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SEO and the Coronavirus “update”



corona virus

by Gianluca Fiorelli

Sometimes you do not need a Google update for seeing your traffic and revenues tanking.

If you are thinking that a Core Update is the worst you can experience as an SEO, I suggest you change your mind.

Covid-19, better known as coronavirus albeit is just one of the many coronaviruses present, can have a stronger or similar impact than a Core Update with the big difference that it is not something you can try to contrast with “better content”.

Simply, people stop searching for the topics, products, and services you offer or – even if they would love to buy your services – they cannot because they cannot move out of their Red Zone.

In this post I will try to present you how the Covid-19 is affecting the organic traffic of healthy websites and because it is the niche that has been mostly affected by the coronavirus “update”, I will present you only travel sites’ cases (the effects are partly visible also in other kinds of websites, like local businesses and some B2B and B2C eCommerce niches).

Especially, my intention when writing this post is to prevent you from something that now is affecting me and Italian SEOs, but that will probably affect you in the next weeks. We Italians are just a few weeks before you in this of Covid-19.

As “an image is worth 1,000 words”, look at the Google Analytics graph if this Italian website specialized in promoting holidays in the island of Sardinia, and targeting only the Italian market:

Organic traffic of specialized travel website during Coronavirus crisis

Scary, isn’t it?

So, let me give you some context to the GA screenshot:

  1. On February 20th, the first Italian cases had been declared;
  2. In just a few days, the Covid-19 confirmed cases went from 3 to 400;
  3. Around February 27th, the first cases of death due to Coronavirus complications started;
  4. In those early days, the Italian government began to present a series of very severe acts with the aim of containing the spread of the infection as much as possible (i.e.: the creation of Red Zones limited to a few little towns in Northern Italy)
  5. Despite the hysteria just after the news and Red Zones declaration, it seemed that people were returning to its pre-coronavirus normality, and returning to think to travel (Sardinia is one the Italian top destinations, especially for people in the North of Italy).
  6. However, things got worse rapidly asap the number of infected people and deaths started multiplying (note: in Italy the number of tests done had been done more widely than in other European countries or the USA), and even stricter resolutions from the government, a mix of hysteria, depression and also – let me tell you – common sense arose again.  
  7. On March 7th, finally, the Italian government decided to declare “Orange Zones” 16 provinces in Northern Italy (amongst them Milan, Padua, Vicenza, Venice and Rimini and others that represent the core of the economical power of Italy). Orange Zones are zones from special measures that are active such as, for example, the prohibition to travel for reasons that are not really justified for family or work reasons.
    In the screenshot above you can easily see what was the effect on a travel site.

Ok… what about the website, you are maybe asking.

Unfortunately, I cannot cite it, so I ask you to trust me.

It is, as I said, it is a travel website specialized in hotel reservation on the island of Sardinia, one of the top holidays’ destinations for Italians, and its main target is the Italian families (family travel niche)

It is not a masterpiece if we talk of SEO, in fact, we are working on improving its quality both technical and content-wise. It had been mildly it by the last January 2020 Core Update, but during the “Coronavirus update” rollout, its SEO Visibility was practically flat (+0.19 as reported by SISTRIX):

SEO Visibility italian website during the coronavirus update

When it comes to rankings, and despite having to compete against giants like Booking, Expedia, Tripadvisor, and Trivago or other very fierce specialized travel website (to not talk of Google itself), this client of mine if ranking in the top 3 for very competitive keywords like “Hotel Sardegna”, “Last minute Sardegna”, “Offerte Sardegna” (Sardinia offers), “Villaggi Sardegna” (“Villaggi” are an Italian word that partly corresponds to “Resorts”).

Similar is the case of this website 100% specialized in traveling with kids and targeting the Italian market too:

Google Analytics graph of the effects of Coronavirus in the organic traffic of an Italian travel website

In this case, the core strategy of this website always has been to produce high-quality content about travel destinations for families with kids, what to do there, the events for families held in Italian and foreign cities et al… but:

  1. Families with kids between 0 and 12 y/o are the most influenced by the state of panic;
  2. Even if their sons are not going to school (schools have been closed to contain the Covid-19 spread), they still “go to school”, albeit virtually with online lessons and homework;
  3. Now, then, the 16 million Italians – many of them with kids – living in the Orange Zones cannot travel or even move out of their province and strongly urged to go out from home if not strictly necessary;
  4. In the rest of Italy, people can travel with no limitation, albeit the no-travel recommendation is valid also for them. However, considering that public events are now forbidden, museums are close (even churches are closed) and sports events are played with not public, people have no interest in searching for travel to do with their kids or for events to go with them.

