Facebook Launches 15 New Blueprint Courses to Help Businesses Maximize Their Online Opportunities
With more businesses looking to maximize their online opportunities amid the COVID-19 lockdowns, Facebook has this week released fifteen new, free Blueprint courses, covering a range of key elements.
As explained by Facebook:
“As businesses around the world are shifting their focus online, many are wondering where to start. To help with this transition, our business education program, Facebook Blueprint, launched 15 new courses that cover the fundamentals. As always, our Blueprint courses are free, and we’ve made lessons even more straightforward, putting concepts into context with storytelling and offering downloadable materials to help bring what you learn to life.”
You can view the full list of new courses on the Blueprint platform, but among the latest additions are:
- How to Select the Right Social Channels for Your Business – Having trouble working out where you should be putting your attention? This course aims to help you identify where your target market is engaging online.
- Tell Your Business Story – As Facebook explains: “learn to explain what a brand is, and how to start creating or refining your own. We’ll show you what a process framework looks like and give you a downloadable Brand template to use.”
- Mapping the Customer Journey – Looking to get a better understanding of how customers discover products, and go on to make purchases? Getting a better handle on the customer journey can help you to map out a more effective marketing approach.
Facebook’s Blueprint courses offer some great insights. Some of them do look to cater to broad audiences, so you’re likely going to go over some things that you already know, but there’s always a few gems, or points you hadn’t considered, which can prompt you to re-think elements of your strategy.
You can check out the full listing of Facebook’s Blueprint courses – which, again, are available for free – here.