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How SEO Can Capture Demand You Create Elsewhere



How SEO Can Capture Demand You Create Elsewhere

Generating demand is about making people want stuff they had no desire to buy before encountering your marketing. 

Sometimes, it’s a short-term play, like an ecommerce store creating buzz before launching a new product. Other times, like with B2B marketing, it’s a long-term play to engage out-of-market audiences.

In either situation, demand generation can quickly become an expensive marketing activity.

Here are some ways SEO can help you capture and retain the demand you’re generating so your marketing budget goes further.

How is demand typically generated? 

There’s no right or wrong way to generate demand. Any marketing activity that generates a desire to buy something (where there wasn’t such a desire before) can be considered demand generation.

Common examples include using:

  • Paid ads
  • Word of mouth
  • Social media
  • Video marketing
  • Email newsletters
  • Content marketing
  • Community marketing

For example, Pryshan is a small local brand in Australia that has created a new type of exfoliating stone from clay. They’ve been selling it offline since 2018, if not earlier.

It’s not a groundbreaking innovation, but it’s also not been done before.

To launch their product online, they started running a bunch of Facebook ads:

Because of their ads, this company is in the early stages of generating demand for its product. Sure, it’s not the type of marketing that will go viral, but it’s still a great example of demand gen.

Looking at search volume data, there are 40 searches per month for the keyword “clay stone exfoliator” in Australia and a handful of other related searches:

Ahrefs' keyword metrics for "clay stone exfoliator" and similar keywords indicating over 100 searches per month when aggregated.Ahrefs' keyword metrics for "clay stone exfoliator" and similar keywords indicating over 100 searches per month when aggregated.

However, these same keywords get hardly any searches in the US:

Search volumes for the clay stone exfoliator keywords in the US are all 0 to 10.Search volumes for the clay stone exfoliator keywords in the US are all 0 to 10.

This never happens.

Australia has a much smaller population than the US. For non-localized searches, Australian search volume is usually about 6-10% of US search volume for the same keywords.

Take a look at the most popular searches as an example:

Side by side copmarison of search volumes in the US compared to Australia for the keywords Youtube, Facebook, Wordle, Gmail and GoogleSide by side copmarison of search volumes in the US compared to Australia for the keywords Youtube, Facebook, Wordle, Gmail and Google

Pryshan’s advertising efforts on other platforms directly create the search demand for exfoliating clay stones.

It doesn’t matter where or how you educate people about the product you sell. What matters is shifting their perceptions from cognitive awareness to emotional desire.

Emotions trigger actions, and usually, the first action people take once they become aware of a cool new thing is to Google it.

If you’re not including SEO as part of your marketing efforts, here are three things you can do to:

  • minimize budget wastage
  • capture interest when people search
  • convert the audiences you’re already reaching

1. Make your product, service, or innovation searchable 

If you’re working hard to create demand for your product, make sure it’s easy for people to discover it when they search Google.

  • Give it a simple name that’s easy to remember
  • Label it according to how people naturally search
  • Avoid any terms that create ambiguities with an existing thing

For example, the concept of a clay exfoliating stone is easy for people to remember.

Even if they don’t remember what Pryshan calls their product, they’ll remember the videos and images they saw of the product being used to exfoliate people’s skin. They’ll remember it’s made from clay instead of a more common material like pumice.

It makes sense for Pryshan to call its product something similar to what people will be inclined to search for.

In this example, however, the context of exfoliation is important.

If Pryshan chooses to call its product “clay stones,” it will have a harder time disambiguating itself from gardening products in search results. It’s already the odd one out in SERPs for such keywords:

Pryshan's shop listing on Google for the keyword "clay stones" is among gardening products.Pryshan's shop listing on Google for the keyword "clay stones" is among gardening products.

When you go through your branding exercises to decide what to call your product or innovation, it helps to search your ideas on Google.

This way, you’ll easily see what phrases to avoid so that your product isn’t being grouped with unrelated things.

2. Own as much real estate on search results as you can 

Imagine being part of a company that invested a lot of money in re-branding itself. New logo, new slogan, new marketing materials… the lot.

On the back of their new business cards, the designers thought inviting people to search for the new slogan on Google would be clever.

