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Mass layoffs announced at Sports Illustrated.



Mass layoffs announced at Sports Illustrated.

Mass layoffs announced at Sports Illustrated.

The union said the layoffs could affect “a significant number, possibly all” guild members at Sports Illustrated. According to the union, the outlet’s publisher, The Arena Group, has had its license revoked.

In November, affiliate marketing content credited to fake, AI-generated authors began appearing on Sports Illustrated. The Arena Group maintained, however, that the content itself was written by humans. Spokesperson Rachael Fink wrote in an email to The Verge:

We are in active discussions with [the license holders] but we understand we aren’t the only ones. Even though the publishing license has been revoked we will continue to produce Sports Illustrated until this is resolved.

We hope to be the company to take SI forward but if not, we are confident that someone will. If it is another business, we will support the transition so the legacy of Sports Illustrated doesn’t suffer.”

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Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang: Demand For Blackwell AI Is Insane



Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang: Demand For Blackwell AI Is Insane

In May, Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang said that “the next industrial revolution has begun,” and AI will drive “significant productivity gains.” It looks like he’s right — industry demand for Nvidia’s next-generation AI chip, Blackwell, is through the roof.

“Blackwell is in full production, Blackwell is as planned, and the demand for Blackwell is insane,” Huang told CNBC on Thursday. “Everybody wants to have the most, and everybody wants to be first.”

Related: Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang’s Biggest Worry Shows that Success Has a Downside

Nvidia first announced Blackwell in March and stated that it was the most powerful AI chip in the world with advanced security capabilities, better performance, and more memory. The biggest names in AI, including OpenAI, Microsoft, Meta, Amazon, and Google, will use Blackwell to power their AI efforts.

Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang displays the new Blackwell GPU chip, left, and the Hopper GPU chip, right, in March 2024. Photographer: David Paul Morris/Bloomberg via Getty Images

“There is currently nothing better than NVIDIA hardware for AI,” Tesla and xAI CEO Elon Musk stated, at the time.

Since the initial announcement, Blackwell has hit a few snags in production, leading to delays. Nvidia CFO Colette Kress said in late August that the company has fixed the issue and expects to ship “several billion dollars” worth of the chip in the fourth quarter of 2024.

Related: Nvidia’s Immense Market Power Is Worrying Investors — Here’s Why

The chip costs between $30,000 to $40,000 and took $10 billion to develop.

Huang said that Nvidia has updated its platform significantly with Blackwell, and intends to continue updating it. Nvidia has increased performance by two to three times from its 2022 Hopper chip to its Blackwell chip, which Huang says increases revenue for Nvidia’s customers by two to three times.

“What we’re looking at now is the beginning of the next wave of AI, the biggest wave of AI,” Huang told CNBC. “This is really about companies around the world using AI to be more productive as their digital employees and AI agents and co-pilots and however people describe them, as well as using AI, generative AI, to revolutionize the way they build their products and the products they build.”

Huang said last month that intense demand for Nvidia’s technology and software keeps him up at night. On Wednesday, Nvidia partnered with Accenture to train 30,000 of Accenture’s employees on Nvidia’s technology.

Related: Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang Says Nuclear Energy ‘Is a Wonderful Way Forward’ to Keep AI Data Centers Running

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5 Work Ethic Lessons Entrepreneurs Can Learn From Elite Athletes



5 Work Ethic Lessons Entrepreneurs Can Learn From Elite Athletes

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Anyone who has found success as an athlete will tell you that sport teaches lessons that go far beyond the playing field. If you’re looking to succeed in the competitive business environment, there may be no better models than champion athletes. What is it that allows these individuals to achieve greatness? What makes someone a winner? There’s not a single answer. Rather, it’s a combination of things. We’re sharing five of them here. If you follow these lessons, you’ll be poised for a championship in the business world.

Related: 4 Productivity Tips from Extreme Athletes That Will Make Your Business Stronger

Show supreme confidence

Champions have a robust belief in themselves and their ability to succeed. Importantly, this does not mean they expect the journey to be easy. Most things worth having require tremendous effort. Champion athletes devote “blood, sweat and tears” in pursuit of excellence, and they’re willing to make the sacrifice because they know it will pay off. Self-doubters abandon the journey when it gets too hard or when they encounter a few obstacles. Champions persevere because they believe in themselves to the core. This stout self-confidence becomes self-fulfilling. When you fully believe you’ll win if you keep on grinding, you’ll out-grind your less confident competitors. Supreme confidence leads to supreme effort, and supreme effort leads to success.

Like a champion athlete, a winning entrepreneur stays committed when things are tough. Tomorrow’s industry leaders are those who will continue to refine their current pitches and marketing strategies as many times as it takes to reach a breakthrough. They will not be deterred by rejection but rather will learn from it, make adjustments, and come back stronger. This willingness to learn and improve, in fact, is another defining feature of champions.

