screenshot from Search Engine Journal, May 2024

Alt text also helps search engine bots understand the image’s content and context.

More importantly, alt text is critical for accessibility and for people using screen readers:

  • Alt text helps people with disabilities (for example, using screen readers) learn about the image’s content.

Of course, like every element of SEO, it is often misused or, in some cases, even abused.

Let’s now take a closer look at why alt text is important.

Why Alt Text Is Important

The web and websites are a very visual experience. It is hard to find a website without images or graphic elements.

That’s why alt text is very important.

Alt text helps translate the image’s content into words, thus making the image accessible to a wider audience, including people with disabilities and search engine bots that are not clever enough yet to fully understand every image, its context, and its meaning.

Why Alt Text Is Important For SEO

Alt text is an important element of on-page SEO optimization.

Proper alt text optimization makes your website stand a better chance of ranking in Google image searches.

Yes, alt text is a ranking factor for Google image search.

Depending on your website’s niche and specificity, Google image search traffic may play a huge role in your website’s overall success.

For example, in the case of ecommerce websites, users very often start their search for products with a Google image search instead of typing the product name into the standard Google search.

Screenshot from search for [Garmin forerunner]Screenshot from search for [Garmin forerunner], May 2024

Google and other search engines may display fewer product images (or not display them at all) if you fail to take care of their alt text optimization.

Without proper image optimization, you may lose a lot of potential traffic and customers.

Why Alt Text Is Important For Accessibility

Visibility in Google image search is very important, but there is an even more important consideration: Accessibility.

Fortunately, in recent years, more focus has been placed on accessibility (i.e., making the web accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities and/or using screen readers).

Suppose the alt text of your images actually describes their content instead of, for example, stuffing keywords. In that case, you are helping people who cannot see this image better understand it and the content of the entire web page.

Let’s say one of your web pages is an SEO audit guide that contains screenshots from various crawling tools.

Would it not be better to describe the content of each screenshot instead of placing the same alt text of “SEO audit” into every image?

Let’s take a look at a few examples.

Alt Text Examples

Finding many good and bad examples of alt text is not difficult. Let me show you a few, sticking to the above example with an SEO audit guide.

Good Alt Text Examples

So, our example SEO guide contains screenshots from tools such as Google Search Console and Screaming Frog.

Some good examples of alt text may include:


Tip: It is also a good idea to take care of the name of your file. Using descriptive file names is not a ranking factor, but I recommend this as a good SEO practice.

Bad And/Or Spammy Alt Text Examples

I’ve also seen many examples of bad alt text use, including keyword stuffing or spamming.

Here is how you can turn the above good examples into bad examples:

”google search console coverage report

As you can see, the above examples do not provide any information on what these images actually show.

You can also find examples and even more image SEO tips on Google Search Central.

Common Alt Text Mistakes

Stuffing keywords in the alt text is not the only mistake you can make.

Here are a few examples of common alt text mistakes:

  • Failure to use the alt text or using empty alt text.
  • Using the same alt text for different images.
  • Using very general alt text that does not actually describe the image. For example, using the alt text of “dog” on the photo of a dog instead of describing the dog in more detail, its color, what it is doing, what breed it is, etc.
  • Automatically using the name of the file as the alt text – which may lead to very unfriendly alt text, such as “googlesearchconsole,” “google-search-console,” or “photo2323,” depending on the name of the file.

Alt Text Writing Tips

And finally, here are the tips on how to write correct alt text so that it actually fulfills its purpose:

  • Do not stuff keywords into the alt text. Doing so will not help your web page rank for these keywords.
  • Describe the image in detail, but still keep it relatively short. Avoid adding multiple sentences to the alt text.
  • Use your target keywords, but in a natural way, as part of the image’s description. If your target keyword does not fit into the image’s description, don’t use it.
  • Don’t use text on images. All text should be added in the form of HTML code.
  • Don’t write, “this is an image of.” Google and users know that this is an image. Just describe its content.
  • Make sure you can visualize the image’s content by just reading its alt text. That is the best exercise to make sure your alt text is OK.

