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Our Ranking Systems Aren’t Perfect



Google statement admits that their ranking algorithms are imperfect

Google’s SearchLiaison responded to a plea on X (formerly Twitter) about ridiculously poor search results in which he acknowledged that Google’s reviews algorithm could be doing a better job and outlined what’s being done to stop rewarding sites that shouldn’t be ranking in the first place.

Questioning Google’s Search Results

The exchange with Google began with a post about a high ranking sites that was alleged to fall short of Google’s guidelines.

@dannyashton tweeted:

“This review has been ranking #1 on Google for “Molekule Air Mini+ review” for the past six months.

It is 50% anecdotal and 50% marketing messaging. It doesn’t share in-depth original research.

So, how did they make it to the top of Google?”

Followed by:

“Instead of a third-party review (which is likely what searchers are looking for), Google ranks an article backed by the brand:

Searchers land in an advertorial built off marketing materials:

So little care that they even left briefing notes in the published version 😞

And I think I found the reason why it ranks #1… Money.”

The general responses to the tweets were sympathetic, such as this one:


And this is on page 1…

Is this what writing for readers is? Is this what people need/want?

I think of folks like my mom here who wouldn’t know better and to dig more.

It looks and seems nice, must be trustworthy.

I mean, that’s their goals, right? Dupe and dip.”

Google’s Algorithms Aren’t Perfect

SearchLiaison responded to those tweets to explain that he personally goes through the feedback submitted to Google and discusses them with the search team. He also shared about the monumental scale of ranking websites, saying that Google is indexing trillions of web pages, and because of that the ranking process is itself scaled and automated.

SearchLiaison tweeted:

“Danny, I appreciate where you’re coming from — just as I appreciated the post that HouseFresh originally shared, as well as this type of feedback from others. I do. I also totally agree that the goal is for us to reward content that’s aligned with our guidance. From the HouseFresh post itself, there seemed to be some sense that we had actually improved over time:

“In our experience, each rollout of the Products Review Update has shaken things up, generally benefitting sites and writers who actually dedicated time, effort, and money to test products before they would recommend them to the world.”

That said, there’s clearly more we should be doing. I don’t think this is particularly new, as I’ve shared before that our ranking systems aren’t perfect and that I see content that we ought to do better by, as well as content we’re rewarding when we shouldn’t.

But it’s also not a system where any individual reviews content and says “OK, that’s great — rank it better” or “OK that’s not great, downrank it.” It simply wouldn’t work for a search engine that indexes trillions of pages of content from across the web to operate that way. You need scalable systems. And you need to keep working on improving those systems.

That’s what we’ll keep doing. We’re definitely aware of these concerns. We’ve seen the feedback, including the feedback from our recent form. I’ve personally been through every bit of that feedback and have been organizing it so our teams can look further at different aspects. This is in addition to the work they’re already doing, based on feedback we’ve already seen.”

Some of the takeaways from SearchLiaison’s statement is that:

1. Google agrees that their algorithms should reward content that is aligned with their guidance (presumably guidance about good reviews, helpfulness, and spam).

2. He acknowledged that the current ranking systems can still use improvement in rewarding the useful content and not rewarding inappropriate content.

3. Google’s systems are scaled.

4. Google is committed to listening to feedback and working toward improving their algorithms.

5. SearchLiaison confirmed that they are reviewing the feedback and organizing it for further analysis to identify what needs attention for improvement to rankings.

What Is Taking So Long To Fix Google?

Someone else questioned Google’s process for rolling out updates that subsequently shakes things up. It’s a good question because it makes sense to test an update to rankings to make sure that the changes improve the quality of sites being ranked and not do the opposite.

@mikefutia tweeted:

“Danny, aren’t all your ‘system improvements’ fully tested BEFORE rolling them out?

Surely your team was aware of the shakeup in the SERPs that these last few updates would cause.

Completely legitimate hobby sites written by passionate creators getting absolutely DECIMATED by these updates.

All in favor of Reddit, Pinterest, Quora, Forbes, Business Insider, and other nonsense gaining at their expense.

I guess what I’m saying is — surely this was not a surprise.

You guys knew this carnage was coming as a direct result of the updates.

And now — here we are, NINE months later — and there have been ZERO cases of these legitimate sites recovering. In fact, the March update just made it 100x worse.

And so Google is saying ‘yeah we f-d up, we’re working on it.’

But the question is—and I think I speak on behalf of thousands of creators when I ask—’What the hell is taking so long?’”