Always look to improve

Champion athletes, while supremely confident, also possess enough humility to know they always have room to learn and grow. When they take a loss, they review the game film to identify the mistakes they’ve made and see where they need to adjust for the next time. Even when they win, they look at what they could have done better. They also seek input from others. When a coach points out a flaw in their technique, they’re receptive to the feedback and incorporate it into their training. They also look to teammates and even to opponents to learn what others are doing well.

As an entrepreneur, if you lose out on a deal or find a competitor holding a larger share of your targeted market, then look at what they are doing to succeed. Be open to learning and humble enough to seek help from others. Champions are usually their own harshest critics, and their high standards drive them to keep improving. So even when you have some successes, continue looking to level up.

Focus on what you can control

Champions do everything they can to control the variables involved in their sport. Knowing that they can’t fully control the outcome, they go all-in on what they can control, including attitude, effort, and preparation. Entrepreneurs ought to do the same by analyzing their markets, rehearsing presentations multiple times, and scouting both their competition and their potential customers. If you’re meeting with a client, study them ahead of time so you can anticipate the questions they may ask and have impressive answers prepared. Be obsessive about your preparation.

A corollary to this lesson is focusing your post-hoc explanations on what you can – or could have – controlled. After a tough loss, champions do not blame the referee. Instead, they look at what they could have done differently so the referee’s calls would not have mattered. As an entrepreneur, be cautious of attributing bad results to luck or of claiming things weren’t fair. When you do so, you lose motivation to make adjustments for next time. Instead, follow a champion’s lead and know there’s always something you could have done better.

Improvise when needed

Even as champions focus on what they can control, they also recognize that they can’t control everything. Rarely does something go exactly as planned, and the best performers adapt and improvise. Something can always go wrong, and rather than panicking when it does, winners stay confident and make the needed adjustments. Thus, even as you work to control what you can embrace the uncertainty of your sport – or your business, as the case may be.

Related: 5 Lessons Entrepreneurs Can Learn from Pro Sports Teams

Be flexible

You may have noticed that the lessons described above hold some contradictions. Champions have supreme confidence yet also believe they need to get better. They also focus on what they can control while accepting they can’t control everything. Thus, another key to success is adapting your mindset based on the situation at hand. Champions have the mental flexibility to do so seamlessly. Rather than looking for a recipe to follow every time, they embrace the fluidity required to succeed consistently.

This willingness to adapt – to possess an unfixed mindset – is the main premise of the book Extreme Balance: Paradoxical Principles That Make You a Champion, published by Entrepreneur Press. This volume, which I have co-authored with champion athlete and coach Ben Askren and successful business leader Joe De Sena, describes how various champions balance contradictory principles to succeed in their respective sports. It includes chapters such as “Thinking You’re Good Enough and Thinking You’re Never Good Enough,” and “Preparing for Everything and Expecting the Unexpected.” These sections expand upon the lessons described here – and many others – in greater depth. If you want to be a champion entrepreneur, it’s a great resource to help get you there.

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This 20-Year-Old’s Summer Side Hustle Earned $150,000



This 20-Year-Old's Summer Side Hustle Earned $150,000

This Side Hustle Spotlight Q&A features 20-year-old college student Jacob Shaidle, founder of Ontario-based barbecue cleaning business Shaidle Cleaning. Responses have been edited for length and clarity.

Courtesy of Shaidle Cleaning. Jacob Shaidle.

What was your day job or primary occupation when you started your side hustle?
I was a 15-year-old high school student when I started my side hustle, Shaidle Cleaning. I always liked physical labor, so this was a natural fit. Before I started my business, at the age of 14, I worked full-time summers at a tree farm, but when my parents told me I had to pay my way through university, I wanted to make more than minimum wage to ensure I could pay tuition. I was shocked when I found out how expensive school really was! Today, I am a full-time university student during the school year and a full-time business owner during the summer. I plan on pursuing Shaidle Cleaning full-time after I graduate.

Related: This 52-Year-Old Started a Side Hustle That Brings People Joy — and It Earns Up to $30,000 During Wedding Season: ‘There Was Real Demand’

When did you start your side hustle, and where did you find the inspiration for it?
I started Shaidle Cleaning in the summer of 2021. My mom asked me to clean our barbecue at home and suggested that I go knocking down the street after I did such a good job. My parents mentioned cleaning neighbors’ grills to make more money than what I made at the tree farm. I never would have thought to start a business cleaning grills if they didn’t suggest it!

What were some of the first steps you took to get your side hustle off the ground?
I needed the proper cleaning supplies to get Shaidle Cleaning off the ground. Luckily, I already had a pressure washer at home from my Dad, and I spent $400 on other equipment (100% of my savings at the time). That first summer in business, I put everything into two grocery bags and walked about a half-mile radius from my house to clean grills — I didn’t have my driver’s license or a car, so walking was my only option. By the second summer, I made enough money to buy my own car, which allowed me to expand my service area and double my revenue.