The only problem was that this company didn’t rank for the slogan.

They weren’t showing up at all! (Yes, it’s a true story, no I can’t share the brand’s name).

This tactic isn’t new. Many businesses leverage the fact that people will Google things to convert offline audiences into online audiences through their printed, radio, and TV ads.

Billboard that includes a Google search for "cheesesteaks nearby".Billboard that includes a Google search for "cheesesteaks nearby".

Don’t do this if you don’t already own the search results page.

It’s not only a very expensive mistake to make, but it gives the conversions you’ve worked hard for directly to your competitors.

Instead, use SEO to become the only brand people see when they search for your brand, product, or something that you’ve created.

SERP results that can capture demandSERP results that can capture demand

Let’s use Pryshan as an example.

They’re the first brand to create exfoliating clay stones. Their audience has created a few new keywords to find Pryshan’s products on Google, with “clay stone exfoliator” being the most popular variation.

Yet even though it’s a product they’ve brought to market, competitors and retailers are already encroaching on their SERP real estate for this keyword:

Search results for the keyword "clay stone exfoliator" and where Pryshan shows up.Search results for the keyword "clay stone exfoliator" and where Pryshan shows up.

Sure, Pryshan holds four of the organic spots, but it’s not enough.

Many competitors are showing up in the paid product carousel before Pryshan’s website can be seen by searchers:

Sponsored product listings on Google.Sponsored product listings on Google.

They’re already paying for Facebook ads, why not consider some paid Google placements too?

Not to mention, stockists and competitors are ranking for three of the other organic positions.

Having stockists show up for your product may not seem so bad, but if you’re not careful, they may undercut your prices or completely edge you out of the SERPs.

This is also a common tactic used by affiliate marketers to earn commissions from brands that are not SEO-savvy.

In short, SEO can help you protect your brand presence on Google.

3. Use search data to measure demand gen success 

If you’re working hard to generate demand for a cool new thing that’s never been done before, it can be hard to know if it’s working.

Sure, you can measure sales. But a lot of the time, demand generation doesn’t turn into immediate sales.

B2B marketing is a prominent example. Educating and converting out-of-market audiences into in-market prospects can take a long time.

That’s where SEO data can help close the gap and give you data to get more buy-in from decision-makers.

Measure increases in branded searches

A natural byproduct of demand generation activities is that people search more for your brand (or they should if you’re doing it right).

Tracking if your branded keywords improve over time can help you gauge how your demand generation efforts are going.

In Ahrefs, you can use Rank Tracker to monitor how many people discover your website from your branded searches and whether these are trending up:

Example of Ahrefs' Rank Tracker dashboard.Example of Ahrefs' Rank Tracker dashboard.

If your brand is big enough and gets hundreds of searches a month, you can also check out this nifty graph that forecasts search potential in Keywords Explorer:

Example of Ahrefs' keyword metrics indicating monthly search volume and a graph of forecasted growth.Example of Ahrefs' keyword metrics indicating monthly search volume and a graph of forecasted growth.

Discover and track new keywords about your products, services or innovations

If, as part of your demand generation strategy, you’re encouraging people to search for new keywords relating to your product, service, or innovation, set up alerts to monitor your presence for those terms.

This method will also help you uncover the keywords your audience naturally uses anyway.

Start by going to Ahrefs Alerts and setting up a new keyword alert.

How to set up Ahrefs' Alert feature.How to set up Ahrefs' Alert feature.

Add your website.

Leave the volume setting untouched (you want to include low search volume keywords so you discover the new searches people make).

Set your preferred email frequency, and voila, you’re done.

Monitor visibility against competitors

If you’re worried other brands may steal your spotlight in Google’s search results, you can also use Ahrefs to monitor your share of the traffic compared to them.

I like to use the Share of Voice graph in Site Explorer to do this. It looks like this:

Using Ahrefs' Share of Voice graph to compare the traffic from multiple websites.Using Ahrefs' Share of Voice graph to compare the traffic from multiple websites.

This graph is a great bird’s eye view of how you stack up against competitors and if you’re at risk of losing visibility to any of them.

Final thoughts

As SEO professionals, it’s easy to forget how hard some businesses work to generate demand for their products or services.