We know that Google’s third party quality raters review search results before an update is rolled out. But clearly there are many creators, site owners and search marketers who feel that Google’s search results are going the wrong way with every update.

SearchLiaison’s response is a good one because it acknowledges that Google is not perfect and that they are actively trying to improve the search results. But that does nothing to help the thousands of site owners who are disappointed in the direction that Google’s algorithm is headed.

Featured Image by Shutterstock/ivan_kislitsin

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How Do You Explain the Value of SEO? I Asked 100 Experts



How Do You Explain the Value of SEO? I Asked 100 Experts

This article is for anyone who wants to convince their boss to invest in SEO, or those who want to sell SEO services.

SEO is a well-known and widely used marketing tactic, but convincing your boss—or a room full of skeptics—can be tough.

So, to make this easier for you, I reached out to over 100 SEO pros and asked what arguments they used and how they overcame objections. I even got some answers from entrepreneurs who shared what convinced them to use SEO.

Out of the many good reasons to invest in SEO, based on our experience and the responses from over 100 people, I’d say these four benefits are the strongest and universal to all types of businesses.

Let’s unpack this:

  • Targeted means that you attract people who are likely to become your customers by targeting keywords that are relevant to the problems your business solves.
  • Evergreen means that as long as you rank, you get traffic. Even if your content is years old.
  • Compounding means that traffic from optimized pages (such as blog posts) adds up, creating gradual, cumulative growth.

These traits are not unique to SEO, but what makes SEO truly hard to ignore is that it possesses all these characteristics simultaneously.

Let’s look at an example. Below you will see the performance of a few blog articles we wrote years ago. Notice how their traffic grows over time and cumulates.

Here’s the first article published in 2016 and its “humble” beginnings — only 71 monthly visits.

Fast forward to 2024: not only the traffic from that same article grew to over 10K monthly visits, but other articles written along the way added over 100K visits on top that.

Search traffic to an article years after publishing. Search traffic to an article years after publishing.

And of course, this is not “just traffic”. These articles target keywords tightly related to our product allowing us to naturally feature our product.

The more popular a niche is, the more searchers can come your way. But a less popular niche can be good too — it means less competition and higher conversion rates. Highlighting the size of this opportunity is key to getting buy-in.


If the opportunity is big enough (must be data-driven, of course), then the organization will move mountains to make it happen.

According to Daniel E. Lofaso, what helps to seal the deal are traffic forecasts:


We persuade clients to invest in SEO by providing a forecasting model based on their customer lifetime value, average sale amount, or traffic and compare to competitor data using, in part, Ahrefs Top Pages report. When the forecast looks good, and the client is agreeable to the time horizon, the persuasion can be pretty strong.

Daniel E. LofasoDaniel E. Lofaso

Finally, the longevity of SEO can create a psychological effect of reassurance that there’s a marketing tactic constantly working for you:


When business owners work on SEO, it’s like starting another marketing machine running in the background. With SEO on their side, they don’t have to feel as pressured to show up on social media every single day.

SEO content allows for uniquely specific targeting of your audience: when they just want to be entertained, when they want to solve a problem, when they’re considering a purchase, when they’re actively comparing you to competitors, and so on.

It’s all about the keywords and their search intent. Jon Morgan from Venture Smarter leverages the intent behind keywords to demonstrate how SEO can target people who are ready to make a purchase.


SEO can sound complex and, frankly, expensive for a small business. But I explained it like this: imagine every time someone searches for “best pastries nearby,” their bakery pops right up on the first page of Google. That’s potential customers walking through your door!

Here’s an example from our blog. When people search for something like “keyword monitoring” they’re clearly in need of an app that tracks keywords — according to our Identify intents feature, 75% of the traffic for this keyword goes to pages about those tools.

Identify intents feature in Ahrefs. Identify intents feature in Ahrefs.

This allows us to feature our Rank Tracker in the content and promote it naturally, without any “hard selling”.

Featuring a product in an article. Featuring a product in an article.

SEO content lets you reach buyers for globally distributed products and local services alike. Many lawyer websites use this approach by providing basic information about common legal problems and the types of services needed to solve them, effectively capturing demand for their services.

Educational SEO content on a lawyer firm's website. Educational SEO content on a lawyer firm's website.
Educational SEO content on a lawyer firm’s website.
Keyword data via Ahrefs.Keyword data via Ahrefs.
Results of that content — top ten in the location where they offer the service.