Related: She Started a Creative Side Hustle That Made $100,000 in 10 Months — Now It Earns Up to $10 Million a Year: ‘Find Your Niche’

What were some of the biggest challenges you faced while building your side hustle, and how did you navigate them?
My three biggest challenges with the business have been ensuring amazing quality even after hiring people, maintaining a great online presence and managing such a high volume of clients. To ensure quality of service, I found that good, well-planned training was very important. Even more important, though, was hiring hardworking, passionate people — people who had similar goals and mindsets as me and could work toward a shared goal. Having an amazing team has been the driving factor in our business’s success.

Maintaining a great online presence is really challenging as a small business competing against all these “sharks” with more clients and money to outspend us on ads. With the help of my friend Aran Giffen, we have been able to establish a great online presence, selling people on the story and our youth, passion and drive rather than the actual service we provide. We want to make it clear that we are all students with the goal of helping other students, and that is how we present ourselves.

Lastly, going from managing 100 clients a summer to more than 700 has been a huge jump. As the owner, I want to have personal conversations with each client, get them excited about the service and make sure they have the best experience every time. Unfortunately, there just isn’t enough time in the day for me to do that. Instead, I have utilized the great personalities of my own workers to message, follow up and ensure the happiness of customers. We have also made client management easier with Jobber, which automatically stores all of our clients’ information, sends automated messages and keeps everything organized for me as the owner.

How long did it take you to see consistent monthly revenue? How much did the side hustle earn?
Since this is a seasonal business, I work hard each summer to ensure I increase my revenue from the previous season. In my first two months of operation in 2021, I made $5,000. The following summer, when I had my car, I doubled my revenue to $10,000. These were two-month summers in grades 11 and 12. In my first university summer, I hit my first $10,000 month and finished the summer with around $30,000.

This summer, which was my fourth summer in business, we did $100,000 in revenue in 75 days, ending the summer with roughly $150,000 in top-line revenue. As a one-man operation, it wasn’t too challenging to see consistent revenue in the summers. This is because I would typically knock on doors for one or two days to fill up my schedule for the week. This past year, we had seven technicians and 20 people in total, so it was much more challenging to stay consistent with the revenue. We had to learn quickly how to train employees, manage our sales team and deal with hundreds more customers. My best friend, Aran Giffen, has been a huge help in ensuring revenue stays consistent by managing our website, reach-out and online ads.

Related: The Side Hustle She Started in a High School Locker Room Hit Multimillion-Dollar Revenue — and Taylor Swift Is a Fan: ‘Invest in Yourself’

What does growth look like now?
I’ve been able to expand my one-man side hustle into a thriving business that has allowed me to hire dozens of high school and university students, helping them pay for their own education. With a growing, passionate and hard-working team, we aim to eventually break seven figures in revenue. Automation is a large part of being able to scale a business. We recently automated our customer communications by partnering with Jobber last summer, which has helped us tremendously. This partnership has allowed us to expand our customer base to hit 1,000 grill cleanings and six figures in revenue this year. Before Jobber, I spent a lot of my time scheduling cleanings and manually sending reminder messages to customers about their appointments — it ate up most of my day. Jobber completely takes that over by allowing customers to book their appointments online, automating reminder messages and sending invoices at the end of our service, which has freed up my time to focus on growing the business. We wouldn’t have been able to hit six figures in revenue or hire employees without this partnership.

What do you enjoy most about this side hustle?
By far, the most rewarding part of owning Shaidle Cleaning has been enabling my employees to afford their tuition and university costs. I am so proud of my team and happy with what we have accomplished so far, and I sincerely only want what is best for them. We are building a company around hardworking, dedicated and passionate students, and I value their work and effort more than anything else. My business is so much more than just cleaning grills — we’re creating a tight-knit community of students and helping them build and grow as people.

Related: She Started a T-Shirt Side Hustle as a Recent Grad Working at ‘People’ Magazine. It Led to a DM From Levi’s and $400 Million.

What’s your advice for others hoping to start successful side hustles of their own?
Find great people to surround yourself with. I used to think it would be so great to reach my big dreams on my own — more rewarding, efficient and impressive. But I was totally wrong. One of my favorite parts of my job is meeting new people who can help and enable me in different ways. It is much more rewarding to gather a group of people around a singular goal and lead them all to success than it is to do it alone. It is way quicker to build off the amazing knowledge of others to propel yourself forward in business, and it is more impressive to stick with the plan with the people around you than to hike up the mountain alone, leaving people behind.

With this message, there are four very important people I would like to mention who have helped me do amazing things in business. Aran Giffen, Brendan Quinlan and my parents. Aran joined along for the ride in year three and has been one of Shaidle Cleaning’s biggest assets. Brendan has acted as my mentor for just over a year now and has given me more knowledge, skills and advice than anyone else in business. Along with my mom and dad — who have always been by my side encouraging me no matter what and have had the pleasure of watching this grow since the very first BBQ — I am eternally grateful for these people and only wish to continue growing with them.

This article is part of our ongoing Young Entrepreneur® series highlighting the stories, challenges and triumphs of being a young business owner.

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