How to Successfully Promote Your Facebook Page Everywhere

Facebook is one of the most popular social networks in the world, with more than 2.41 billion active users monthly. It’s no wonder you want to use it to build brand awareness and grow your audience.
The problem is, so does everyone else.
To stand out and get noticed, you need to roll up your sleeves and promote that baby like you mean it.
No, this isn’t about plastering ads everywhere. Instead, it’s about engaging with others to encourage them to engage with you. (You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours.)
It’s about genuinely wanting to connect with your audience.
If you’re already swimming in that mindset, we’re ready to go. These are proven ways to promote your Facebook page, both on and off the original social network.
How to Promote Your Page on Facebook
1. Invite Friends, Peers, and Colleagues to Like Your Page & Share
First up, before you do anything else, tap into your existing network.
You probably already have Facebook friends who will gladly support your page – so invite them to like it!
Here’s how to do it on a desktop:
- Go to your Facebook Page. In the left-hand menu, click “Community” (you may need to click “See More” to find it).
- On the Community page, find the right-side section with the search box that says, “Invite your friends to like [your Page name here]”.
- In the search box, start typing to find friends to invite to like your Page. (Facebook suggests some friends for you underneath.)
- Alternatively, from your Page’s home, navigate to the right-side column and click “Invite your friends to like this Page.”
2. Post Engaging, Original Content to Your Facebook Page
After you tap into your existing network of friends, concentrate on posting original, engaging content to your Page.
- Include links to your blog content, post infographics and polls, and share great content from other Pages.
- If relevant, post brand or shop updates, too (e.g., sales, coupons, news, and other information your audience would find useful).
If you run a personal brand or “public figure/author” page, like I do, try life updates. Share brief details about your family, behind-the-scenes, etc. These updates do extremely well.
Check out the engagement on Caitlin Bacher’s post, a short story with a real-life image of her little recording session in the corner of her office.
She had massive engagement on this post.
Consistent, authentic content will attract likes, shares, and comments, which in turn translates to free promotion for your Facebook Page.
3. Interact with Other Pages & Facebook Users
One of the best, free ways to promote your Facebook Page is to engage with other users.
Have conversations, discussions, and friendly chats. Make new friends and connections.
Finally, comment on and share others’ posts.
If you do this with the intention of connecting and not promoting, you’ll gain more Page follows and likes naturally.
4. Create ‘Page Likes’ Ads
To further expand your reach on Facebook, consider creating Page Likes Ads, which look like this:
With these ads, you can target people who have liked businesses similar to yours, or who have related interests.
Done right, this tactic can widen your reach that much further.
It’s pretty easy and self-explanatory to create Page Likes ads. To learn to do it, read Facebook’s guide.
5. Post When Your Audience Is on Facebook
Another free way to promote your Facebook page? Make sure your posts have the highest chance of getting seen and noticed.
That means posting at optimal times when your audience is online and scrolling through Facebook.
No two audiences are alike.
The posting times that work for other brands won’t work for you. Ignore best-practices and research your audience, instead.
Find out when they’re most likely to be on Facebook and schedule your posts accordingly.
You can find these optimal times with Facebook Insights.
You’ll find this feature at the top of your Facebook Page:
After you click “Insights,” scroll to Overview and then Your 5 Most Recent Posts.
See the engagement I have on three of these five posts? It’s much higher.
I should be posting more at 7:45 a.m., and 6:30 p.m. These posts at those times did clearly far better than the other two posts after 8 a.m.
Look for trends on the times you’re posting, and post more content at the times where you see higher reach.
How to Promote Your Facebook Page Elsewhere
1. Add a Facebook Page Link to Your Important Contact Areas
To make sure people can follow your Facebook Page at every opportunity – like after reading your content, engaging with your emails, or browsing your website, include a Facebook Page link in key areas:
- In your email signature.
- In your website footer.
- In your author byline on your blog and guest blogs.
- In your blog sidebar.
- On your website contact page and about page.
- In your other social media profile bios.
Remember: more is more. It seems simple, but it can make a big difference in helping interested people find and like your Page.
2. Embed Your Facebook Posts in Relevant Blog Content
Do you have blog subscribers and followers, but no Facebook Page followers? Subtly promote your Page in your blog content by embedding relevant Facebook posts where it makes sense.
If you’re writing about a specific topic, choose a closely related Facebook post from your Page to complement it.
For example, if you’re writing a post about getting the best experience from an in-person conference, embed your Facebook posts from a conference inside the blog.
Left-field example: If the Academy of American Poets created a blog post for their website about poet Ted Kooser, they could embed a Facebook post featuring one of his poems in the content, like so:
- Find the post to embed. Click the ellipsis in the upper right-hand corner of the post.
- Click “Embed”
- Copy and paste the code into the body of your blog text, where you want the Facebook post to appear.
This works for you in three ways:
- It adds imagery and interest to your blog post text.
- It links to your Facebook Page, subtly promoting it without seeming spammy.
- It provides a nice example that helps expand on whatever topic you’re talking about.
Win, win, win.
Expand Your Facebook Page Reach with Simple Techniques
It isn’t terribly hard to promote your Facebook Page. It doesn’t require adding more money to your ad budget or spending tons of extra time behind your computer.
Actually, it can be fun and lead to new connections and friendships.
The right mindset is all it takes to seamlessly integrate Facebook Page promotion into your marketing strategy without much effort.
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Image Credits
All screenshots taken by author, August 2019