How To Troubleshoot Image Alt Text

Now you know all the best practices and common mistakes of alt text. But how do you check what’s in the alt text of the images of a website?

You can analyze the alt text in the following ways:

Inspecting an element (right-click and select Inspect when hovering over an image) is a good way to check if a given image has alt text.

However, if you want to check that in bulk, I recommend one of the below two methods.

Install Web Developer Chrome extension.

Screenshot of Web Developer Extension in Chrome by authorScreenshot from Web Developer Extension, Chrome by author, May 2024

Next, open the page whose images you want to audit.

Click on Web Developer and navigate to Images > Display Alt Attributes. This way, you can see the content of the alt text of all images on a given web page.

The alt text of images is shown on the page.Screenshot from Web Developer Extension, Chrome by author, May 2024

How To Find And Fix Missing Alt Text

To check the alt text of the images of the entire website, use a crawler like Screaming Frog or Sitebulb.

Crawl the site, navigate to the image report, and review the alt text of all website images, as shown in the video guide below.

You can also export only images that have missing alt text and start fixing those issues.

Alt Text May Not Seem Like A Priority, But It’s Important

Every source of information about your content has value. Whether it’s for vision-impaired users or bots, alt text helps contextualize the images on your website.

While it’s only a ranking factor for image search, everything you do to help search engines understand your website can potentially help deliver more accurate results. Demonstrating a commitment to accessibility is also a critical component of modern digital marketing.


What is the purpose of alt text in HTML?

Alternative text, or alt text, serves two main purposes in HTML. Its primary function is to provide a textual description of an image if it cannot be displayed. This text can help users understand the image content when technical issues prevent it from loading or if they use a screen reader due to visual impairments. Additionally, alt text aids search engine bots in understanding the image’s subject matter, which is critical for SEO, as indexing images correctly can enhance a website’s visibility in search results.

Can alt text improve website accessibility?

Yes, alt text is vital for website accessibility. It translates visual information into descriptive text that can be read by screen readers used by users with visual impairments. By accurately describing images, alt text ensures that all users, regardless of disability, can understand the content of a web page, making the web more inclusive and accessible to everyone.

More resources: 

Featured Image: BestForBest/Shutterstock

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8 PR Report Examples & Templates to Bookmark for Inspiration



8 PR Report Examples & Templates to Bookmark for Inspiration

At its core, a PR report is about presenting the impact of your hard work.

While day-to-day PR reports get into the nitty gritty of media monitoring, periodic reviews and campaign washups take a step back, looking at wider context, learnings, and next steps.

Let’s get into examples of both…

5 real PR report examples

Here are five real-world PR report examples that stand out for their clarity and focus.

The “Exec-friendly one-pager” PR report from Rise at Seven

This one-page summary presents high-level results, perfect for senior stakeholders who need quick insights without getting bogged down in details.

Key metrics, like site traffic and sales generated, are presented through a clear narrative arc: the challenge, the idea, the results.

PR reporting is so much more than just how many links or coverage you’ve achieved for your activity. We have the ability to align this much closer to a brand or businesses’ overall objectives and goals.

When we’re looking at reporting we focus on rankings, traffic, sales and in the end how much ££££ our campaigns have driven.

Will HobsonWill Hobson

Key Takeaway

Provide a concise overview that executives can digest quickly, focusing on performance highlights and clear ROI. 

The “PR supplement” report from Cedarwood Digital

8 PR Report Examples Templates to Bookmark for Inspiration8 PR Report Examples Templates to Bookmark for Inspiration

This PR report example from Cedarwood Digital gives a quick snapshot of digital coverage, showcasing the campaign’s success in terms of links and authority.

The “supplement” report is great for clients who don’t need full PR play-by-plays—either because they’re more invested in other channels, or because reporting is regular enough that they’re already up to speed.

This is an example Digital PR report that we attach to our SEO report – we find it’s quite top level – but it works well for our clients.

Amanda WallsAmanda Walls

Key Takeaway

Supplement broader marketing reports with concise PR snapshots that highlight key coverage. 

