7 Things You Can Do to Make Money While Travelling

Do you love travelling?
Exploring the world on a motorcycle is a great idea that has many followers nowadays. But while you are on the road, you need a steady flow of income to meet your day-to-day expenses and save a little bit for upcoming travels. With that in mind many people are looking for opportunities to make money while travelling. Here are 7 of the most common opportunities to make money while you are on the road.
Before we begin, you must understand that not all of these techniques are applicable for you, also income from any one of these sources might not be enough for your requirement, which means you need to mix and match and pick-up multiple income sources to sustain yourself.
- Start a vlog
A video blog, also commonly known as a vlog is a great way of making money while travelling. All you need is a good quality video camera (you don’t have to invest in an expensive get because every mobile phone has a camera that can get you started!), and some time to edit the videos before uploading it on YouTube. As the channel starts gathering followers and views, you can monetize the channel and make a good amount of money that will not only meet your expenses but also generate enough income so that you can leave the day job and start traveling full time.
- Work offline
After the Coronavirus pandemic, many people have started working offline from their homes. Going forward this is going to be a normal trend with governments facilitating remote work by incentivizing companies that allow their employees to work from home. If you can find a job with one of these employers, you can continue to work from wherever you are while meeting your travel goals at the same time.
- Make deliveries
Another way of adding to your income sources is by making local deliveries at the destination. However, this is easier said than done! First, you will have to find a vendor that is looking for delivery personnel, and second you need to meet their requirements as well. If all the pieces of the puzzle fall in place, making deliveries is a good way of supplementing your regular income.
- Become a local product reseller
Is there something specific at the destination which has a high demand in other places? For example, the destination you are heading out to may be popular for some sort of raw materials that could have high demand at your native place. If you can find some of these similar business opportunities, talk to local businesses and figure out a way of becoming a supplier of that particular raw material. Also, you can become a reseller for local brands by carrying their products to the destinations you are travelling to, and selling them out by first creating a buzz on social media about your arrival dates.
- Rent your house
If you live alone in your home, you can always consider renting it out for short durations when you are out on the road. Airbnb provides a similar business model which you can leverage to make money while you are away. If there is a possibility of involving local property dealers who can help you out with renting the house for short durations, make sure to get in touch with them and find out how you can make some money from your real estate.
- Become an affiliate marketer
The online economy has made it possible for people to make money even without working full time or being attached to a 9 to 6 job. Becoming an affiliate marketer is one of those opportunities that you definitely need to checkout especially if you love travelling and don’t want to join a traditional workplace. The learning curve associated with becoming an affiliate marketer is not too steep, which means you can get a grip on the basics and get started with a minimum investment.
- Sell travel photos online
If you have a creative eye, and of course a good quality camera, you can sell travel photographs online and make a lot of money out of it. but like we said earlier, you must not depend on just anyone of these techniques to make money because there is a very good chance that it might not work at all! In fact, we strongly recommend that you establish the source of income and keep on with your day job unless the secondary source of income has become stable and steady.
On top of making money, you also need to learn how to save money! One of the most important things that can help you keep the money in your pocket is by never compromising on your safety. If you ride a motorcycle for your travels, always make sure to invest in high quality branded motorcycle riding gears such as safest motorcycle helmet, gloves and boots. Also, invest in a comprehensive travel insurance plan so that even if you become a victim of theft, you have the means to recoup some of the losses.
Author: https://www.studds.com/
I am an avid rider proud of the miles on his odometer! When I am not hitting the highways, I loves sharing my experiences and opinions on motorcycle riding safety and scenic routes. Over the last 8 years, I have written on motorcycle safety topics as well on other aspects of road safety.