In SEO, increasing visibility in search engines simultaneously decreases your competitor’s visibility — your gain is their loss.

To illustrate, here’s a graph of organic traffic to our article and some competing articles. You can see the exact moment when updating our article resulted in a traffic increase (blue line) with a simultaneous traffic decrease of articles that used to rank above us.

Comparing search traffic to competitors pre and post optimization. Comparing search traffic to competitors pre and post optimization.

That said, this benefit is a double edged sword — missing out on SEO creates more space to grow for others. But you can turn it into a compelling argument by using competitor data:


Pointing out specific examples of competitors’ articles that are generating significant organic traffic and ranking above the client for relevant searches makes the opportunity cost of not investing in content painfully apparent.

In the long term, SEO is cheaper than most marketing tactics. Compared to search ads, the cost of investment in creating SEO content is often lower, and you don’t need to pay for every click.

Take our blog for example. If we were to “buy” this traffic with search ads, we’d have to spend $543,000 each month. Instead, SEO allows us to generate it passively, and we can spend resources to write new content and add to the traffic we’re already getting.

Search traffic and its value.Search traffic and its value.

But that’s not all — the longer a blog exists and drives traffic, the better value it becomes because it generates more revenue for the same initial investment. In other words, the customer acquisition cost (CAC) of SEO improves over time. We can clearly see this in the correlation between organic traffic to our blog and the traffic’s value.

Correlation of search traffic and its value.Correlation of search traffic and its value.
Organic search traffic and it’s value are strongly correlated – both go up and down at the same time.

We got an interesting response from a “past doubter”, a CEO invested in SEO and now advises how to convince people like him:


If you’re bumping heads with someone who used to be like me, connect the dots behind how SEO drives sales and increases net earnings. Money talks. Explain how it complements existing sales funnels and how it can even reduce costs and burdens on a sales staff or production itself, which are likely huge operational expenses. Drive home cost savings, and the ROI confusion will take care of itself.

And since SEO can reduce the cost of customer acquisition, Lee Moskovitz points out the opportunity cost of not investing in SEO.


I explain that by neglecting organic traffic as a channel, you will make yourself too reliant on paid channels and other tactics that aren’t sustainable or may stop working well one day. (…) One of the most impactful ways I’ve overcome this barrier is by running competitor reports in Ahrefs and comparing website metrics to those of competitors’ websites.

Lee Moskovitz, Director of Growth Marketing, SmartPass

Based on our experience and feedback from other SEOs, there are at least seven common objections you might encounter. Don’t worry, though — we’ve also gathered some excellent responses to address each of them.

This argument is built around the fact that it takes time to rank high on Google. And it’s true, SEO takes time to show effects; according to our poll, it takes three months on average.

How long does SEO take - results of our poll.How long does SEO take - results of our poll.

But that’s only one side of the coin. It’s also true, and perhaps more important, that the results SEO delivers are sustainable and have a lasting impact — we’ve already demonstrated that in the examples above.

So it’s not really that SEO is slow; it’s just a long-term strategy that may seem like a worse choice compared to a faster tactic like PPC. But that’s like comparing a waterfall to a tap.

SEO results are continuous SEO results are continuous

Besides, some keywords will bring results faster. Generally speaking, when the top 10 pages ranking for a keyword have a weak link profile (low number of pages from unique domains), that keyword will need fewer backlinks to rank, and therefore less time to rank.

You can find those keywords easily with Ahrefs’ Keyword Difficulty metric.

KD metric in Ahrefs.KD metric in Ahrefs.

Also, updating content where you already rank in positions 4 – 15 tends to bring results fast. In Ahrefs there’s a pre-made report that collects those keywords for you, just head on to Opportunities in Site Explorer.

Opportunities report in Ahrefs. Opportunities report in Ahrefs.

So let’s hear how some of our experts react to this objection:


I address this by breaking it down into realistic milestones — improvements in three to four months with significant traffic increases by month six. For instance, at Kiddom, we saw webpage engagement rise by 35% within six months. This demonstrates that while SEO requires patience, the benefits compound and provide a substantial ROI.

Rex Liu, Head of Sales & Marketing, GoSite

We offered a grace period with our services at a discounted rate, allowing them to demonstrate the effectiveness of our work internally. In the first three months with us, they saw a 75% increase in sales from organic search compared to the same period the previous year.


One of the biggest things you can do is show momentum quickly with quick wins. Once a business owner sees these, you will have less of an issue bringing forward other use cases for further work.”

