Artificial intelligence and big data in retail involves the use of automation, data, and innovative technologies to deliver highly personalized shopping experiences to consumers. The combination of...
Automation testing has been making more strides with DevOps and agile methodologies undergoing more advancement. Most businesses aspire for achieving quality software as quickly as possible....
Customer Identity Management (CIAM) might appear to be a straightforward exercise, but it is much more complex than the usual password authentications and easy security measures....
The relationship between big data and IPRs is sensitive as in our haste to leverage big data we may consciously or subconsciously infringe upon IPRs. Intellectual...
Machine learning’s (ML) ability to make robots behave like humans was itself a pathbreaking innovation, and now it can read your mind too! The rise in...
Augmented reality (AR) in journalism holds the potential to improve news reporting and accuracy of information. Augmented reality is a technology that integrates the digital world...
Deep learning is rapidly transforming the global financial services industry. A step ahead of machine learning, deep learning focuses on finding minute details to function. What is Deep...
Big social media companies will be required to assess risks of the types of legal harms against adults which could arise on their services, and will...
Government organizations can implement computer vision in smart cities to maintain social distancing and avoid stampedes and other disasters in crowded areas. As the global population...
Immersive learning with virtual reality (VR) has become increasingly popular over the past several years. VR is vital in the digital transformation process, industry 4.0 and...