Google Can Issue Manual Actions For Any Language A Site Is Written In

Google’s John Mueller confirmed something that many of you probably already know, Google can penalize a site irrespective of the language it is written in. John said on X, “Manual actions and algorithm changes are independent of the native language of the authors.”
John was asked, “does Google penalize sites written by non-native English writers?”
John not only said that manual actions can be for any site, written in any language.
But he added that any site of any language can perform well in Google Search. “People of all backgrounds can create great, helpful, unique, and compelling content,” John wrote.
Here are those tweets:
Manual actions and algorithm changes are independent of the native language of the authors. People of all backgrounds can create great, helpful, unique, and compelling content.
— John has updated his unnamed profile name #stapler (@JohnMu) August 30, 2023
Forum discussion at X.