This objection to SEO is built around the sentiment that Google changes too much too often for any serious business to safely invest in a search engine as a traffic source.

Google does introduce changes to their ranking systems quite often (some bigger, some smaller), but they are not drastic “revolutions” that move the search engine in to a new direction each time. They are rather coherent, incremental improvements towards the same goal — a better experience for users, harder to spam and cheat.

Because of the nature of Google algorithm changes, the principles of SEO don’t really change. It’s still about quality content, quality links and having a technically healthy site — and it’s been proven many times.

For instance, we once studied the impact of backlinks by removing them. Result: rankings went down, links are still important just like years ago.

Impact of disavowing links - study by ahrefs Impact of disavowing links - study by ahrefs

As for the role of content quality, this hasn’t changed either.

Case in point: we regularly update old content, each time making slight improvements. We do this consistently because it yields significant results. For example, we saw an improvement from 100 to 2200 visits with just a single content update that took less than a day to complete.

Organic traffic graph via Ahrefs. Organic traffic graph via Ahrefs.

So when the instability objection enters the scene, you can do what Luke Hickman from Bird does:


To address this issue, I’ll simplify the process and focus on the fundamentals of SEO, removing any jargon and reassuring them that, even with core changes, the core principles and benefits of SEO will stay the same.

Luke Hickman, Head of Search, Bird

This is an objection I’ve heard a lot — the return on investment (ROI) in SEO is so hard to measure that it’s always going to be dubious even if someone attempts to measure it.

But the thing is, I’ve heard the same about other marketing tactics. Even digital advertising has its challenges for accurately assessing ROI.

Measuring ROI is a big and not entirely solved problem for marketing as a whole. The challenge lies in attribution within a multi-touch buyer journey. The pricier the product or service, the longer the journey, making it even harder to measure ROI. In other words, determining which dollar spent is wasted and which dollar generates more revenue is complex.

But the good news is that there is more than one good way of proving that SEO impacts the bottom line of the business:

  • Use Google Analytics to track the value of organic traffic conversions and assisted conversions (this guide explains how).
  • Calculate the correlation between additional traffic from organic search and revenue/signups (ChatGPT will help you do the math).
  • Show how much money SEO saves by calculating the lifetime traffic value (see here for the formula and details).
  • Show testimonials from clients or marketing leaders who have seen positive results of SEO to strengthen your arguments.

SEO is full of jargon, and it’s all based on sophisticated algorithms that nobody in the industry has the manual for. It’s no wonder many people think SEO is too complicated to work with.

That said, SEO is not as complicated as it seems when we break it down to the basics.


Many clients are unfamiliar with how SEO works and its importance. I take an educational approach, explaining the fundamentals of SEO, how search engines rank websites, and the critical role of content, keywords, and backlinks. This education helps demystify SEO and builds trust.

But some people take a different approach — they avoid explaining too much, and shift the focus on what matters to businesses the most.


Avoid overwhelming jargon, focusing instead on the high level. Highlight quick wins: apply the 80/20 rule to prioritize impactful, easy-to-achieve SEO that shows immediate value.

Mark Hayes, Head of Growth Marketing, TASK

Our respondents pointed out that even though SEO generates extremely cheap traffic, with an overall cost significantly lower than ads, there’s an upfront cost that may seem daunting to some.

Obviously, you can explain that “it’s not a cost but an investment” and long-term SEO actually helps to save money but that may not be enough to break the psychological barrier. In this case, this advice may help:


It also doesn’t need to be a yes or no situation. You can gradually carve out budget from other channels to work on low-hanging fruit SEO opportunities without taking away from those tactics.

Lee Moskovitz, Director of Growth Marketing, SmartPass

What if people tell you they don’t need SEO? Well, they may be right. I’ve seen many companies doing just fine without search engine optimization.

But that doesn’t mean they couldn’t benefit from SEO — it could help them protect their market share or even help them do even better.


I emphasize that even if their business is currently doing well, SEO can help maintain and improve their market position. I explain that competitors are likely investing in SEO, and staying ahead requires continuous effort. I also point out that consumer behavior is increasingly driven by online searches, and capturing a larger share of organic traffic can protect and grow their market share.


I respectfully clarify the difference between having someone “check the box” on SEO by installing a plugin versus investing in a comprehensive strategy. Auditing their current SEO efforts often reveals critical technical issues, thin content, and spammy link building tactics.

