TikTok Publishes New Guide on How Advertisers Can Navigate New Data Privacy Restrictions on iOS
Apple’s ATT data privacy update, which prompts users to opt-in to data tracking in each app on iOS, has upended the ad sector in many ways, with Meta alone predicting that users opting out of data tracking will cost it some $10 billion in lost ad spend in 2022.
That’s forced all apps to come up with new ways to maximize ad efficiency, with reduced targeting insight. And while the full impacts of the change are still rippling through the sector, more platforms are now re-establishing their footing within this new environment, and working with ad partners on how to maximize their campaigns, in light of the update.
On this front, TikTok has partnered with marketing analytics platform Adjust to create a new, 31-page guide on how to approach your TikTok ad tracking and analytics with Apple’s new tracking parameters in mind.
You can download the full guide here, but in this post, we’ll take a look at some of the highlights.
The guide essentially breaks down your two performance tracking approaches in the wake of Apple’s update – either you get an opt-in, and you can continue tracking insights as normal, or users opt out, and you need to utilize Apple’s SKAdNetwork process.
SKAdNetwork enables advertisers to measure some campaign data, within privacy parameters, and the guide provides notes on the limitations of this process, and how to best manage such.
The guide also looks at opt-in tips, and how to maximize app-level data access, which is obviously more of a developer consideration, as opposed to an advertiser concern.
From there, however, the guide digs into more specific notes for advertisers, including how to set up your campaigns in light of the new tracking process.
The notes very specifically lay out the optimal account set up for your TikTok campaigns, in light of Apple’s new limits.
While there’s also data on current opt-in rates, by region and vertical to assist in your planning.
There are some handy notes here – more technical, which could make them less accessible for smaller marketers and those starting out. But they are key points, which could help you maximize your TikTok marketing efforts.
And with the holiday season fast approaching, now is the time to work on setting up your TikTok ad campaigns, in order to maximize your ROAS for the season.
There’s no easy way to navigate the latest data tracking changes, but these tips could help to get you thinking on what you can do to boost performance, in light of the changes.
You can download TikTok and Adjust’s iOS advertising guide here.
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