Neither this website is a masterpiece of SEO, in fact, I am collaborating with them actively since last summer because it received a quite important hit in coincidence with the June 2019 Core Update.

Nevertheless and despite its defects, it is the most relevant and with the biggest organic visibility in its niche.

Could it be worst?


Let say you have a series of websites that promote luxury holidays in some of the best regions of Italy (Sardinia, Puglia, Sicily or Tuscany), and that your main market it’s not the Italian one but the international and all of a sudden a health crisis hits your country: surely it is not the best kind of promotion you can have for selling the beauty of Italy and even if the coronavirus cases are very low in the promoted regions (11, 40, 53 and 166 respectively as for March 8th data vs the 4,189 of Lombardy)

Here below the traffic from Germany to a website marketing Sardinia:

German organic traffic evolution to a website marketing Sardinia during coronavirus crisis

And this below is the organic traffic from UK evolution during these last 3 weeks of a niche travel site specialized in holidays in Sicily:

CSly GA Germany

Considering how much panic and hysteria are all over the western countries (toilet paper now being more searched for than diamonds), this situation was inevitable. Just look at what Google Trends tells us today itself about the interests in the UK related to Florence as a tourist destination:

Coronavirus italy Florence Explore Google Trends

Moreover, you must consider how much Query Deserves Freshness is totally reshaping the SERPs.

For instance, this is what Google presents when searching for “Travel to Italy“:

Travel to Italy SERP march 9th 2020

As you can see, and if we exclude the Google Flights and Visual Stories features, right now there is only 1 organic search result, which is not about Italy and coronavirus. Even the most prominent People Also Ask question is about how safe is to travel in Italy now!

I could present here more cases of websites I have direct access to, but the story would be the same in every case.

What does all this mean?

Right now for travel and tourism-based business companies in Italy, the situation is quite dramatic. Refunds by itself do not represent the biggest problem (February and March are low seasons) but the stop of reservations yes. Easter season (next April 12) is given for lost and the summer is getting closer, especially if we consider the holiday season of countries like Germany or the USA.

Many of the less robust online travel companies will be economically strongly affected by this situation and, considering that 5,5 of Italy’s GDP is represented by tourism and related jobs’ categories, the entire economy will be affected too.

Just imagine what could be the effect of a similar crisis in countries like Spain, where tourism represents 14.4% of its GDP.

What SEO can do?

SEO alone, obviously, cannot save a website from a situation of almost 0 revenue that is caused by an uncontrollable external reason like Covid-19.

However, as a good Star Wars fan, I believe that “Rebellions are built on hope”, and SEO can contribute to building this hope.

It is common sense that when the Coronavirus crisis will end (because it will end), people will return probably stronger to desire traveling, especially after having been obliged to not leave their towns for a long period.

SEO is all about the long period, so what we can do now is working for that day, improving the overall quality of the website and making it improve in its organic visibility already. Now it won’t probably mean more traffic and more revenues for everything I explained before, but it will mean instant visibility after, especially when the Query Deserves Freshness impact of travel queries will return to normality.

In the short term, then, and in preparation for the return to normality, the most important thing is protecting the brand, in this case, Italy ad travel destinations as brands. Not all the country is an Orange Zone, neither everything will be closed to the public from now on. 