Your boss/client may even think that their target audience doesn’t use search. But the chances they are wrong are still quite high.


Some clients, especially in B2B industries, believe their buyers only find them through word-of-mouth and existing relationships. I counter this notion by presenting data on how a growing share of their audience, especially younger generations, turn to search engines first when seeking solutions.


I’ve heard a lot of objections to SEO in my time. This was one of the more unusual ones: “I don’t believe the main purpose of our website is to generate new business.” I’d not come across this one before. With every objection, it’s important to understand the events or presumptions that have led to it. So, I always ask plenty of questions first to find out why they’re thinking the way they are.

Finally, your stakeholders, clients or even you may have had bad experiences with SEO, maybe even multiple times, and prefer to avoid it.


Many small businesses fall prey to rogues, who often undercut the market so that they appear to offer good value. (.…) We are also surprised, from time to time, to see outdated methods being implemented by both big and small agencies. This generally just results in the business wasting money, since the work that is implemented does not yield any results.

In cases like this, it’s crucial to identify the reason it didn’t work in the past. As our next expert says, just because you had a bad haircut…


I dig into their past efforts to pinpoint why it failed — maybe it was poor strategy, black-hat techniques, or lack of persistence. I propose a revamped, ethical strategy with a transparent roadmap, saying, “Just because you had a bad haircut once doesn’t mean you stop cutting your hair. You just need a better barber.”

A tip for agencies from Michael Sandford from SEO Works: when you hear that SEO failed before, it’s a good time to play your “reputation card” and tell a bit about how you work to earn trust.


In such cases, we have to rely on our expertise and our reputation, built over many years, and start to build trust from there. As we educate clients by explaining things in their language, by being transparent about our processes, and by demonstrating progress in a consistent and accountable way, we often win such clients round.

Final thoughts

Investing in search has one final benefit, and it’s a big one: it makes people trust you more.


We found persuading clients to invest in SEO often boils down to one fundamental value proposition – higher ranking websites convert better. It’s a simple equation: users inherently trust and purchase from businesses that dominate the organic search landscape. (…) When prospects are vetting potential vendors, subconsciously equating high rankings with subject matter mastery is human nature. A robust SEO footprint elevates the perception of expertise.


A common objection is that businesses rely on social media and don’t see the need for SEO. I explain that ranking high on Google gives a business credibility and trust that social media cannot match. People tend to trust companies they find through Google search results more because it feels like Google has vetted them.

Jason HennesseyJason Hennessey

On a final note, I’d like to thank over one hundred SEO experts who answered our call to contribute to this article!

Got questions or comments? Let me know on X or LinkedIn.

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How To Develop Great Data Studies




How To Develop Great Data Studies

This edited extract is from Data Storytelling in Marketing by Caroline Florence ©2024 and is reproduced and adapted with permission from Kogan Page Ltd.

Part One of this book outlined the need for data storytelling, the benefits of data storytelling for the marketing function, and the prac­tical barriers that can get in the way of creating a great data story.

Part Two answers the question: ‘What do I need to do to create a great data story in practice?

The 5R2 roadmap has five key stages with expected outcomes, each supported by three practical steps.

Screenshot from, June 2024


A relevant data story must focus on the audience’s knowledge levels, needs and preferences and should include:

  • A clear premise that will generate a transformation in the hearts and minds of the audience.
  • A clear understanding of the context aligned to the audience’s needs.
  • A focused story that answers the killer question for the audience.

A relevant story requires strategic thinking skills to outline the story plan.

There are several benefits to this stage, including:

  • The opportunity to gain early input, collaboration and co-creation to feed into your story development.
  • A clear sense of purpose to keep your story development on track.
  • A chance to get nearer to right first time, thus saving significant iteration time at the later stages of your story development.


A robust data story must stand up to scrutiny and should include:

  • A solid interpretation drawn from a range of reliable data sources.
  • A data-driven argument and recommendation based on accurate and up to date information.
  • An insightful point of view providing the audience with a ‘So what?’ and ‘Now what?’

A robust story requires strong analysis skills to surface and discover the key insights.

There are several benefits to this stage, including:

  • The opportunity to uncover new insights and ideas, rather than predictable findings.
  • A chance to draw out richer, nuanced insights that can give depth to your data story.
  • A sense of confidence in the credibility of your interpretation and recommendations.


A refined data story must provide a clear and compelling narrative and should include:

  • A story resolution that is synthesized and distilled into a key message.
  • A stress-tested story resolution that can drive real decisions and actions.
  • A compelling structure that makes it easy to follow the argument.