Demand always comes first, and it’s our job to capture it.

It’s not a chicken or egg scenario. The savviest marketers use this to their advantage by creating their own SEO opportunities long before competitors figure out what they’re doing.

If you’ve seen other great examples of how SEO and demand generation work together, share them with me on LinkedIn anytime.


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Google Explains How Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) Is Measured




Google Explains How Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) Is Measured

Google’s Web Performance Developer Advocate, Barry Pollard, has clarified how Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) is measured.

CLS quantifies how much unexpected layout shift occurs when a person browses your site.

This metric matters to SEO as it’s one of Google’s Core Web Vitals. Pages with low CLS scores provide a more stable experience, potentially leading to better search visibility.

How is it measured? Pollard addressed this question in a thread on X.

Understanding CLS Measurement

Pollard began by explaining the nature of CLS measurement:

“CLS is ‘unitless’ unlike LCP and INP which are measured in seconds/milliseconds.”

He further clarified:

“Each layout shift is calculated by multipyling two percentages or fractions together: What moved (impact fraction) How much it moved (distance fraction).”

This calculation method helps quantify the severity of layout shifts.

As Pollard explained:

“The whole viewport moves all the way down – that’s worse than just half the view port moving all the way down. The whole viewport moving down a little? That’s not as bad as the whole viewport moving down a lot.”

Worse Case Scenario

Pollard described the worst-case scenario for a single layout shift:

“The maximum layout shift is if 100% of the viewport (impact fraction = 1.0) is moved one full viewport down (distance fraction = 1.0).

This gives a layout shift score of 1.0 and is basically the worst type of shift.”

However, he reminds us of the cumulative nature of CLS:

“CLS is Cumulative Layout Shift, and that first word (cumulative) matters. We take all the individual shifts that happen within a short space of time (max 5 seconds) and sum them up to get the CLS score.”

Pollard explained the reasoning behind the 5-second measurement window:

“Originally we cumulated ALL the shifts, but that didn’t really measure the UX—especially for pages opened for a long time (think SPAs or email). Measuring all shifts meant, given enough, time even the best pages would fail!”

He also noted the theoretical maximum CLS score:

“Since each element can only shift when a frame is drawn and we have a 5 second cap and most devices run at 60fps, that gives a theoretical cap on CLS of 5 secs * 60 fps * 1.0 max shift = 300.”

Interpreting CLS Scores

Pollard addressed how to interpret CLS scores:

“… it helps to think of CLS as a percentage of movement. The good threshold of 0.1 means about the page moved 10%—which could mean the whole page moved 10%, or half the page moved 20%, or lots of little movements were equivalent to either of those.”

Regarding the specific threshold values, Pollard explained:

“So why is 0.1 ‘good’ and 0.25 ‘poor’? That’s explained here as was a combination of what we’d want (CLS = 0!) and what is achievable … 0.05 was actually achievable at the median, but for many sites it wouldn’t be, so went slightly higher.”

See also: How You Can Measure Core Web Vitals

Why This Matters

Pollard’s insights provide web developers and SEO professionals with a clearer understanding of measuring and optimizing for CLS.

As you work with CLS, keep these points in mind:

  • CLS is unitless and calculated from impact and distance fractions.
  • It’s cumulative, measuring shifts over a 5-second window.
  • The “good” threshold of 0.1 roughly equates to 10% of viewport movement.
  • CLS scores can exceed 1.0 due to multiple shifts adding up.
  • The thresholds (0.1 for “good”, 0.25 for “poor”) balance ideal performance with achievable goals.

With this insight, you can make adjustments to achieve Google’s threshold.

Featured Image: Piscine26/Shutterstock

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The 50 Best Bootstrapped Backlink Builders in 2024



The 50 Best Bootstrapped Backlink Builders in 2024

We analyzed the organic growth of 1,600 SaaS companies to discover the SEO strategies that work best in 2024.

In this article, we’re looking at bootstrapped SaaS companies that gained the greatest amount of referring domains in the past year.

Bootstrapped businesses generally don’t have huge budgets to spend on marketing, so any strategy these small-but-mighty companies use to improve their organic growth is something that you can take inspiration from, too.