The “monthly deep-dive” PR report from Distinctly

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This is a solid example of a monthly PR report from Lauren Field, Senior Digital PR Manager at Distinctly, offering the exec summary and next steps up front, followed by a deeper-dive into campaign activities, organic visibility, media coverage, and competitor analysis.

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It’s clear from the content that the Distinctly team reports on results across multiple channels, and throughout the entire sales funnel. If you’re looking to report holistically on your PR performance, get inspiration from the full report here.

Key Takeaway

Page one of your PR report doesn’t just need to be reserved for performance overviews—include next steps right away for time-pressed stakeholders who need the most crucial info up front. This is a good tactic if you’re creating reports for multiple audiences. 

The “campaign wrap up” PR report example from Kaizen

8 PR Report Examples Templates to Bookmark for Inspiration8 PR Report Examples Templates to Bookmark for Inspiration

This PR report from Shakira Sacks, PR Lead at Kaizen, is a great example of a well-structured campaign wrap-up.

It follows a logical and easy-to-read flow, moving through Campaign Overview > Results > Wider Impact > Next Steps.

High-level performance summaries, paired with the right amount of context, make this report ideal for mid-level managers or clients.

For more inspiration, check out the report in full here.

Key Takeaway

Follow a clear structure that walks the recipient through the campaign’s narrative, and use tools like Canva to create visually pleasing reports that guide the eye. 

The “live coverage” PR dashboard from Escherman

This live reporting dashboard, built by Andrew Bruce Smith, Founderof Escherman agency, integrates cross-channel PR metrics like coverage authority and social shares.

PR dashboards don’t tend to give the recipient a whole lot of context. As such, they tend to be better for internal teams, or clients who prefer regular updates and minimal hand holding.

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Key Takeaway

Live dashboards give internal teams and engaged clients insights to tweak campaigns in real-time.

Now you’ve seen some examples of real PR reports, here’s how to create them.

Here’s the TL;DR:

  • Keep your reporting simple by focusing on one clear goal.
  • Tailor the content, metrics, format, and cadence to your audience
  • Don’t overdo it—stick to key insights and recommendations to keep things clear and actionable.

A great PR report doesn’t overwhelm the reader with information. Instead, it focuses on the most important insights and clearly answers a key question. Think of it as a scientific study, with a central hypothesis that needs testing.


  • Did we successfully drive traffic back to our site?
  • How much additional awareness did we create with influencers?
  • Did we successfully turn awareness into product sales?

A single-minded objective will keep you on track.

Your audience is the most important thing to consider when you start building your report.

Ask yourself: Do they really need to know this? What do they actually care about? How do they prefer to consume information?

Doing this will help you create reports that keep your clients coming back.

Different audiences will be interested in different ways of measuring goals. For example, on-the-ground teams are more likely to care about granular KPIs like the number of dofollow links.

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C-suite or Directors, on the other hand, will want to see the top-level impact of your strategy.

They’ll prefer overarching PR KPIs like share of voice uplift across a number of campaign-relevant terms.

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Or even site-level share of voice uplift vs. competitors.

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The best reports don’t rely solely on numbers—they use charts, graphs, and visuals to tell a story.

If you’re planning to handle your PR reports yourself, Google Sheets or Docs are solid choices, but they can be a bit limiting in terms of design and flexibility.

That’s why a lot of PR pros go for more visual tools like Looker Studio or Canva.

If your audience is a senior exec, they’ll typically want a well-designed report featuring top-level summaries, carefully curated stats, and performance headlines.

Clients usually expect a white-labeled report with a healthy amount of context on deliverables and results, given they’re not involved in the day-to-day of it all.

And on the ground PRs or internal teams (like you) need live, granular reports, to iteratively review and develop strategy. In-platform data, spreadsheets, and Looker dashboards are format favorites for these bread-and-butter PRs.

Ahrefs’ new PR reporting dashboard is a great example. It gives you a live overview of link and search performance based on your Content Portfolio (ie. your own specified list of URLs).

Here’s what it looks like:

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If you’re unsure how to report for your client, ask them. They might want to see top-level summaries in one section, and performance deep-dives in another. 