A refined story requires critical thinking skills to build a data story that is easy to follow and engage with.

There are several benefits to this stage, including:

  • The chance to pinpoint the specific ask the data story needs to get across to the audience.
  • A sense of confidence that your data story offers the audience solutions that are both commercially viable and practically feasible.
  • The opportunity to focus your audience on decisions needed or actions required, rather than all of their energy being used to understand the insights.


A relatable data story needs to enrich the insight message with an emotional connection and should include:

  • An empathetic understanding of the humans involved in the data story.
  • A personalized approach that speaks to the specific target audiences’ hearts and minds.
  • An engaging story flow that draws the audience in.

A relatable story requires emotional intelligence to create a story grounded in real life and enriched by human experience.

There are several benefits to this stage, including:

  • The increased likelihood of cutting through and resonating with the audience.
  • The chance to influence real results and meaningful outcomes.
  • A sense of confidence in your ability to integrate data, logic and emotion in your data storytelling.


A remarkable data story must cut through the noise, land the message and provide a catalyst for action and should include:

  • An easy-to-follow and accessible data story presentation.
  • A range of digestible micro-content that appeals to a wide range of audience needs.
  • A storytelling delivery that is provocative and stimulates reflection and debate.

A remarkable story requires creative thinking and flair to execute a story that will stand out from the crowd and drive action.

There are several benefits to this stage, including:

  • The ability to keep a distracted audience’s attention.
  • The opportunity to drive further interest in your data story.
  • The chance to disrupt the status quo and move beyond default thinking.

To read the full book, SEJ readers have an exclusive 25% discount code and free shipping to the US and UK. Use promo code SEJ25 at here.

More resources: 

Featured Image: Visual Generation/Shutterstock

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8 Ways to Accelerate SEO Results From Months to Days



8 Ways to Accelerate SEO Results From Months to Days

SEO can be excruciatingly slow to take effect sometimes, so if you’re under pressure to prove the value of SEO early on, how can you speed up the time it takes to get results?

In this article, I’ll explain the framework and tools I’d use to approach quick SEO and the 8 methods I’d focus on first to get results quicker.

To accelerate SEO results, we need to be strategic. This starts by understanding what you can and can’t control in the process—and trying to speed up the former.

For example:

  • You can control how much time you spend on analysis, so this needs to be as focused as possible (I’d suggest beginners use Ahrefs’ Opportunities report to identify opportunities quickly)
  • You can’t always control how much time it takes to implement the changes

Here’s how I’d suggest you approach quick SEO using Ahrefs:

Now, let’s explore the specific methods you can use to accelerate your SEO results.

One of the biggest barriers to accelerating your SEO is waiting for search engines to detect and respond to your latest website improvements.

Google says it can sometimes take a few weeks to re-crawl your pages—ain’t nobody got time for that—this is quick SEO!

So what can you do instead?—use IndexNow.


What is IndexNow? IndexNow is an open-source protocol that notifies search engines instantly when you update your website. It means your website updates can get crawled, indexed, and generate traffic faster than ever before—if you want to do quick SEO, it’s the first thing you should set up.

Ahrefs has recently partnered with IndexNow, meaning that once you’ve added your IndexNow API key in Site Audit, any changes will be pushed to search engines instantly—rather than waiting “days or weeks” for them to be pulled from your dusty old XML sitemap.

This increases the speed at which you see ranking results from your SEO changes.

To set it up:

  • Go to Site Audit’s Crawl settings and scroll down to the IndexNow section
  • Click on Generate to create an API key or paste in an existing one
8 Ways to Accelerate SEO Results From Months to Days8 Ways to Accelerate SEO Results From Months to Days

Here’s how IndexNow works when you combine it with Ahrefs’ Site Audit:

Ahrefs Real time Site Audit and IndexNow make quick SEO easier than ever beforeAhrefs Real time Site Audit and IndexNow make quick SEO easier than ever before

As Google doesn’t yet support IndexNow, it’s a good idea to resubmit any updated pages to Google Search Console as well.

“If a battle can not be won, do not fight it.”

Sun Tzu

Lower-difficulty keywords are easier to rank for because they require fewer links and are less competitive. If you play your cards right, you could rank on the first page of Google faster than ever before.

So, if you need organic traffic fast, pick your keyword battles wisely. But how can you do this?

Start by targeting keywords that are only low effort high reward.