  • We used the Ahrefs API to pull a list of live referring domains for each company in September 2023 and September 2024.
  • Companies were ranked by referring domain growth as a percentage of their initial referring domains. We’ve set a minimum starting threshold of 1,000 referring domains.
  • We’ve reported on referring domains instead of backlinks, because 1,000 referring domains are much, much harder to get than 1,000 backlinks.

Rank Company Referring Domains 2023 Referring Domains 2024 Referring Domain Growth Change Estimated Revenue
1 Elfsight 7,657 33,610 25,953 339% $8.0M
2 5,709 18,573 12,864 225% $0.5M
3 Gymdesk 1,325 3,052 1,727 130% $5.5M
4 Helpjuice 4,015 8,672 4,657 116% $6.0M
5 AlsoAsked 1,602 3,343 1,741 109% $0.5M
6 Stripo 2,304 4,420 2,116 92% $5.5M
7 Clearscope 1,883 3,580 1,697 90% $5.5M
8 Surfer 5,815 10,899 5,084 87% $37.5M
9 Wordtune 2,877 5,347 2,470 86% $1.0M
10 Crowdin 4,818 8,919 4,101 85% $17.5M
11 Socialinsider 3,264 6,007 2,743 84% $0.8M
12 SpyFu 8,101 14,821 6,720 83% $2.0M
13 1,543 2,779 1,236 80% $5.5M
14 Canny 4,411 7,675 3,264 74% $5.5M
15 Surfshark 13,898 24,056 10,158 73% $20.0M
16 Sitebulb 1,232 2,093 861 70% $0.5M
17 Seobility 3,496 5,900 2,404 69% $5.0M
18 SpyCloud 1,192 1,987 795 67% $14.0M
19 MxToolbox 10,718 17,736 7,018 65% $9.0M
20 Shiftbase 1,077 1,780 703 65% $17.5M
21 Signaturely 1,113 1,839 726 65% $0.5M
22 Lemlist 1,613 2,654 1,041 65% $6.0M
23 Sitechecker 5,938 9,732 3,794 64% $6.1M
24 SavvyCal 1,272 2,070 798 63% $5.5M
25 Statusbrew 2,750 4,470 1,720 63% $14.0M
26 Wisepops 1,291 2,086 795 62% $3.0M
27 Glassnode 5,041 8,123 3,082 61% $5.5M
28 DeviceAtlas 2,765 4,442 1,677 61% $19.0M
29 1,021 1,638 617 60% $5.5M
30 8,601 13,779 5,178 60% $6.3M
31 Smallpdf 13,953 22,264 8,311 60% $17.5M
32 Clockify 6,109 9,733 3,624 59% $5.5M
33 Mailtrap 3,162 4,991 1,829 58% $5.5M
34 BambooHR 8,511 13,410 4,899 58% $237.8M
35 Setapp 13,178 20,696 7,518 57% $15.0M
36 WebCEO 2,495 3,891 1,396 56% $25.0M
37 Visme 10,354 16,135 5,781 56% $1.0M
38 UpLead 1,823 2,833 1,010 55% $17.5M
39 Slickplan 1,345 2,086 741 55% $1.0M
40 Jotform 45,485 69,553 24,068 53% $21.0M
41 Wiza 2,013 3,070 1,057 53% $5.5M
42 Ahrefs 52,536 80,036 27,500 52% $100.0M
43 Plausible Analytics 6,084 9,251 3,167 52% $5.5M
44 Creately 7,816 11,844 4,028 52% $12.0M
45 Homerun 2,040 3,068 1,028 50% $38.4M
46 Yardi 1,928 2,880 952 49% $5500.0M
47 Infinite Campus 1,029 1,534 505 49% $56.0M
48 Filemail 3,829 5,694 1,865 49% $1.0M
49 LiveAgent 4,740 7,034 2,294 48% $5.0M
50 Semaphore 2,727 4,025 1,298 48% $4.0M

Want to work out how virtually any company builds its best backlinks? Here’s how I do it in Ahrefs.

I usually start with the Overview report in Site Explorer to get a quick overview of the website’s referring domain growth. Here’s the chart for our #1 company, Elfsight: 

Impressive! Next, I use the Anchors report to quickly understand the types of links being built: are they all brand mentions, or links to blog content, or free tools?

