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The Facebook post that has all the crazy



The Facebook post that has all the crazy

Oh boy, this Facebook post, featured on the ParlerWatch subreddit, has it all. If you want to get a latest-look update on the mind of the QAnon-MAGA nut, read on.

Let’s get started with this gem.

You’re not going crazy. Everything really is more expensive. The dollar is weaker than it’s ever been in any of our lifetimes.

Everything is more expensive, but that is always the case. Even in times of low inflation, there is still inflation. But yes, inflation has been a thing, for sure. But the dollar?

The dollar is weakest since, like, a few months ago. And, in fact, it’s just off a roughly 20-year high. It’s funny: They have no idea what “weak dollar” means, which would make American exports cheaper and imports more expensive, providing an economic boon to American manufacturers. The MAGA set just hears “weak” and freaks out, even if, in reality, the dollar remains pretty strong in the grand scheme of things.

BRICS+ is about to take over 80% of oil production globally. The US dollar is in free fall. Bidenomics is killing our economy.

Ah yes, BRICS. I wrote about BRICS a few weeks ago. In short, it is an effort by Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (but mostly Russia) to create a counterbalance to Western hegemony. Among the world’s top 10 most populated countries, nine of them are in BRICS or are interested in joining it. (The exception is the United States.) Their problem is that seven of the top 10 economies are West-aligned.

And this isn’t a bloc like NATO. It’s an informal club with no teeth, no guiding agenda, and no  cohesive ideology. None of these nations, including China, can thrive economically without the United States or Europe (plus aligned nations). Indeed, China’s economy is on the skids for several reasons, but the flight of Western nations looking to diversify their logistics to a less threatening country is a big part of it. China’s multiple draconian COVID-19 shutdowns dramatically impacted global supply chains, while their belligerent actions toward Taiwan inspire no confidence. War is bad for business.

Russia won’t bail out China’s economy.

It is fascinating, however, to see the QAnon crowd seize on the BRICS narrative. That is very much Russia’s social media influence campaign in action.

We are already in WW3. It’s happening right now.

LOL, no it’s not, but again, this mirrors Russia’s messaging. These marks are soaking up Russian propaganda.

Covid was a biological weapon. The shots are neither safe or effective. It’s population control. They cause heart problems, sudden death, turbo cancer, blood clots, and it’s still killing many of our athletes and young people. Russia invaded Ukraine to shut down globalist and American bioweapons labs which were preparing to start another pandemic.

Russia, Russia, Russia. QAnon, at this point, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Vladimir Putin Enterprises.

Ironically, it was Yevgeny Prigozhin, the recently deceased leader of the Wagner paramilitary group, who owned and operated the troll farms that fed this misinformation to gullible conspiracy theorists in the West. Following Prigozhin’s assassination, I assume those have been taken over by the state.

I did have to look up “turbo cancer.” That was a new one. It’s definitely a thing. This AFP fact check has more. Guess who is pushing that conspiracy?

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Children’s Health Defense.

And if COVID was a hoax, why do we need bioweapons labs to start “another pandemic”? Either there was a pandemic and it was real, or there was not a pandemic and it was a hoax. Would a little internal consistency kill these people?

Maui was an inside job. They left the power on with downed lines in hurricane winds, turned off the water, and barricaded people in a burning city and told them to go home to die. It’s a land grab. Hundreds of children if not thousands are dead.

Their world is a dark, dark one.

We’ve been in a cultural civil war for nearly a decade or more. The war is going hot, as people are finally awakening to the fact we’re in the middle of a global authoritarian communist regime takeover.

Ironic, given that they take their marching orders and talking points from Putin and his troll farms.

The 2020 election was rigged. Biden was not fairly elected, and he’s not in power. This is Obama’s 3rd term. Someone murdered Obama’s chef and they swept it under the rug.

The “Obamas’ chef” thing has proven fertile ground for the conspiracists, fueled by artificial intelligence deepfake videos. The chef drowned while paddleboarding near the Obama’s Martha’s Vineyard waterfront estate. The Associated Press has been fact-checking the wild claims, seemingly to no avail.

The weather is changing, but not for the reasons they’re telling us. It’s because of the sun, solar cycles, and geo-engineered weather modification being conducted by several world governments with competing intentions and purposes.

Climate change could be happening for the reasons science states, or because of a bunch of nonsense these types read online when they “do their own research.” It’s really amazing how they reject information from any knowledgeable source in favor of random cranks on the internet.