It is fundamental, then, to review the editorial planning and strategy for Search:

  1. Discard everything that cannot be achieved. Don’t write guides about what to visit today in Milan, simply because nobody can go to Milan if not for imperious travel or familiar needs. 
  2. Do not promote short terms offers that maybe cannot be fulfilled.
  3. On the contrary, create content that assures people about how to safely travel, if they need to travel, with certain contrasted information.
  4. Create content that makes remember that your destinations will be there when the crisis will end, and promote “book early” campaigns with all the guarantees for cancellations provided clearly.
  5. Optimize for being in an outstanding position for last minute and last second related queries. ASAP the crisis will end, most probably people will desire to escape from their hometowns, which has been a sort of prison for many weeks.
  6. Do not create memes and jokes about the virus and how people react to it. Sure, they are funny, but not appropriate for a brand.
  7. Review your paid campaigns and suspend all those ones that do not have much sense to maintain at this moment. Create your campaigns to promote your destination in the long term and remember that in most of the case the real search session in travel is about 60/90 days long.
  8. Be proactive with your audience. What can you do to facilitate its life in this crisis? If you’re a travel website, facilitate the refunds or offer the possibility to postpone the travel/hotel reserve to a future time with no added cost, even if the date will be in your high season. If you are an eCommerce, make all your product “Prime” and assume the expedition costs. Acts like these are not easy to assume for a business company that is dealing with the economic impact that a crisis like this one means but are those that people tend to remember and that make a brand a Brand.

And, finally, if you are an SEO and you can afford it, consider the opportunity to support pro-bono the little businesses that are affected by the economic crisis derived by the coronavirus. Helping them passing through this, you will help to the resurge of the economy.

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OpenAI Introduces Fine-Tuning for GPT-4 and Enabling Customized AI Models




OpenAI Introduces Fine-Tuning for GPT-4 and Enabling Customized AI Models

OpenAI has today announced the release of fine-tuning capabilities for its flagship GPT-4 large language model, marking a significant milestone in the AI landscape. This new functionality empowers developers to create tailored versions of GPT-4 to suit specialized use cases, enhancing the model’s utility across various industries.

Fine-tuning has long been a desired feature for developers who require more control over AI behavior, and with this update, OpenAI delivers on that demand. The ability to fine-tune GPT-4 allows businesses and developers to refine the model’s responses to better align with specific requirements, whether for customer service, content generation, technical support, or other unique applications.

Why Fine-Tuning Matters

GPT-4 is a very flexible model that can handle many different tasks. However, some businesses and developers need more specialized AI that matches their specific language, style, and needs. Fine-tuning helps with this by letting them adjust GPT-4 using custom data. For example, companies can train a fine-tuned model to keep a consistent brand tone or focus on industry-specific language.

Fine-tuning also offers improvements in areas like response accuracy and context comprehension. For use cases where nuanced understanding or specialized knowledge is crucial, this can be a game-changer. Models can be taught to better grasp intricate details, improving their effectiveness in sectors such as legal analysis, medical advice, or technical writing.

Key Features of GPT-4 Fine-Tuning

The fine-tuning process leverages OpenAI’s established tools, but now it is optimized for GPT-4’s advanced architecture. Notable features include:

  • Enhanced Customization: Developers can precisely influence the model’s behavior and knowledge base.
  • Consistency in Output: Fine-tuned models can be made to maintain consistent formatting, tone, or responses, essential for professional applications.
  • Higher Efficiency: Compared to training models from scratch, fine-tuning GPT-4 allows organizations to deploy sophisticated AI with reduced time and computational cost.

Additionally, OpenAI has emphasized ease of use with this feature. The fine-tuning workflow is designed to be accessible even to teams with limited AI experience, reducing barriers to customization. For more advanced users, OpenAI provides granular control options to achieve highly specialized outputs.

Implications for the Future

The launch of fine-tuning capabilities for GPT-4 signals a broader shift toward more user-centric AI development. As businesses increasingly adopt AI, the demand for models that can cater to specific business needs, without compromising on performance, will continue to grow. OpenAI’s move positions GPT-4 as a flexible and adaptable tool that can be refined to deliver optimal value in any given scenario.

By offering fine-tuning, OpenAI not only enhances GPT-4’s appeal but also reinforces the model’s role as a leading AI solution across diverse sectors. From startups seeking to automate niche tasks to large enterprises looking to scale intelligent systems, GPT-4’s fine-tuning capability provides a powerful resource for driving innovation.