Effort to reward ratio illustrationEffort to reward ratio illustration

Here’s an example of this in Keywords Explorer for the keyword “dresses.”

“Dresses” is a high-effort, high-reward keyword—no surprises there.

Ahrefs estimates it will take ~153 Referring Domains (RDs) to rank in the top 10 for this keyword. That’s a lot of RDs, and unless you have bags of money, then it’s unlikely you’ll be able to compete.

Keyword example of dresses, via Ahrefs' Site ExplorerKeyword example of dresses, via Ahrefs' Site Explorer

But if we add a Keyword Difficulty filter combined with a Traffic Potential filter, we can find the best opportunities related to this keyword.

You can see they have low KDs and high TPs.

Matching terms report using KD and TP filters, via Ahrefs' Site ExplorerMatching terms report using KD and TP filters, via Ahrefs' Site Explorer

But let’s go one step further.

Let’s add a Lowest DR filter to find only the “weakest SERPs.” AKA, finding the easiest battles to fight. In this example, I’ve set the Domain Rating (DR) to 10 to find the easiest possible keyword battles.

Lowest DR filter example, Via Ahrefs' Site ExplorerLowest DR filter example, Via Ahrefs' Site Explorer

For example, the keyword “engagement photo dresses” has zero Keyword Difficulty and 11k Traffic potential.

Example of a keyword with low KD and high TPExample of a keyword with low KD and high TP

Not bad for five minutes of keyword research in Ahrefs. You can apply this technique to any keyword and tweak the filter settings to your preference.

Rather than writing brand new content, which can take time to get indexed in Google, try focusing on updating your underperforming content.

The advantage of updating existing content is that it’s already indexed, and you’ll naturally have a better idea of what will work—which makes it faster than re-writing or writing a new article.

With some luck, you could get more website traffic in 24 hours.

You can do this by:

  • Adding new information or subtopics to your content
  • Consolidating similar articles together
  • Comparing your article to the top-performing article for that keyword by doing a SERP analysis

Identifying underperforming content is easy with a tool like Ahrefs’ Site Explorer, as you can just plug in the URL of the content and check its performance over time.

Here’s an example of a blog post I wrote that was performing well, but recently has started to lose organic traffic.

Identifying underperforming content using Ahrefs Site ExplorerIdentifying underperforming content using Ahrefs Site Explorer

This is the type of content that’s worth updating.

And how do I know this works? As an author at Ahrefs blog, I write and update articles every week, and it’s hard not to notice the impact of some of your updates when performance rockets into the SEO stratosphere.

In the example below, the dramatic rise in traffic happened 24 hours after the re-publish date—underlining how fast results can be from updating your content.

Example of a content update on performance, via Ahrefs' Site ExplorerExample of a content update on performance, via Ahrefs' Site Explorer

With the update, I focused on adding new information and subtopics and tried to retain the original structure of the post as much as possible.

Keyword cannibalization occurs when multiple pages target the same keywords, fulfill the same intent, and cannibalize each other’s rankings in Google.

Although you can spend time carefully consolidating multiple pages into one “mega page,” the fastest way to reduce keyword cannibalization is to 301 redirect similar or duplicate pages to a single primary page. This method consolidates the authority into a single page.

So, what does keyword cannibalization look like?

How to Find True Keyword Cannibalization Issues Gantt chart How to Find True Keyword Cannibalization Issues Gantt chart

To identify potential cannibalization, go to Rank Tracker and head to the GSC overview in the sidebar.

GSC Overview, via Ahrefs' Rank TrackerGSC Overview, via Ahrefs' Rank Tracker

Once you’re there, you’ll see a Potential cannibalization box. Click the View All button to get a list of all potential cannibalization issues.

Potential Cannibalization report, via Ahrefs Rank TrackerPotential Cannibalization report, via Ahrefs Rank Tracker

You’ll need to review the list, but it’s useful for identifying potential cannibalization issues across your website.


You can also identify potential cannibalization for any website in just two clicks in Site Explorer by clicking on Potential Cannibalization through the Opportunities report.

Once you’re sure you’ve identified a potential cannibalization issue, you can start consolidating pages by redirecting an old, outdated page to something more relevant that you already have or combining multiple pages into something new.

In the end, it may look something like this:

How to Fix Cannibalization illustrationHow to Fix Cannibalization illustration

Once you’ve consolidated your pages, remember to resubmit your updated page to Google.