At the very least, they could settle on one conspiracy rather than this “throw everything at the wall and see if anything sticks” approach.

Canceling communists is the only acceptable form of cancel culture. In our grandparents age, their preferred method of dealing with communists was to shoot them.

Putin is overtly working toward the recreation of the Soviet Union. There’s one side objectively working to thwart a new Soviet state, and it isn’t these QAnon pro-Putin guys. It’s everyone fighting to make sure Russia doesn’t win in Ukraine.

January 6th was a false flag. Political prisoners are still in jail and being tortured by our government without a fair trial. The FBI and Antifa were responsible for the majority of the violence.

Wait, if Jan. 6 was a false flag, then the people in jail are FBI and Antifa, right? I mean, they were convicted using visually confirmed video of them engaging in violence. You can’t have it both ways. You can’t say that those convicted of the violence are “political prisoners” and also say Jan. 6 was a false flag.

Trump is being politically prosecuted. Lockdowns and Covid restrictions are coming back. Do not comply.

Blah, blah, blah. It’s gotta be exhausting living a life in which conspiracies lurk in every shadow. ChatGPT could not have written a better summary of their insanity.

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Facebook Faces Yet Another Outage: Platform Encounters Technical Issues Again




Facebook Problem Again

Uppdated: It seems that today’s issues with Facebook haven’t affected as many users as the last time. A smaller group of people appears to be impacted this time around, which is a relief compared to the larger incident before. Nevertheless, it’s still frustrating for those affected, and hopefully, the issues will be resolved soon by the Facebook team.

Facebook had another problem today (March 20, 2024). According to Downdetector, a website that shows when other websites are not working, many people had trouble using Facebook.

This isn’t the first time Facebook has had issues. Just a little while ago, there was another problem that stopped people from using the site. Today, when people tried to use Facebook, it didn’t work like it should. People couldn’t see their friends’ posts, and sometimes the website wouldn’t even load.

Downdetector, which watches out for problems on websites, showed that lots of people were having trouble with Facebook. People from all over the world said they couldn’t use the site, and they were not happy about it.

When websites like Facebook have problems, it affects a lot of people. It’s not just about not being able to see posts or chat with friends. It can also impact businesses that use Facebook to reach customers.

Since Facebook owns Messenger and Instagram, the problems with Facebook also meant that people had trouble using these apps. It made the situation even more frustrating for many users, who rely on these apps to stay connected with others.

During this recent problem, one thing is obvious: the internet is always changing, and even big websites like Facebook can have problems. While people wait for Facebook to fix the issue, it shows us how easily things online can go wrong. It’s a good reminder that we should have backup plans for staying connected online, just in case something like this happens again.

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Christian family goes in hiding after being cleared of blasphemy



Christian family goes in hiding after being cleared of blasphemy

LAHORE, Pakistan — A court in Pakistan granted bail to a Christian falsely charged with blasphemy, but he and his family have separated and gone into hiding amid threats to their lives, sources said.

Haroon Shahzad (right) with attorney Aneeqa Maria. | The Voice Society/Morning Star News

Haroon Shahzad, 45, was released from Sargodha District Jail on Nov. 15, said his attorney, Aneeqa Maria. Shahzad was charged with blasphemy on June 30 after posting Bible verses on Facebook that infuriated Muslims, causing dozens of Christian families in Chak 49 Shumaali, near Sargodha in Punjab Province, to flee their homes.

Lahore High Court Judge Ali Baqir Najfi granted bail on Nov. 6, but the decision and his release on Nov. 15 were not made public until now due to security fears for his life, Maria said.

Shahzad told Morning Star News by telephone from an undisclosed location that the false accusation has changed his family’s lives forever.

“My family has been on the run from the time I was implicated in this false charge and arrested by the police under mob pressure,” Shahzad told Morning Star News. “My eldest daughter had just started her second year in college, but it’s been more than four months now that she hasn’t been able to return to her institution. My other children are also unable to resume their education as my family is compelled to change their location after 15-20 days as a security precaution.”

Though he was not tortured during incarceration, he said, the pain of being away from his family and thinking about their well-being and safety gave him countless sleepless nights.

“All of this is due to the fact that the complainant, Imran Ladhar, has widely shared my photo on social media and declared me liable for death for alleged blasphemy,” he said in a choked voice. “As soon as Ladhar heard about my bail, he and his accomplices started gathering people in the village and incited them against me and my family. He’s trying his best to ensure that we are never able to go back to the village.”