OpenAI announced that fine-tuning GPT-4o will cost $25 for every million tokens used during training. After the model is set up, it will cost $3.75 per million input tokens and $15 per million output tokens. To help developers get started, OpenAI is offering 1 million free training tokens per day for GPT-4o and 2 million free tokens per day for GPT-4o mini until September 23. This makes it easier for developers to try out the fine-tuning service.

As AI continues to evolve, OpenAI’s focus on customization and adaptability with GPT-4 represents a critical step in making advanced AI accessible, scalable, and more aligned with real-world applications. This new capability is expected to accelerate the adoption of AI across industries, creating a new wave of AI-driven solutions tailored to specific challenges and opportunities.

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This Week in Search News: Simple and Easy-to-Read Update



This Week in Search News: Simple and Easy-to-Read Update

Here’s what happened in the world of Google and search engines this week:

1. Google’s June 2024 Spam Update

Google finished rolling out its June 2024 spam update over a period of seven days. This update aims to reduce spammy content in search results.

2. Changes to Google Search Interface

Google has removed the continuous scroll feature for search results. Instead, it’s back to the old system of pages.

3. New Features and Tests

  • Link Cards: Google is testing link cards at the top of AI-generated overviews.
  • Health Overviews: There are more AI-generated health overviews showing up in search results.
  • Local Panels: Google is testing AI overviews in local information panels.

4. Search Rankings and Quality

  • Improving Rankings: Google said it can improve its search ranking system but will only do so on a large scale.
  • Measuring Quality: Google’s Elizabeth Tucker shared how they measure search quality.

5. Advice for Content Creators

  • Brand Names in Reviews: Google advises not to avoid mentioning brand names in review content.
  • Fixing 404 Pages: Google explained when it’s important to fix 404 error pages.

6. New Search Features in Google Chrome

Google Chrome for mobile devices has added several new search features to enhance user experience.

7. New Tests and Features in Google Search

  • Credit Card Widget: Google is testing a new widget for credit card information in search results.
  • Sliding Search Results: When making a new search query, the results might slide to the right.

8. Bing’s New Feature

Bing is now using AI to write “People Also Ask” questions in search results.

9. Local Search Ranking Factors

Menu items and popular times might be factors that influence local search rankings on Google.

10. Google Ads Updates

  • Query Matching and Brand Controls: Google Ads updated its query matching and brand controls, and advertisers are happy with these changes.
  • Lead Credits: Google will automate lead credits for Local Service Ads. Google says this is a good change, but some advertisers are worried.
  • tROAS Insights Box: Google Ads is testing a new insights box for tROAS (Target Return on Ad Spend) in Performance Max and Standard Shopping campaigns.
  • WordPress Tag Code: There is a new conversion code for Google Ads on WordPress sites.

These updates highlight how Google and other search engines are continuously evolving to improve user experience and provide better advertising tools.

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Facebook Faces Yet Another Outage: Platform Encounters Technical Issues Again




Facebook Problem Again

Uppdated: It seems that today’s issues with Facebook haven’t affected as many users as the last time. A smaller group of people appears to be impacted this time around, which is a relief compared to the larger incident before. Nevertheless, it’s still frustrating for those affected, and hopefully, the issues will be resolved soon by the Facebook team.

Facebook had another problem today (March 20, 2024). According to Downdetector, a website that shows when other websites are not working, many people had trouble using Facebook.

This isn’t the first time Facebook has had issues. Just a little while ago, there was another problem that stopped people from using the site. Today, when people tried to use Facebook, it didn’t work like it should. People couldn’t see their friends’ posts, and sometimes the website wouldn’t even load.

Downdetector, which watches out for problems on websites, showed that lots of people were having trouble with Facebook. People from all over the world said they couldn’t use the site, and they were not happy about it.

When websites like Facebook have problems, it affects a lot of people. It’s not just about not being able to see posts or chat with friends. It can also impact businesses that use Facebook to reach customers.

Since Facebook owns Messenger and Instagram, the problems with Facebook also meant that people had trouble using these apps. It made the situation even more frustrating for many users, who rely on these apps to stay connected with others.

During this recent problem, one thing is obvious: the internet is always changing, and even big websites like Facebook can have problems. While people wait for Facebook to fix the issue, it shows us how easily things online can go wrong. It’s a good reminder that we should have backup plans for staying connected online, just in case something like this happens again.

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