While a custom PR template will take you a bit longer to configure, the extra effort is worthwhile if it keeps your client happy and keeps your agency on retainer. Plus, no time is really wasted if you repurpose those templates for other clients, and build out your own PR report library.

Your campaign goals and your audience are the two main things that should determine your reporting cadence.

For instance, if you’re reporting to the rest of your team, do so on a live and ongoing basis.

But if you’re presenting results to senior execs, you’ll be analyzing that data on a monthly, quarterly, yearly—or even sales-cycle dependent basis, if that’s how long it takes for you to see results.

6. Follow a simple structure

There’s a tendency in PR to over-report. Carving out a clear narrative arc will keep you on track.

The best PR reports I’ve seen stick to this loose formula to deliver healthy insight:value.

  • Exec summary (goal and campaign overview)
  • Top wins
  • Expectation vs reality (carefully curated charts that guide the story)
  • Recommendations and next steps

Bank these templates to speed up your PR reporting—feel free to delete any components that aren’t relevant to your goal or audience.

PR campaign report template

Ready to create your own PR report? Here’s a simplified template you can customize for your campaigns…

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Grab the template here

Ongoing media coverage template

This next PR report template comes from Digital PR Lead, Alice Walker-Gibbons, from Embryo Digital.

If you’re analyzing the impact of your ongoing media coverage, this Google Sheets example will give you some key metrics to consider in your PR reporting.

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Grab the template here.

Quarterly PR report template

Alex Jones, Head of Digital at Cartwright Communications, has developed a follow-along template that reflects his team’s approach to PR reporting.

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Here’s what he has to say:

For digital PR reporting, we often split our monthly and quarterly reports into the following Primary Owned Goals:

  • Volume of links
  • Quality of links
  • Relevance of links
  • Domain Rating
  • Trust Flow

We also add in the share of voice and sentiment analysis if these contribute to the client’s goals. We then split our reports into Secondary Shared Goals (SSGs):

  • Keywords/rankings
  • Traffic/sessions
  • Conversions
  • Revenue growth

Essentially, we want to analyze ranking and keyword changes in line with links acquired and then the impact on traffic and sessions. This can also tie back goal completions and any revenue driven as a result.

Alex JonesAlex Jones

Wrapping up

When it comes to PR reporting, less is often more. Keep it clear, focused, and tailored to your audience’s needs.

If you’re wise about it, your PR reporting will not only prove the impact of your hard work, it will bring you repeat business, bigger budgets, and more creative control.

So, go ahead and bookmark these examples for inspiration.


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What Links Should You Build For A Natural Backlink Profile?




How To Find The Right Long-tail Keywords For Articles

This week’s Ask an SEO column comes from an anonymous asker:

“What should a backlink profile look like, and how do you build good backlinks?”

Great question!

Backlinks are a part of SEO as a way to build trust and authority for your domain, but they’re not as important as link builders claim.

You can rank a website without backlinks. The trick is focusing on your audience and having them create brand demand. This can be equal in weight to backlinks but drives more customers.

Once you are driving demand and have created solid resources, backlinks start occurring naturally. And when you have an active audience built from other channels, you can survey them to create “link worthy” pages that can result in journalists reaching out.

With that said, and when all else is equal, having the trust and authority from a healthy and natural backlink profile can be the deciding factor on who gets into the top positions and who gets no traffic.

A healthy backlink profile is one that appears to be natural.

Search engines, including Google, expect a certain amount of spammy links from directories, website monitoring tools, and even competitors that spam or try to do a negative SEO attack. These are part of a healthy backlink profile.

What is unnatural is when your website or company has done nothing to earn an actual link.

When there is nothing noteworthy, no original thought leadership or studies, or something that goes viral and the media covers, there’s no reason someone would ever have linked to you.

Having backlinks for no reason would likely be considered an unhealthy link profile, especially if they’re mostly dofollow.

Healthy link profiles contain a mix of dofollow, nofollow, sponsored, and mentions from actual users in forums, communities, and social media shares.

