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Google Says Ignore Spammy Referral Traffic



Jellyfish Google

Google’s John Mueller said when it comes to spammy referral traffic, you can ignore it and not worry about it regarding SEO. John said on Twitter, “I’d ignore it,” when asked about it.

Tom Goering asked John, “Since Link Spam update, been getting a LOT of referral traffic from websites with an .xyz ext. I have not visited, but I assume they are some sort of spam. Reading your posts over the years, I assume Google has an excellent handle on this–should not hurt me, right?”

John simply said, “ignore it.”

There is not much you can do about it anyway and spammers are going to be spammers.

I checked my analytics and this site gets traffic from these types of spammy xyz domains, not that all xyz domains are spam, but some are. I am not up at night worrying about it.


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