In Elfsight’s case, the vast majority of their referring domains (well over 60%) have anchor text containing the word widget:

The 50 Best Bootstrapped Backlink Builders in 2024The 50 Best Bootstrapped Backlink Builders in 2024

Looking at some of these links, it’s clear that the company offers free website widgets that also include a link back to Elfsight:

1728915967 813 The 50 Best Bootstrapped Backlink Builders in 20241728915967 813 The 50 Best Bootstrapped Backlink Builders in 2024

For some websites, anchor text won’t be so revealing. Here’s the Referring Domains report for a SaaS company I excluded from this article. At first glance, they seem to be doing well, with over 100,00 new backlinks acquired in the past year:

1728915967 476 The 50 Best Bootstrapped Backlink Builders in 20241728915967 476 The 50 Best Bootstrapped Backlink Builders in 2024

But digging into the most common anchor text, it becomes apparent that these are almost all spammy links (advertising Korean business massages).

You can exclude spammy links like these using our Best links filter. By default, the “Best links” filter will only show links that are:

  • Dofollow,
  • In the page content,
  • On a referring domain with a DR of at least 30,
  • With estimated organic traffic to the page of at least 500/m.

If you have different criteria for defining a “best” link, you can customize the filter yourself:

1728915968 642 The 50 Best Bootstrapped Backlink Builders in 20241728915968 642 The 50 Best Bootstrapped Backlink Builders in 2024

With the filter applied, if we run the Anchors report again, we can filter out all of those spam links, and get a clearer picture of the good quality links this website has acquired. Far, far fewer:

1728915968 824 The 50 Best Bootstrapped Backlink Builders in 20241728915968 824 The 50 Best Bootstrapped Backlink Builders in 2024

Lastly, I like to visit the Best by links report to see the individual pages that have acquired the best links.

Here’s an example from another one of our top 50 websites, Clearscope. Aside from common “utility” pages like their homepage, pricing page, and sign-in page, their most linked-to pages are all thought leadership blog posts—opinions, predictions, and research studies:

1728915968 189 The 50 Best Bootstrapped Backlink Builders in 20241728915968 189 The 50 Best Bootstrapped Backlink Builders in 2024

Not every company can build links by offering tons of free tools or widgets, but thought leadership content is a link-building strategy that’s much easier for other companies to emulate.

Final thoughts

We’ll share more of these data analyses in the coming weeks. Want us to include your company in the next analysis? Fill out this short Google Form.

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How Marketers Can Reach Gen Z On Social Media




How Marketers Can Reach Gen Z On Social Media

Born between 1997 and 2012, Generation Z (Gen Z) is the first generation to have grown up with the internet, social media, and smartphones as part of their everyday lives.

More than just very demure and very mindful, they’re a complex demographic myriad businesses and industries are vying to target – with their own unique set of ideals, values, and interests that vary drastically from older generations.

For social media marketers, effectively reaching Gen Z requires more than injecting buzzwords and phrases into your messaging.

It requires a strategic approach that starts with obtaining a comprehensive understanding of this specific audience.

Unlike previous generations, Gen Z came into the world with the internet already having made a significant impact for both business and consumers alike.

Smartphones were well on their way to becoming a household necessity, with the first iPhone being introduced on June 29, 2007. Myspace was also about to become a phenomenon that would inspire and forever shape the social media technology movement.

Given the breadth of experience Gen Z has with smart devices, technology, and social media, it’s imperative for marketers to tailor their social media strategies to successfully capture and convert potential Gen Z customers.

As marketers, now is the time to uncover what motivates Gen Z and how to capture the largest market segment to improve return on investment, maximize your marketing efforts, and drive more qualified business.

Let’s unpack exactly who this generation is and proven strategies for increasing Gen Z engagement across numerous social media platforms.

Demystifying Gen Z: Who Are They Exactly?

Gen Z comprises a little over one-fifth (20.69%) of the U.S. population.

Gen Z is unique among current generations – not just for the social structure they have come up in, but also for their spending habits, which differ from other generations.

According to Statista, Gen Z isn’t as motivated to purchase a product after seeing an ad on TV, with only about a third of this demographic saying a TV ad has prompted them to make a purchase.