Unhealthy backlink profiles are where a website has links from topically irrelevant websites, when the articles have mentions of big brands and “trustworthy” or “high authority” sites, and then randomly feature a smaller company or service provider with them.

It’s an old trick that does not work anymore. Unhealthy link profiles also include private blogger networks (PBNs), link farms, link wheels, link networks, and where the sites have a high domain authority (DA), Authority Score (AS), etc.

Bonus tip: DA, AS, and other metrics are not used by search engines. They are scores that third-party SEO tools created and have absolutely no say when it comes to the quality of a website or backlink.

If someone is telling you high DA is good and Google trusts these sites, they’re selling you snake oil.

Although backlinks are not as important as they used to be, backlinks still matter. So, if you’re looking to build some, here are a few strategies to try, avoid, and tread lightly with.

Scholarship, Grants, And Sponsorships

These don’t work. Google knows you’re offering them to get .edu links, and in rare cases .gov links. And definitely from charities and events.

It’s easy to map back to who paid or bought them, and these likely won’t count for you SEO-wise.

If they make up the majority of your links, you should expect them to be neutralized by the search engines or to get a manual action against your site for unnatural link building in Search Console from Google.

If you’re doing a sponsorship, ask for the website being sponsored to place “sponsored” instead of “nofollow.”

And if you’re doing a scholarship or grant, feature the winner on your site, provide a full education and follow up about them, and have them share their story for the next few years in a monthly or quarterly column on your blog.

If you genuinely want to do good, share their story and progress. Otherwise, it was just for getting backlinks, and that works against you.

Citations And Broken Links

When you get mentions in the media, or a competitor has a naturally occurring link to a study, but it goes to a broken page, this is a good way to build a natural link. Reach out to these sites and ask them to link to your study instead.

You can mention their visitors are currently hitting a dead page if it’s a broken link, and present your study or resource, which is of equal or better value. Or share that yours has been updated where the current source is outdated and no longer applies.

For citations where nobody has a link, try letting the website owner know it saves the user a trip to a search engine to find another answer. And when they have a good experience on the website, they’re likely to come back for more information.

Topically Relevant PR

I’m a big believer in PR to acquire backlinks naturally. But you have to do things that make sense for your business.

  • Local stores and service providers should get links from local news stations, local bloggers, and niche websites in their industry.
  • Service providers need to focus on trade publications, industry-relevant blogs and publications, events, and social networks.
  • Stores will do well with niche and audience-relevant bloggers, communities, publications or media websites, and mass media coverage that is not affiliate links or in an affiliate folder.

Think about what is newsworthy that you can do or provide that these groups would want to cover.

PR and SEO agencies that work with content will be able to provide ideas, then you can choose which ones you like and run with them. Not every campaign will work, but hang in there – the right one will happen.

You can also try surveying your audience for original data points and studies, and then publish them. And that goes to the next tip.

The publications must be topically relevant to you in order to help with SEO and avoid penalties.

If your customers and users are not the reader base of the website or publication, the link and coverage will appear unnatural and you’ll eventually get penalized or a devaluation.

Press Releases

Press release backlinks and syndication backlinks work against you, not for you. But that doesn’t mean they cannot help with link acquisition. For this strategy to work, provide enough data to gauge interest.

Share some of the data points from the study as a teaser and give a way for editors, journalists, and industry professionals to reach out to you.

Don’t charge for the study. But ask them to source and cite the data on your website, or reference your company as the source of the information.

But keep in mind that if your talking points are the same as your competitors, and you have the same type of data, there’s no reason to add another citation or to cover you.

What can you discover and share that hasn’t been covered and will enhance the publication’s articles in a new way? Put yourself in the reader’s shoes and think about what is missing or what questions were not answered.

If comments are enabled on the publications, look for questions and build a resource backed by data that answers them.

You can then reach out to the editors and make a strong case to either add you or create a new post about the new topic since the previous one did well.

Bonus tip: Even if you don’t get a backlink, being cited can go a long way, as you may be able to use the company’s logo in your PR bar as a trust builder. You can also reach out to the PR or brand team and ask for the link using the citation strategy mentioned above.

