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LinkedIn Publishes New Mini-Guide to its Ad Targeting Options



linkedin publishes new mini guide to its ad targeting options

Are you considering LinkedIn ads for your promotional efforts in 2021?

If you are, then this guide is for you – LinkedIn has published a new, 14-page mini-overview of its various ad and audience targeting options, which could help provide more context, and assistance, in devising your LinkedIn marketing strategy.

The guide provides an overview of each element, including LinkedIn’s available ad objectives:

LinkedIn ad targeting guide

There’s also a summary of how to get started with Campaign Manager, as well as an overview of its Audience Selection tools,

LinkedIn ad set up

There are also notes on audience size estimations for your campaigns, as well as an explainer on each of the available targeting options.

LinkedIn ad targeting tools

It’s a handy overview of how to effectively set up your LinkedIn campaigns, and even if you know the system already, it could be a good reminder on each element, and may get you thinking on different ways you can use the options.

You can download LinkedIn’s full quick-start guide here.

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