Social media’s influence, however, was proven to be much more profound.

Gen Z And Social Media

Two-thirds of Gen Zers say they’ve been influenced to make a purchase after seeing a social media advertisement.

Additionally, 33% of the Gen Z population is interested in buying from a brand founded by an influencer, a stark contrast from the minuscule 4% of Baby Boomers who expressed interest in doing the same.

Social media is woven into the fabric of their lives.

A 2024 report by Morning Consult found that 54% of Gen Zers favor YouTube over any other social media platform, with 80% spending their time on it. Instagram is another platform after YouTube, with 75% of Gen Zers gravitating towards spending time there. TikTok (69%) and Snapchat (63%) are also popular platforms for Gen Zers.

Furthermore, the same report indicates 35% of Gen Zers spend over 4 hours a day using social media, and only 4% spend less than 1 hour a day.

Knowing that Gen Z spends ample time on social media regularly highlights the need for marketers to focus their attention and efforts on this dominating channel.

This holds especially true for the social channels Gen Z frequents most, which are YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat.

Gen Z’s Dual World: Online Convenience Meets In-Person Experience

When it comes to online versus in-person shopping, it’s more of a toss-up.

Gen Z is accustomed to the convenience of online shopping, but they value real-life experiences, as well as the ease of same-day pickup.

A Deloitte study in 2023 also found a 50/50 split between Gen Zers and Millennials who see online interactions as meaningful replacements to in-person experiences, and those who prefer the real thing.

All of this suggests that an omnichannel approach to the customer experience is best for Gen Z, but still poses an interesting conundrum for marketers.

We know where Gen Zers are spending their time and how to reach them, but what does it take to connect with them authentically? And what drives them to log off and shop in person?

Here are six social media best practices to consider when targeting a Gen Z audience.

1. Embrace Partnership With Creators

The concept of the traditional “influencer” – who does sponsorship deals, goes on brand trips, and sells an aspirational lifestyle attainable to their followers through the purchasing of products – dominated the 2010s.

But for Gen Z, that heyday is proving to be behind us. As they become savvier about when and how they’re being sold to, the creator economy is king.

In this new paradigm, authenticity and originality are lauded over aspiration.

TikTok creator Alix Earle jumps to mind as a prime example. Earle has seen rapid fame in just a few short months, surpassing 5 million followers today.

She has all the marks of a traditional influencer – the travel, high-end products, and aspirational lifestyle – but her unpolished and relatable tone is arguably what garnered her a massive audience, and what keeps them around as her lifestyle appears to become less attainable.

When she recommends a product to an audience, it feels organic, like a recommendation from a friend.

As a brand, encouraging, engaging with, and platforming this type of user-generated content (UGC) – where your product might not be the star of a scripted video, but a detail in a larger story – can be very effective with Gen Z.

2. Give The Brand A Persona Online

In addition to outsourcing content to creators with their own audiences, we’re also seeing the emergence of brands becoming influencers in their own right.

Some do this by bringing on a well-known creator to represent their brand’s social presence. For example, Kyle Prue, a TikTok creator with over 1.4 million followers, has become jointly known for the personal finance brand, Fizz.

Stylistically, the content for Fizz is virtually indistinguishable from his personal content – except for the fact that it’s about personal finance.

Others employ a character or a staff member to become the face of the brand online.

The popular language learning app, Duolingo, has amassed over 6.5 million TikTok followers making videos featuring its mascot, the Duolingo owl (and most of these videos have nothing to do with learning a language).

Another example with a different twist is the bag brand, Baboon to the Moon, which leverages a few of its Gen Z team members to make content that often features products prominently but feels snarky and off the cuff – a tone that tends to resonate well with the Gen Z audience.

3. Focus On Engagement Over Follower Count

Gen Z is far less brand loyal than its predecessors.

They’re frequently served content from social media main pages like TikTok’s For You page, Instagram’s Discover tab, and YouTube’s Recommended page.

An eye toward individual post engagement and visibility can be a better indicator of success than follower count by profile.

From a local experience (LX) perspective, this also means that there can be value in creating profiles for local stores to build a more personal connection with those locations.

Showing the location, offers, or events specific to that store and the people who work there could encourage more engagement.