Blog And Forum Commenting

This does not work. Search engines know that anyone can go and spam these, use a bot, or pay someone to do this.

They will work against you, not for you. Just don’t. Let the communities and site owners link to you naturally.

If your customers are on the blog or in the community, join the community and participate. Use it to acquire an audience and build trust for your brand.

Not for backlinks. The backlinks and community mentions will eventually happen. And this is how they can become natural.

Social Media Profile Links

This does not work because anyone can create an account and get the link.

Links for SEO must be earned. Social media is about building an audience and bringing them to your website.

The backlinks are useless for SEO, with one exception. Some search engines crawl and index accounts.

If you struggle to get crawled, an active social media account that gets crawled and indexed fast may be able to encourage spiders to find your website and pages more easily.

Focus On Being Worth Linking To

There’s no shortage of ways to get backlinks, but not all links are good. If the link can be purchased or acquired by anyone, like a directory, it won’t help you with SEO.

If your customers are not on that website, and the majority of the website isn’t topically relevant to you, chances are the backlink will work against you.

Healthy link profiles have a mix of good and bad, natural and unnatural. If your company hasn’t done or shared anything link-worthy, there are no backlinks that can bring you long-term success.

Focus on being worth linking to, and the backlinks will come naturally.

More resources: 

Featured Image: Paulo Bobita/Search Engine Journal

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Google Warns Against Over-Reliance On SEO Tool Metrics




Google Warns Against Over-Reliance On SEO Tool Metrics

In a recent discussion on Reddit’s r/SEO forum, Google’s Search Advocate, John Mueller, cautioned against relying too heavily on third-party SEO metrics.

His comments came in response to a person’s concerns about dramatic changes in tool measurements and their perceived impact on search performance.

The conversation was sparked by a website owner who reported the following series of events:

  1. A 50% drop in their website’s Domain Authority (DA) score.
  2. A surge in spam backlinks, with 75% of all their website’s links acquired in the current year.
  3. An increase in spam comments, averaging 30 per day on a site receiving about 150 daily visits.
  4. A discrepancy between backlink data shown in different SEO tools.

The owner, who claimed never to have purchased links, is concerned about the impact of these spammy links on their site’s performance.

Mueller’s Perspective On Third-Party Metrics

Mueller addressed these concerns by highlighting the limitations of third-party SEO tools and their metrics.

He stated:

“Many SEO tools have their own metrics that are tempting to optimize for (because you see a number), but ultimately, there’s no shortcut.”

He cautioned against implementing quick fixes based on these metrics, describing many of these tactics as “smoke & mirrors.”

Mueller highlighted a crucial point: the metrics provided by SEO tools don’t directly correlate with how search engines evaluate websites.

He noted that actions like using disavow files don’t affect metrics from SEO tools, as these companies don’t have access to Google data.

This highlights the need to understand the sources and limitations of SEO tool data. Their metrics aren’t direct indicators of search engine rankings.

What To Focus On? Value, Not Numbers

Mueller suggested a holistic SEO approach, prioritizing unique value over specific metrics like Domain Authority or spam scores.

He advised:

“If you want to think about the long term, finding ways to add real value that’s unique and wanted by people on the web (together with all the usual SEO best practices as a foundation) is a good target.”

However, Mueller acknowledged that creating unique content isn’t easy, adding:

“Unique doesn’t mean a unique combination of words, but really something that nobody else is providing, and ideally, that others can’t easily provide themselves.

It’s hard, it takes a lot of work, and it can take a lot of time. If it were fast & easy, others would be – and probably are already – doing it and have more practice at it.”

Mueller’s insights encourage us to focus on what really matters: strategies that put users first.

This helps align content with Google’s goals and create lasting benefits.

Key Takeaways

  1. While potentially useful, third-party SEO metrics shouldn’t be the primary focus of optimization efforts.
  2. Dramatic changes in these metrics don’t reflect changes in how search engines view your site.
  3. Focus on creating unique content rather than chasing tool-based metrics.
  4. Understand the limitations and sources of SEO tool data

Featured Image: JHVEPhoto/Shutterstock

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