Shahzad has met with his family only once since his release on bail, and they are unable to return to their village in the foreseeable future, he said.

“We are not together,” he told Morning Star News. “They are living at a relative’s house while I’m taking refuge elsewhere. I don’t know when this agonizing situation will come to an end.”

The Christian said the complainant, said to be a member of Islamist extremist party Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan and also allegedly connected with banned terrorist group Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, filed the charge because of a grudge. Shahzad said he and his family had obtained valuable government land and allotted it for construction of a church building, and Ladhar and others had filed multiple cases against the allotment and lost all of them after a four-year legal battle.

“Another probable reason for Ladhar’s jealousy could be that we were financially better off than most Christian families of the village,” he said. “I was running a successful paint business in Sargodha city, but that too has shut down due to this case.”

Regarding the social media post, Shahzad said he had no intention of hurting Muslim sentiments by sharing the biblical verse on his Facebook page.

“I posted the verse a week before Eid Al Adha [Feast of the Sacrifice] but I had no idea that it would be used to target me and my family,” he said. “In fact, when I came to know that Ladhar was provoking the villagers against me, I deleted the post and decided to meet the village elders to explain my position.”

The village elders were already influenced by Ladhar and refused to listen to him, Shahzad said.

“I was left with no option but to flee the village when I heard that Ladhar was amassing a mob to attack me,” he said.

Shahzad pleaded with government authorities for justice, saying he should not be punished for sharing a verse from the Bible that in no way constituted blasphemy.

Similar to other cases

Shahzad’s attorney, Maria, told Morning Star News that events in Shahzad’s case were similar to other blasphemy cases filed against Christians.

“Defective investigation, mala fide on the part of the police and complainant, violent protests against the accused persons and threats to them and their families, forcing their displacement from their ancestral areas, have become hallmarks of all blasphemy allegations in Pakistan,” said Maria, head of The Voice Society, a Christian paralegal organization.

She said that the case filed against Shahzad was gross violation of Section 196 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC), which states that police cannot register a case under the Section 295-A blasphemy statute against a private citizen without the approval of the provincial government or federal agencies.

Maria added that Shahzad and his family have continued to suffer even though there was no evidence of blasphemy.

“The social stigma attached with a blasphemy accusation will likely have a long-lasting impact on their lives, whereas his accuser, Imran Ladhar, would not have to face any consequence of his false accusation,” she said.

The judge who granted bail noted that Shahzad was charged with blasphemy under Section 295-A, which is a non-cognizable offense, and Section 298, which is bailable. The judge also noted that police had not submitted the forensic report of Shahzad’s cell phone and said evidence was required to prove that the social media was blasphemous, according to Maria.

Bail was set at 100,000 Pakistani rupees (US $350) and two personal sureties, and the judge ordered police to further investigate, she said.

Shahzad, a paint contractor, on June 29 posted on his Facebook page 1 Cor. 10:18-21 regarding food sacrificed to idols, as Muslims were beginning the four-day festival of Eid al-Adha, which involves slaughtering an animal and sharing the meat.

A Muslim villager took a screenshot of the post, sent it to local social media groups and accused Shahzad of likening Muslims to pagans and disrespecting the Abrahamic tradition of animal sacrifice.

Though Shahzad made no comment in the post, inflammatory or otherwise, the situation became tense after Friday prayers when announcements were made from mosque loudspeakers telling people to gather for a protest, family sources previously told Morning Star News.

Fearing violence as mobs grew in the village, most Christian families fled their homes, leaving everything behind.

In a bid to restore order, the police registered a case against Shahzad under Sections 295-A and 298. Section 295-A relates to “deliberate and malicious acts intended to outrage religious feelings of any class by insulting its religion or religious beliefs” and is punishable with imprisonment of up to 10 years and fine, or both. Section 298 prescribes up to one year in prison and a fine, or both, for hurting religious sentiments.

Pakistan ranked seventh on Open Doors’ 2023 World Watch List of the most difficult places to be a Christian, up from eighth the previous year.

Morning Star News is the only independent news service focusing exclusively on the persecution of Christians. The nonprofit’s mission is to provide complete, reliable, even-handed news in order to empower those in the free world to help persecuted Christians, and to encourage persecuted Christians by informing them that they are not alone in their suffering.

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Individual + Team Stats: Hornets vs. Timberwolves



CHARLOTTE HORNETS MINNESOTA TIMBERWOLVES You can follow us for future coverage by liking us on Facebook & following us on X: Facebook – All Hornets X – …

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