As its investigation continues, on late Friday night, Twitter provided an update of the latest information about the recent hack which targeted the accounts of several...
Fallout continues from this week’s big Twitter hack, podcaster Harry Stebbings launches a small VC fund and robots help with sorting the mail. Here’s your Daily...
While the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has dampened enthusiasm for event days in 2020, today is World Emoji Day, which aims to celebrate those small, cartoonish characters...
With the hospitality sector being hit especially hard by the COVID-19 lockdowns, Pinterest has this week launched a new initiative called ‘Chefs at Home‘, which aims...
What will a post-COVID world look like for social media marketers? If there’s anything we’ve learned so far in 2020, it’s that nobody can ever be...
With Facebook set to significantly advance its eCommerce ambitions via its new Facebook and Instagram shops, Google is also looking to ensure it maintains its online...
Facebook has announced that it will now add new labels to all posts from federally-elected officials and presidential candidates which mention voting or ballots, irrespective of...
A Twitter hack hits the platform’s most famous users, Netflix gets a co-CEO and Revel’s mopeds are coming to San Francisco. Here’s your Daily Crunch for...
As part of its effort to steel its platform against threats to the 2020 election, Facebook will try surfacing accurate voting info in a new place...
Instagram confirmed it’s preparing to soon launch its TikTok competitor, known as Reels, in the U.S. The company expects to bring the new video feature —...