For example, the TikTok profile for a Barnes and Noble location in Canton, Connecticut, has 15,600 followers and nearly 686,000 likes on its posts.

Democratizing content creation in this way can be a great way to generate more overall engagement, especially at the community level, and foster a sense of ownership with your staff.

4. Use Video To Your Advantage

Video marketing is a primary purchase driver for the Gen Z demographic. Not only does this audience like to watch videos, but they can also compel them to take action and purchase a product or service.

The previously cited report from Morning Consult found that over half (53%) of GenZers have purchased an item shown in a review video, and 40% have done the same from haul videos.

“Get Ready With Me (GRWM)” videos also inspire purchasing, with 37% of respondents saying this has led to a purchase as well.

The video purchasing trend aligns closely with the fact that Gen Z prefers to engage with platforms that allow for easy video creation, such as TikTok and Instagram.

When creating videos, it’s important for your business and any influencers you partner with to remain authentic and genuine.

Gen Zers are quick to abandon ship and take their money elsewhere if they feel a brand is being deceitful or if an influencer’s testimonial appears forced.

This is why it’s crucial to partner with influencers within your niche and who already have an understanding of your industry.

It’s beneficial to also examine the influencer’s reach and average post engagement to ensure your dollars are being well spent.

Scripts should also be avoided as this can appear inauthentic. Give influencers or your employees talking points to cover during their video, but stray away from regurgitating a word-for-word speech.

Your videos should be conversational, fun, and valuable for the intended audience.

5. Optimize Your Google Business Profile

Let’s say that you successfully build the authentic connection and positive association necessary to attract a Gen Z buyer.

At the local level, their experience begins when they open a new tab on their computer or switch apps on their photo to search for your brand – and there’s a strong chance that they are turning to Google to do that.

In a 2022 study of local consumer search behavior (Disclosure: I work for Rio SEO), we found that:

  •  47% of Gen Zers said they very frequently use Google Search and Google Maps to find information about businesses in their area.
  • 65% of the most frequently searched information on local business listings is the business address/directions – followed by reviews (56%), hours of operation (54%), and website (54%).
  • 68% of Gen Zers conduct online searches a few times per day.
  • 65% of Gen Zers want to travel 10 miles or less for a business’s products or services.

To progress your Gen Z leads from social media marketing into conversion, managing your LX and optimizing with your Google Business Profile (GBP) is key.

Your GBP should be optimized for mobile and up-to-date, with correct store hours and addresses with GPS directions, as well as quick visibility into in-store inventory, payment options, and other store highlights.

6. Create Short-Form Content

Capturing the attention of a Gen Z audience can be daunting as they prefer quick and short snippets of information. Gen Z isn’t interested in consuming cumbersome videos.

They crave content that’s easy to digest and gets to the point right away.

Businesses should focus on incorporating short-form content into their social media strategy, such as 10-, 30-, and 60-second videos on TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts.

Each of these formats is designed to entice the viewer in a short timeframe, ensuring they don’t tune out before your message is delivered.

Incorporating current trends can also help capture Gen Z’s attention.

A video from TikTok creator Jools Lebron gained lightning-speed traction when she modeled her “demure” workplace-friendly makeup. She quipped the look was “Very demure. Very mindful.”

The video’s popularity has since skyrocketed, prompting businesses and consumers alike to adopt and insert the phrase into their everyday jargon.

Businesses have since capitalized on the trend, adding the phrase into their own posts and videos to stay current with the Gen Z audience.

Popular, renowned brands such as Netflix, Zillow, and Lyft hired Lebron for marketing campaigns, where she uses her now iconic phrase “very demure, very mindful” in ads for the respective businesses.

While the demure trend may not last much longer before the next viral video steals the spotlight, it’s crucial for businesses to pay close attention to what’s trending to captivate Gen Z’s attention across their most visited social media platforms.

In Conclusion

The key takeaway is this: Gen Z social media marketing requires striking a balance between adaptability of medium and consistency of voice to bring in an engaged audience.

Optimizing online, social media, and local experience will equip brands to convert that audience into customers.

The brands that make both sides a priority will be the best poised to break through to this notoriously elusive generation.

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Featured Image: DavideAngelini/Shutterstock

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