Strategic internal links for SEO are one of the best ways to direct visitors and Google to the most important places on your side.

They speed up your SEO because you’re not making human visitors or Google hunt for your most important content—you’re giving it to them on a plate.

Highlighting lesser-known pages that have value drives traffic to them quickly.

Link to important pages with internal links illustrationLink to important pages with internal links illustration

“You should look at it in a strategic way and think about what do you care about the most and how can you highlight that with your internal links.”

John MuellerJohn Mueller

Not linking to these pages will make them orphan pages, making them harder for GoogleBot and human visitors to find.

If you don’t know where to start adding internal links, the best approach is to run a Site Audit and then go to the Internal link opportunities report.

Internal Link Opportunities, via Ahrefs' Site AuditInternal Link Opportunities, via Ahrefs' Site Audit

In this report, Ahrefs has done the hard work for you and highlighted the suggested internal links in the Keyword context column.

You can then Export the report, review it, and implement it on the website.

Making incremental changes to your on-page SEO is a useful way to help accelerate results.

Here’s an example of a page where I changed only the title tag and saw a small bump in traffic.

Performance report, via Ahrefs' Site ExplorerPerformance report, via Ahrefs' Site Explorer

We can see in Page Inspect, that all I changed was the title.

Page Inspect, via Ahrefs' Site ExplorerPage Inspect, via Ahrefs' Site Explorer

On-page SEO is a big topic, but there are other elements that you can tweak quickly.

For example, most people don’t read articles in a linear way from start to finish—they scan them. As such, your headings often play a big role in grabbing your readers’ attention.

Adding a logical hierarchy, like the one below, will make your articles easier to skim and read.

Headings hierachy example illustrationHeadings hierachy example illustration


You can use Ahrefs’ SEO Toolbar to run quick checks on your most important pages and adjust your headings accordingly.
Ahrefs SEO Toolbar Content tab exampleAhrefs SEO Toolbar Content tab example

Another thing you can tweak is your meta description. It’s your shop front on search engines, so if you make them more enticing and clickable, you’ll probably win more clicks.

Example of the title tag and meta description in Google's search resultsExample of the title tag and meta description in Google's search results

Once you’ve tweaked your on-site SEO, remember to resubmit your page to Google.

Link building is often a slow process, but by fixing broken links to your site, you can quickly reclaim that authority and traffic and send it to where you want rather than a 404 page.

You can do this by checking the Broken Links report in Ahrefs’ Site Explorer:

  1. Plugin your domain into Site Explorer — I’ve used as an example
  2. Select Dofollow (You can check other links afterward)
  3. Select Best Links: Only
  4. Filter from highest to lowest on the DR filter
Broken backlinks with high DR site examplesBroken backlinks with high DR site examples

In four quick steps, we’ve found many high-DR sites that we could have linking to us.

This works especially well for big websites, sites that have migrated, and sites where SEO has been neglected over the years.

Once you’ve identified the broken link, you can reinstate or redirect it.

In this particular example, we could probably redirect this product page to the homepage, as the anchor text is the brand itself.

Here’s a flow chart that shows you how to make the decision of whether to reinstate or redirect:

How to deal with broken links illustrationHow to deal with broken links illustration

Reclaiming unlinked brand mentions is a relatively fast and cost-effective way to acquire links from websites that have already written about your brand—but didn’t link.

In the past, I found that website owners were more responsive to requests for edits from brands they know rather than those they didn’t.

Identifying unlinked brand mentions takes time, but using a tool like Ahrefs’ Web Explorer speeds up the analysis stage.

Here’s how I would use Web Explorer to identify unlinked brand mentions for

Example of how to find unlinked brand mentions using Ahrefs' Web ExplorerExample of how to find unlinked brand mentions using Ahrefs' Web Explorer
Edit the highlighted sections with your own website to find unlinked brand mentions for your website.

This searches for pages that mention “Ahrefs” but don’t link out to the Ahrefs website, and aren’t

Once you’ve got your list of websites, you can drop them a templated email using a tool like Buzzstream to reclaim links to your unlinked brand mentions.

Final thoughts

If you want to put the pedal to the metal with your SEO—take a more strategic approach. By doing so, you’ll get results sooner rather than later.

Tools like Ahrefs help by highlighting important opportunities you might not have seen otherwise. Also, with Ahrefs’ IndexNow integration, you can instantly notify search engines when you’ve updated your site—so you’ll see results faster than ever before.

Got questions? Ping me on X.

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