TikTok video shows ‘creepy’ men asking woman on a date after trying to sell engagement ring on Facebook

The ring’s on the market, not her heart!
A woman claims “creepy” men were asking her on dates after posting her engagement ring on Facebook Marketplace to make some extra cash.
Camille Fahrnbauer, 26, a travel nurse from Salt Lake City, Utah, put her 1.6-carat diamond ring up for sale on the social media platform after a brutal hiking accident forced her to quit her current nursing gig due to the injury.
Her husband of two years left her in February, and with the ring being worth “a couple of thousand,” Fahrnbauer figured it would be a good time to sell it.
But, when the young nurse began getting messages about the listing — instead of seeing offers from people wanting to purchase the ring — she started getting hounded by men asking to take her on a date.
In a string of messages posted on her TikTok, the men flat out tell her they have no interest in buying the ring before revealing their true intentions for messaging her.
“Hey, I’m not interested in the ring, but I would be interested in taking you on a date sometime. What do you think?” one suitor asked Fahrnbauer in her inbox.
“I’m not looking for a ring yet. Would it be bold of me to take my shot?” another man wrote.
“Hey Camille, I don’t want to buy the ring but how about I take you country dancing and we can talk about what you are going through,” another hopeful man asked.
One man even brazenly asked the travel nurse to remarry him.
“Tbh, i really dont want the ring I rather just use the ring to re marry you.”
“I thought the messages were funny at first but also kind of creepy and I didn’t take anyone up on their offers [of a date],” [When these men messaged me], I questioned what their intentions were on Facebook Marketplace looking at engagement rings,” she told The Mirror.
The strange encounters left her questioning the “intentions” of these men and whether they were scouring Marketplace looking “for a ring for their wife or girlfriend” or using the listings as a ploy to ask women out.
“I was hoping the men that messaged me weren’t in relationships,” Fahrnbauer said
Though slightly creepy, Fahrnbauer made light of the encounters, writing, “Ladies, delete Hinge and download Facebook Marketplace” in the caption on her TikTok.
“Everyone these days are on dating apps and I effortlessly just posted about a ring on Facebook Marketplace and I had all these guys messaging me and asking me on dates,” she told the outlet.
The travel nurse said if the men “were good looking and presented themselves normally,” she would have “potentially met them in a super public setting,” but her first question would be asking them why they were “looking at engagement rings on Facebook Marketplace.”
As for her ring, Fahrnbauer ended up selling it to a man proposing to his girlfriend in Japan.
“I was sad to see the ring go but it was also definitely a relief to have sold it and was a weight lifted off my shoulders.”
“I’m glad that the ring can have a new memory,” she said.
The TikTok video has gained over 6.5 million views since posting it in late October, with many in the comments joking about the odd messages.
“Is this my sign to try to sell an engagement ring on facebook marketplace?” one woman sarcastically wrote.
“Bro invited you to country dancing 😭 if that don’t speak gentleman idk what does,” one user proclaimed.
“Ma’am… your husbands loss. Get your boots on and go dancing!” another woman commented.