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Have you tried your own customer experience?



Have you tried your own customer experience?

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Good morning, Marketer, keep your friends close and your data closer.

In American football, offensive linemen dread hearing their name in the news. The only time that happens is when something has gone really wrong. Similarly, customers only talk about CX when something is wrong. And that’s the best case scenario. More often they just give up and go away.

Pre-digital it was really difficult to find out about this. How do you count the people who almost enter a shop? Today, fortunately, we have all sorts of ways to do just that. There’s session times, knowing exactly what page someone was on and what they were doing right before they left, and more. Now the person who almost entered the shop is a great data source. 

One thing you might want to do to supplement all that information: Use your own site. Some things you can only learn by doing.


Constantine von Hoffman,
Managing Editor

Quote of the day. “The biggest difference this time is we are loving those who love us. … We need to give them more opportunity to come back and find things they love.” – Marc Rosen, CEO of JCPenney on what he’s doing to rescue the 120-year retailer.

About The Author

App users visit brick and mortar 41 more often than
Constantine von Hoffman is managing editor of MarTech. A veteran journalist, Con has covered business, finance, marketing and tech for, Brandweek, CMO, and Inc. He has been city editor of the Boston Herald, news producer at NPR, and has written for Harvard Business Review, Boston Magazine, Sierra, and many other publications. He has also been a professional stand-up comedian, given talks at anime and gaming conventions on everything from My Neighbor Totoro to the history of dice and boardgames, and is author of the magical realist novel John Henry the Revelator. He lives in Boston with his wife, Jennifer, and either too many or too few dogs.

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